Potencial elétrico e diferença de potencial

Electric potential and potential difference

electrical potential difference

The definition of electrical potential is the ability of charged particles to do work. The unit of electrical potential is volt.

When two particles with equal charges approach each other, they repel each other, while particles with unequal charges attract each other. This means that every charged particle has a tendency to do work.
The electrical potential at a point due to a charge is a unit of potential if one joule of work is done to give one unit of positive charge, i.e. positive charge of 1 coulomb, from the time to the point.
Mathematically speaking, it is expressed as follows:
Electric potential = work done / charge
= W/Q

  • Electric charge and current
In electrical circuits, current typically flows from a higher electrical potential to a lower electrical potential. In other words, the difference between the electrical potential at any two points in a circuit is called potential. This is called the voltage between the two points and is measured in volts. It is referred to as V.
For example, let V be the electrical potential of a charged particle A 1 while the electrical potential of a charged particle B is, for example, V 2 Then the potential between the two particles is A and BV 1 -V 2 If you 1 -V 2 is positive, we say that A has a greater potential than B, whereas if V 1- v 2 is negative, we say that B has a greater potential than A.
Consider two points with a potential of V volts between them, as shown in the figure. Point A has a higher potential than B. According to the definition of unit potential, V joules of work must be done to move a unit charge from point B to point A.
Diferença de potencial25255b525255d-4610286
  • Resistor color coding and resistance calculation
Thus, when two points with completely different potentials are connected by means of a wire, the electric current flows from the higher potential to the lower potential, that is, the electrons start to flow from the lower potential to the higher potential. To maintain the flow of electrons, that is, the flow of electric current, there must be a potential between the two points.

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