Qual é a diferença entre prova de conceito, protótipo e MVP?

What is the difference between proof of concept, prototype and MVP?

Discover the distinctions: the Proof of Concept tests the viability of an idea, the Prototype shows the functionality of a product, while the MVP offers a minimal, market-ready solution.

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Terceirização de software

What is a POC?

Proof of Concept (POC) is not a term used exclusively in software development, as it is also used in many other areas, from healthcare to the film industry. But the basic idea when it comes to software development is to test an idea to see if it is viable and practical to build. As the name suggests, the development team proves whether the concept you imagine (which even looks good on paper) can become reality.

How does this look? The engineering team analyzes the idea and checks whether the software is technologically viable, whether there is a market for it and whether there are potential gaps in the development process that could interfere with its construction. As the whole team is involved, the idea is varied, so it also serves as a way to detect weaknesses and also to define how relevant the product really is.

Why go ahead? A POC is an important part of development because it verifies theoretical concepts before any work is actually done. If an idea fails at this stage, it can easily be discarded without much cost.

A Proof of Concept can be used in the following scenarios:

  • To check the value of a software idea
  • To be sure that the chosen software development method is appropriate
  • To define whether the idea meets the needs of the intended users
  • To identify limitations and examine its functionality

Benefits of a POC:

  • Possibility to choose the best technology stack
  • Practical demonstration of value to stakeholders
  • Functionality validation
  • Valuable feedback before building anything

What is a prototype?

A prototype is often seen as the same thing as a POC, but that's only because they both have similar goals. Although POC is more of a theoretical process where the team checks the viability of its idea, when prototyping the team actually builds a working model of the software, albeit with very limited functionality.

How does this look? The first thing a development team does when dealing with a prototype is to gather requirements to understand the fundamentals of the software. Once this is done, engineers go ahead and build the actual prototype with just a few features and a (very) basic interface. You can then test how that prototype works, request changes, and wait for the team to refine it.

Why go ahead? Unlike a POC, here you will be given something that you can try. What's more, you can pass this prototype back to a select group of members of your target audience to get enough feedback to determine whether your assumptions about your idea are correct or whether you need to course correct. In a nutshell, a prototype is like a sketch that gives you and your team a first look at what the final product could look like.

A prototype can be used in the following scenarios:

  • To test software that will have a lot of interaction with end users.
  • To design good human-computer interfaces
  • To prove the value of a product in a more practical way

Benefits of a prototype:

  • Quick test for possible errors
  • Valuable feedback before building the complete product
  • Cost-effective way to identify customer needs
  • Simple way to check if software matches specifications

What is an MVP?

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the most complete of these initial alternatives, as the development team builds a working product with all the main features. So, you can see an MVP as the closest option to a final product. In fact, an MVP can serve as a foundation on which you can later build a complete product with more features.

How does this look? When the development team decides to build an MVP for you, they start by collecting requirements and doing some market research. After that, engineers begin designing the product while idealizing its features. Once they have a list of resources, they define which ones are the most important and work only on them. After that, they offer the first MVP that you can evaluate and request changes. From there, it's an iterative process.

Why go ahead? An MVP is all about finding a balance between minimal design and maximum value arising from an initial idea. In other words, a well-developed MVP can double as a functional product that you can market to your target audience. In other words, it can go beyond validating your idea, but rather become the first version of your ideal product.

An MVP can be used in the following scenarios:

  • To test a new approach on a proven product type
  • To create a product with well-known specifications
  • To get in-depth feedback from your target audience

Here are just some of the benefits of an MVP:

  • Good way to develop a customer base through early adopters
  • Better proof of value for stakeholders
  • Early testing opportunities
  • Practical way to gain user intelligence
  • Economic

Make an informed decision

As you've certainly noticed, POCs, prototypes, and MVPs all pursue the same general goal – testing how viable and attractive a piece of software can be for your target audience. That's practically the only similarity between them. They each take a different approach to achieving this goal, and in doing so, each addresses varying needs.

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