Que fatores você deve considerar ao contratar desenvolvedores?

What factors should you consider when hiring developers?

Hiring engineers will make you look at technical and interpersonal skills. But you should definitely go beyond them and also consider these “X factors”.

Desenvolvedores talentosos

When your company is looking to expand, one path you will probably have to take is to hire new developers. You can hire these software engineers to work in-house or even hire them through a third-party development company . Where you hire your developers and whether or not they work on-site or remotely is not as important as hiring the right people for the project and your company.

And that's often the trick to finding the perfect fit for your business. If you hire the wrong developers, not only will your project suffer, but it could also harm the fragile nature of your company's inner workings. It's a very fine line to cross when looking for the ideal developer and ideal teammate.

So what do you look for when hiring new developers? It's not always possible to just apply the standard metrics and assumptions used for other types of teams. And you probably already have some requirements that these new hires must meet.

And the X Factor? These qualities cannot always be taught, but they are highly sought after because it is in these qualities that you will find the true gems.

Let's take a look at some possible X-factors you should be aware of, whether you're hiring at an offshore development company or for in-house roles.

Look for developers who can lead (but don't demand to be in charge)

Developers must know how to lead a project. But there's a very fine line between taking charge and demanding to be in charge. One is about carrying out a project and the other is about ego.

When interviewing candidates, you need to ask questions that can help you determine which side of the coin they are on. If you're interviewing someone who seems more likely to insist on leading a project, be aware that this could be a red flag. You want developers who know when to take control and when to let others take the reins.

If you fail to do this, you will end up hiring a developer who will conflict with your other engineers and, quite possibly, your entire hierarchy.

Look for developers with a strong sense of curiosity

Most people believe that developers don't just color the lines – they create the lines that must be strictly followed. This is far from true. In fact, really good developers redefine what the lines are and can see beyond the standard perspectives.

You want developers who demonstrate a strong sense of curiosity. It is from curious developers that truly brilliant solutions emerge. Curious developers don't feel confined by the usual restrictions and are willing to be creative to find a solution that may have never been considered.

If you only hire software engineers who toe the line, your company could miss out on truly unique ideas that can transform and transform your company into something you never would have achieved otherwise.

Look for developers who can help develop value for your business

You might think that the only reason you're hiring new developers is to ship a project. Maybe so, but the right developer can also help add value to your business (and not just the project in question).

Think of it this way: there are some developers who might look at a project and realize that it's missing a feature that no one else offers that could take their company ahead of the competition. This is adding value to your business, not just the project.

You want developers who can think from multiple perspectives to get an edge over the competition. This type of developer can do just that.

Look for developers who are brilliant but humble

Developers tend to be very strong-willed people. They focus most of their time on one thing: developing software. Because of this, many developers can become brilliant at what they do. The problem lies when a certain developer lets this intelligence go to their head and ends up spending a lot of time reminding people around them how smart they are.

You want to look for brilliant minds who aren't aware of how brilliant they are, or who are aware and don't let that intelligence go to their heads. You want brilliant, humble developers. The problem with too much ego (even if it's deserved) is that not only can it become a problem for other developers, it can also cause management problems.

Look for developers who are willing to accept criticism without letting their ego get in the way, reacting at every turn.

Look for developers who are loyal… up to a point

Loyalty is a complicated issue. You don't want to hire a developer who is extremely loyal. When you hire a developer who prefers to remain in constant deference to their superiors, you may end up hiring employees who refuse to point out when management is about to make a crucial mistake on a project.

You want developers who are loyal to a project first, those who will do whatever it takes to deliver the best product, not just to put the company ahead, but also to meet the needs and wants of those who will use the software (be they consumers ). , customers or the company itself).

Look for developers with a diverse portfolio

Let's say you have Project X, which is mainly being developed in GoLang. Therefore, your inclination is to hire a developer who has mastered GoLang. That's great, but what happens when that project is delivered and the next project is being developed in Java or Rust? Can this GoLang developer catch up quickly enough to continue?

When hiring developers, look for those with expertise but who can also handle other languages. You want to find developers who have a portfolio that showcases a variety of skills and languages. They don't need to know more than 10 languages, but having the skills that highlight a variety of programming languages ​​will do more for your company than you can imagine.

Look for developers who can fill the necessary gaps

Along the same lines, you should also look for developers who can fill gaps in your current teams. You might have three different teams that are great at creating web apps but not so good at developing mobile apps. You may have teams that are great at backend development but struggle with the frontend.

You'll want to go into these interviews knowing exactly what your current development teams' needs are and meeting them with your new hires.


Outside of standard considerations (like teamwork, skills, and general compatibility), you should approach all developer interviews with these your team.

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