Por que ocorrem erros?

Why do errors occur?

Bugs are a very common occurrence in software. They can harm not only your product but also your reputation if you don't address them early enough.

Bugs no Desenvolvimento de Software

Your software is your baby. It was a long time in the making, it is the product of your hard work, and it is a reflection of you – I mean your business. So you want it to be as high quality and clean as possible.

Unfortunately, bugs are a very common occurrence in software of all types, from applications to systems and programs. They can harm not only your product but also your reputation if you don't. address them early enough. This begs the question: why do bugs happen in the first place? Which obviously leads to another question: how can you prevent them from negatively impacting your image?

What is a bug?

A bug is a defect in software that causes the program to function incorrectly or differently than the creator intended. The term has appeared in relation to technology since at least the early 19th century, when Thomas Edison described flaws in his innovations as bugs. But Grace Hopper was probably the first to apply it to a computer – when a real bug, a trapped moth, caused problems in a computer program.

Why do bugs occur in software?

There are many root causes of bugs. Some of the most common are:

Lack of communication

Bugs can often result from the business and software development team failing to communicate effectively. If the company has not clearly defined or articulated its requirements, software developers will have difficulty meeting them and the final product may not perform according to the business leaders' vision.

To achieve the desired result, a company must thoroughly communicate its requirements to the development team at the beginning of the project. This way, developers will understand what they want to achieve and can build a complete product. Both parties must also be in constant communication throughout the project to ensure its ultimate success.

Inexperienced developers

Working with developers who do not have the experience and skills needed to complete your project can also result in a bug-ridden program. That's why it's essential to employ a rigorous vetting process when hiring in-house and outsourced teams. In addition to interviewing them to assess both their interpersonal skills and technical skills – which may include a programming test – you should also analyze their previous work and clients.

Typically, this involves looking at past projects and testimonials from previous clients to ensure not only do they have general development experience, but also that they have worked on projects similar to yours.

Inadequate deadlines

Everyone wants to be the first to commercialize their next big innovation. But the software development process takes time to get right. If you try to rush, you risk introducing or not detecting bugs, which can have serious consequences.

An experienced development team can help ensure you complete your project as quickly as possible. But even the best professionals cannot do the impossible. A qualified team will also tell you if your project timeline is unrealistic and give you the best estimate of how long it will actually take. You, the business leader, must listen to them and not force them to rush the project, which will likely result in a lower quality product.

Ever-changing requirements

Things happen. Your requirements are not necessarily set in stone. But if it is possible, you should make every effort to define your requirements before the project officially starts and avoid changing them, at least in essence. By changing them frequently, you cause confusion for developers and other stakeholders. A moving part can also affect other parts of the project, making bugs even more possible.

If it is absolutely necessary to change the requirements, the development team must explain to the business how this will affect the rest of the project. A company may not understand how what appears to be a small change can impact the schedule and the product as a whole.

Defective tools

Using third-party tools can speed up development and make the entire process easier. However, both developers and companies must ensure that these tools—libraries, frameworks, and so on—help the project rather than hurt it. Sometimes they can introduce bugs into the product.

Additionally, development teams must be careful to keep their tools consistent throughout the project. Changing them frequently can also result in bugs.

Insufficient or missing quality control tests

Quality assurance (QA) testing is the best way to not only catch bugs before product release, but also ensure quality in other aspects of the product such as performance, usability, and functionality. If you cut corners by skipping the quality control process or not giving it the attention it deserves, you could be dooming your product to failure.

QA specialists must play a separate role from developers. They are responsible for carrying out a variety of rigorous tests to ensure the product is behaving as expected, as well as detecting any bugs that may affect it.

Lack of documentation

Software developers must make every effort to document their code when creating their products. Without adequate documentation, it will be difficult to modify or develop the project to bring it to fruition and complete it. Furthermore, when the code has not been well documented, bugs can occur.

It's more helpful to write clear, easy-to-follow code from the start — and document your efforts accordingly. Overly complex code is more likely to introduce bugs into the software, as other developers will have difficulty reading and understanding it.

It is impossible to completely guarantee that a product is error-free before releasing it to the market. However, following best practices and understanding the factors that contribute to the occurrence of these defects can help prevent them from interfering with the quality and success of your software. When you make strides to nip these problems in the bud, before they even occur, you're ensuring you're doing your best to create the best product possible.

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