The must-read book for outsourcing to Latin America

Outsourcing de TI para a América Latina

After a year of work and research, Nacho De Marco published his book “ IT Outsourcing for Latin America: an analysis of the market and opportunities in the region ”. The book addresses the three main problems of current development: talent shortages, personnel efforts and high production costs. With abundant examples and case studies, Nacho shows how Latin America has evolved to solve these problems more efficiently compared to other popular outsourcing markets. The impact of aspects such as Cultural Proximity and Time Zone Misalignment is analyzed with a focus on cost and effectiveness.

Considered an innovative leader in the sector and representative of Software Development for Latin America for years, Nacho is a guest writer for, The Huffington Post, VentureBeat, Forbes and several niche technology sites. This book represents the culmination of his experience as a programmer and CEO, combining technical knowledge with keen business acumen. This makes it essential reading for any company looking to choose their next outsourcing destination.

The book can be downloaded for free here.

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