Por que o teste de controle de qualidade é importante?

Why is quality control testing important?

Uncover the importance of quality control testing: a gateway to software reliability, user satisfaction, and reduced costs.

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The software development life cycle (SDLC) is not complete without quality assurance (QA) testing. In fact, this vital process is as important as the development phase itself. But it's also often misunderstood to the point where people ask whether it's really necessary. This is because they fail to see the powerful reasons behind the existence of QA testing.

Controle de qualidade

#1 Saves money

Detecting defects early in the SDLC will be much more cost-effective than fixing them later, after the product is almost fully developed or released. If QA experts are involved from the beginning, they will help ensure that the product does not progress too far along with bugs that will affect its quality, which are harder and more expensive to resolve when the SDLC is in its final stages. .

When faulty software is released, a company will lose money, not only from dissatisfied customers who will turn to a competitor's product, but also from potential consumers who read negative reviews and negative publicity and decide not to buy or use it. With a comprehensive quality control process in place, companies can prevent teething problems from turning into disasters.

#2 Gives objectivity to the SDLC

Unlike the software developer, who built the product and has a vested interest in its success, the QA tester can offer an objective, third-party perspective on the product. This increases the likelihood that they will detect defects that a developer might not notice because they were too close to it from the beginning.

#3 Improves user experience

QA testing doesn’t just involve detecting bugs – it also involves evaluating different aspects of software functionality, quality, and performance. A particularly important aspect of the product usability evaluation process. Companies must ensure that users have a hassle-free, satisfying – and even enjoyable – experience when interacting with the application or other software.

When evaluating the product, testers will put themselves in the consumer's shoes, anticipating what type of experience they will have with the product. If they find any issues, they will document their findings for the developer to troubleshoot and resolve before releasing the product to the market. This allows companies to produce a higher quality version of the software – the one that consumers will actually use.

#4 Helps ensure product safety

Data breaches and other issues that arise from products that have vulnerabilities or insecure features are one of the worst-case scenarios for companies. When hackers manage to steal user information or wreak havoc on their devices, the resulting damage to the company that launched the product can be catastrophic and, in many cases, irreversible.

Consumers need to be able to feel safe and secure when using products. Since many types of software, including banking, retail and insurance applications, require you to provide sensitive information, the company must earn your trust. Security testing will help find vulnerabilities before the product is released, ensuring the product is as secure as possible.

#5: Enables Businesses to Be Proactive

Companies cannot afford to be reactive when it comes to their products. Resolving problems later, after the software is released, is expensive. There is also the fact that the damage has already been done – consumers used a defective product and may have already discarded it and turned to a competitor.

The quality control process ensures that companies are proactive. They will put the product through rigorous testing, evaluating aspects of the product such as functionality, performance, number of users it can accommodate at a given time, security, and many others. While it cannot fully guarantee the absence of defects, it can increase the likelihood that the company will release high-quality, stable software.

#6 Helps Protect Business Reputation

Delivering a defective, buggy product is the quickest way to destroy a company's reputation. Many companies do not recover from such a misstep, and those that do have to work hard to repair and rectify their mistakes, often over a long period of time.

It is extremely difficult to change people's minds once their minds have been made up, and consumers who have had a bad experience with a product are unlikely to use it again unless it is absolutely vital and there is no alternative available.

This is why every product released by a company must be of high quality from the beginning. The only way to guarantee this quality is to subject it to an expert-led quality control process that will evaluate all important aspects of the software, from user experience to security. Ultimately, this will help boost the overall reputation of the product and, in turn, the business itself. This will build consumer trust and also solidify a brand in the eyes of the public.

Our experts will carry out rigorous testing to evaluate various aspects of the products' performance and functionality. Learn more about our process and how it can help organizations of all types by contacting us today.

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