STMicroelectronics oferece kit de desenvolvimento de multiconectividade para rastreamento de ativos

STMicroelectronics offers multi-connectivity development kit for asset tracking

STMicroelectronics' STEVAL-ASTRA1B multi-connectivity evaluation platform provides a complete ecosystem for building a complete proof-of-concept for asset tracking systems. Battery-powered and with a small form factor, the evaluation kit also includes firmware to simplify development of specific applications such as livestock monitoring, fleet management and logistics.

The kit helps users evaluate ST's first short- and long-range STM32 wireless system-on-chip (SoC) devices. The STM32WL55JC sub-GHz SoC for long-range connectivity (LPWAN) implements the LoRaWAN protocol and provides LoRa, (G)FSK, (G)MSK and BPSK modulations.

The other wireless SoC is the STM32WB5MMG module for 2.4GHz Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee connectivity. Each device has an Arm Cortex-M4 core for application processing with a dedicated Cortex-M0+ to manage the radio.

The development kit also includes a ST25DV64K near-field communication (NFC) contactless chip for secure pairing and communication and a STSAFE-A110 secure element that ensures privacy and protects against hackers.

Additionally, a Teseo-LIV3F miniature GNSS module provides accurate and reliable outdoor positioning. Multiple ST sensors are integrated to monitor asset and environmental conditions. These include a low voltage, ultra-low power STTS22H temperature sensor with ±0.5°C accuracy, HTS221 digital temperature and humidity sensor; LPS22HH barometric pressure sensor and LIS2DTW12 ultra-low power 3-axis accelerometer.

There is also an always-on LSM6DSO32X inertial module, which contains a 3D accelerometer and a 3D gyroscope with a machine learning core.

The STEVAL-ASTRA1B features an intelligent power and battery management architecture that helps developers maximize application runtime. It includes ST1PS02 nano-quiescent synchronous step-down converter, STBC03 lithium-ion battery charging controller, and TCPP01-M12 USB-C port protection IC.

Users can leverage a comprehensive ecosystem that includes software and tools for “road testing” applications under development. They include the FP-ATR-ASTRA1 STM32Cube software function package with firmware libraries and typical application examples. There is also ST's asset tracking mobile app, available on the Apple Store and Google Play.

Additionally, DSH-ASSETRACKING's web-based cloud dashboard makes it simple to create an end-to-end proof of concept and is free for demonstration purposes.

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