O guia completo para testes de circuito aberto de transformadores

The Complete Guide to Transformer Open Circuit Testing

Advances in transformer differential protection

Transformers play a central role in electrical power systems as they increase or decrease voltage to ensure efficient power distribution. To ensure their reliability and performance, transformers undergo a series of tests, one of which is the no-load test. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at open circuit testing of transformers and explore its importance, procedure, and relevance in electrical engineering.

Understanding Transformers

Transformer no-load test

Before we delve into the intricacies of no-load testing, let's briefly clarify what transformers are and why they are so important in electrical engineering.

What is a transformer?

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits by electromagnetic induction. It changes the voltage level while the AC frequency remains constant. Transformers are ubiquitous in power distribution systems, ensuring that electricity can be transmitted over long distances efficiently and with minimal losses.

Transformer Components

A typical transformer consists of two main components:

  • Primary coil: Also called input coil. Here electrical energy is supplied to the transformer.
  • Secondary coil: This coil receives the transformed electrical energy, which can be of higher or lower voltage depending on the transformer design.

Importance of transformer testing

Transformer no-load test

Transformer testing is critical for several reasons:

  • Quality control: Testing ensures that transformers meet industry standards and specifications, ensuring their quality and reliability.
  • Performance Assessment: It helps to evaluate the performance of a transformer under different conditions and ensures that it is working efficiently.
  • Safety: Tests identify possible problems or failures and prevent accidents and electrical risks.

Now let's dive into the details of inactivity testing.

The idle test

Transformer no-load test

Open circuit testing is one of the basic tests performed on transformers. The purpose of this test is to determine the no-load losses in a transformer, which mainly consist of core losses (hysteresis and eddy current losses). The information obtained from this test is critical to the efficient design and operation of transformers.

Purpose of inactivity test

The main objectives of the idle test are:

  • Measuring no-load losses: Quantifies power losses when the transformer is energized at rated voltage but no load is connected to the secondary winding.
  • Determination of excitation current: The test provides data on the current consumed by the primary winding of the transformer when connected to the rated voltage under no-load conditions. This current is called the excitation current.

How to perform the inactivity test

  • Configure: The first step is to configure the transformer for testing. This usually includes ensuring the transformer is at the correct temperature and all connections are secure.
  • Connecting the transformer: Apply the rated voltage to the primary winding of the transformer. This voltage must be within the specified limits of the transformer.
  • Parameter measurement: Measure and record the primary current, primary voltage, secondary current (almost zero in this test), and secondary voltage.
  • Loss calculation: Use measured values ​​to calculate no-load losses, including hysteresis and eddy current losses.
  • Determination of excitation current: The excitation current can be determined by measuring the primary current. This current is an important parameter for transformer design.

Additional Resources and Further Learning

Transformer no-load test

For those who want to delve deeper into the world of transformers and transformer testing, several resources are available:

  • Textbooks and technical publications: Browse textbooks like “Transformer Engineering: Design and Practice” by SV Kulkarni and SA Khaparde or refer to technical publications and research reports to gain in-depth knowledge.
  • Online courses: Many educational platforms offer online courses in electrical engineering and transformer technology. These courses can provide a comprehensive overview of transformer testing and operation.
  • Industry seminars and workshops: Attending industry-specific seminars and workshops can be invaluable for networking with experts and staying up to date on the latest developments in transformer technology.
  • Simulation software: Using some software tools, you can simulate transformer behavior and perform virtual tests to improve your understanding of transformer performance under various conditions.
  • Technical Forums: Participate in online forums and communities where professionals discuss topics related to transformers, share experiences and answer questions.


In the world of electrical engineering, transformers are essential and their performance and efficiency are of utmost importance. As part of transformer testing, no-load testing plays an important role in evaluating these aspects. By measuring no-load losses and determining excitation currents, this test provides important data for the effective design and operation of transformers.

Understanding no-load testing is just one step toward mastering the intricacies of transformers. As technology advances, demand for more efficient and reliable transformers grows, making transformer testing and optimization an ongoing task for electrical engineers and power systems professionals.

With the knowledge acquired in this article, you will be able to better understand the importance of the idle speed test and its role in ensuring the good distribution of electrical energy.

Common questions

1. Why is the idle test performed in idle mode?

No-load testing is performed without load to isolate and measure losses in the transformer when it operates at its rated voltage with no load present on the secondary side. This allows for an accurate assessment of core losses, which is critical to determining transformer efficiency and performance.

2. What are hysteresis and eddy current losses and why are they important in no-load testing?

Hysteresis losses arise from the continuous magnetization and demagnetization of the transformer core as it passes through the AC waveform. Eddy current losses arise from circulating currents in the conductive core material. Both losses are important in no-load testing because they represent no-load losses, which are essential to understanding the overall efficiency and performance of a transformer.

3. How does no-load test data contribute to transformer design and operation?

The data obtained from the no-load test provides important information for the design of efficiently operating transformers. They help determine core losses, excitation currents and other parameters that are crucial in determining transformer performance and ensuring its optimal operation in real-world conditions. This information is also valuable for estimating the transformer's operating costs over its useful life.

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