O que é um Jupyter Notebook e como implantá-lo

What is a Jupyter Notebook and how to deploy it

Today, I want to walk you through the process of deploying a Jupyter Notebook and then demonstrate how to use the tool.

Caderno Jupyter

Your new project has been named and saved.

You can return to this project at any time by clicking on the name.

When you're done with your project, close your web browser and go back to the terminal where you ran the jupyter notebook command. Press the Ctrl+c key combination to end the service. Whenever you want to return to your notebook, run the jupyter notebook command again, open your project and that's it.


Anyone who wants an interactive web-based Python environment that helps make various programming tasks a little simpler should try Jupyter Notebook. Not only will your process be better organized, but you'll also enjoy interactive widgets for your Python applications, all from the convenience of your web browser.

If you liked this article, check out one of our other Python articles.

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  • Python development trends
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