STMicroelectronics traça caminho para receita de mais de US$ 20 bilhões

STMicroelectronics charts path to revenue of over $20 billion

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, hosted its Capital Markets Day in Paris, France on May 12.

The event and live webcast featured an introduction from President and CEO Jean-Marc Chery, as well as presentations from executive management, who shared details about ST's strategy, key market trends, growth opportunities, developments in manufacturing, technology and products, ESG sustainability strategy and value creation.

The summary table below includes the company's expectations regarding its previously released operating and sales plan for full year 2022 revenues and recently issued ambition for 2025-27.

Under an unchanged value proposition focused on sustainable and profitable growth, providing differentiating enablers to customers and with a strong commitment to sustainability, ST will leverage its initial focus on three long-term enablers: smart mobility, energy and energy management. energy, and IoT and connectivity.

ST's $20+ billion revenue ambition will build on the strength of the company's Integrated Device Manufacturer model and customer relationships and will be based on its established end-market and application strategy focused on Industrial and Automotive as a broad range leader and selective leadership positions in Personnel Electronic and communications equipment, computers and peripherals.

This revenue ambition is expected to be driven by:

1. The company's core business, leveraging ST's technology and market leadership, is expected to grow in line with its established market

2. High growth areas, within or adjacent to ST's core business, where the company has or seeks market leadership and is investing in technology, talent, product development and manufacturing.

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