Por que usar Python?

Why use Python?

Why use Python? Unleash the power of Python programming for faster development, data analysis, and automation. Explore the benefits of Python today!

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Facebook, Google, Dropbox, Spotify, Quora, Wikipedia, Netflix, Yahoo!, NASA and many other companies have used Python. The high-level, general-purpose programming language was first released nearly three decades ago and has been gaining popularity ever since. In fact, it has been ranked as the third most loved language in the world. Stack Overflow's 2020 Developer Survey and also ranked third in the TIOBE Index for June of that year.

Why is it an ideal language for your next product? Here are just some of Python's best qualities and features.

It's easy to read and write

One feature of Python that many programmers and development companies appreciate is its simple syntax. The code is easy to read and write — it's an interpreted language, meaning it doesn't use typical computer code but is written with English words.

Can be used for many purposes

Python is a general-purpose language used to create a multitude of products. These various uses include:

  • Web app development, including progressive web apps and more
  • Mobile apps
  • Chat bots
  • Games
  • Console Applications
  • Desktop GUIs
  • Business applications, including enterprise software
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) software

Software that incorporates AI is an especially notable use of Python. Python facilitates machine learning for many purposes, such as data mining, teaching machines to recognize and adapt to patterns.

It has a huge community with many libraries

Thanks to Python's enormous popularity, the language is supported by a vast community, which provides it with extensive resources. Particularly notable are its many libraries, complete with open source tools like frameworks. Django, Dash, Falcon, and Flask are just a few of the many popular Python frameworks that enable faster and easier software development.

If you're just learning Python, you'll also have access to lots of beginner-friendly resources, including books, videos, tutorials, and more. Even experienced Python developers will appreciate online forums and communities where they can learn tips and tricks and ask for suggestions on troubleshooting and more.

It is compatible with many different operating systems and platforms

Python is largely platform independent, meaning it can run on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. In some cases, keep in mind that you may need to use a framework like CherryPy, which will ensure that your application can run on a Python-compatible operating system.

Since Python is an interpreted programming language, it also generally does not require recompilation to run the same code on different supported platforms. Again, this makes development more efficient because you won't need to make multiple sets of changes to the code — you can just do it once.

It is Object Oriented

As an object-oriented language in which objects include separate sets of data, have individual characteristics and properties, and interact with each other, Python is an especially valuable programming language to have in your toolbox.

Object-oriented languages ​​have several benefits, including the fact that the model tends to be simple, given the way it is constructed to mirror real objects. You can also make changes to a single component without the change affecting other aspects of your program. Additionally, objects are reusable for other projects and programs, reducing the total time your projects will take.

Debugging is simplified

Python's abundance of frameworks is especially useful for debugging. While quality assurance (QA) specialists perform a more comprehensive and thorough analysis of your product, running tests to evaluate performance, functionality, usability, and more, programmers perform unit testing during development. Unit testing will allow you to debug your product as you build it, and that's where Python frameworks come into play.

While unit testing won't catch all of your product's defects during development—nor can QA testing guarantee the absence of bugs—it will make it even more likely that you're shipping a quality product.

Is up to date

Given its longevity, the programming language has undergone extensive changes and modifications since its initial release decades ago, aimed at improving security, debugging, and many other features and modifications.

With readable and writable syntax, multiple uses and applications, and huge community, platform compatibility, object orientation, easy debugging, and frequent releases, Python is an important and useful language for any developer to know.

If you liked this article, check out one of our other Python articles.

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