Limpeza de primavera de software

Software spring cleaning

For your business to run smoothly, you need to organize your team's programs, systems, applications, and files. Spring is the perfect time to refresh and reevaluate.

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The weather may not seem like it, but spring has arrived. For many of us, it's time to physically clean our homes and offices, eliminate clutter, and make everything sparkle. But spring cleaning isn't just about wiping down surfaces and emptying your closets — it's also an important practice for your technology.

Companies should pay attention and review their programs, systems and software all the time, of course, but spring is a great time to refresh and reset. So while you're deep cleaning your home, put your company's software on your spring cleaning list, too.

Why do software spring cleaning?

You know that clutter is never good. It leaves you disorganized; It's hard to find things and it's chaotic. This goes beyond the items in your physical space – it also applies to your devices.

For your business to run smoothly, you need to organize your team's programs, systems, applications, and files. It is also an essential process for increasing security and keeping your software up to date. This will ultimately mean a more robust and secure organization.

Software Cleanup Checklist

1. Make sure programs and software update automatically

We all get notifications that our software needs to be updated – and frankly, these notifications can be a little annoying. But updates are important to keep your software and devices running smoothly.

One of the main reasons for this is security. Cybercriminals are increasingly sophisticated and continue to launch increasingly complex attacks on our technology. They are able to take advantage of vulnerabilities in your systems, which allow them to hack your devices and wreak havoc on your programs – and your entire organization.

That's why developers release updates regularly . Typically, they include patches and fixes for these vulnerabilities, preventing cybercriminals from exploiting them and protecting your systems. They also address defects and performance issues, along with other software issues, to make programs work better. In some cases, they could add new features or enhance existing ones. These updates really do matter.

The best practice for managing updates is to configure your software to run them automatically. This means your devices will download and install updates without your intervention. Because your team members likely use a variety of devices and operating systems, it makes more sense to set up procedures at the beginning of an employee's tenure with the organization, i.e. during onboarding. Your IT team can help you configure settings to perform automatic updates or pre-install them on company devices.

Again, although it may seem like an unnecessary and time-consuming process, it is no less important. So instead of avoiding updates, forget about them by setting them to automatically download and make sure your team is doing the same.

2. Back up your data

Data loss is annoying, to say the least. At worst, it could be catastrophic for the entire organization. And to varying degrees, we've all been there – that moment when your worst fear comes true and you simply can't restore that all-important program or file. Maybe it's due to human error. Or perhaps you have been a victim of cybercrime. Whatever the reason, it's positively disturbing.

If you have been in this type of situation, we hope you have learned your lesson and now follow the motto: “ Support her !”

But what's the best way to back up your data? There is no one best way – the best approach is a combination of approaches. In fact, many experts advise backing up your information in three separate locations.

When you lead an organization, it involves quite a bit. That's why your data backup strategy needs to be comprehensive and detailed. Work with your internal IT team or external consultants/experts to solidify your plans. There are several solutions to consider, and you should try using multiple approaches.

Hard drives

Hard drives are external devices that store your data. They come in different sizes and with varying storage capacities. Some are portable, meaning you can physically carry them with you. In their earliest form, many hard drives came in the form of disks – called hard disk drives (HDDs) – but they are being used less and less frequently.

External hard drives, like flash drives and flash drives, are small, portable devices that connect to your computer, usually through a USB port. They usually have a large capacity and are easy to take anywhere.

Built-in backup software

Many devices, particularly laptops and desktops, come with built-in backup software that will perform automatic backups to external devices. For example, Apple computers use Time Machine.

While this is often a comprehensive and easy-to-use – not to mention free – option, you shouldn't rely solely on built-in backup software . Consider the other options on this list as backups for your backups.

Cloud storage

You're probably familiar with cloud storage options like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox, which back up your data to the cloud and let you access your files and information from anywhere with an Internet connection. This is one of the most convenient and safe ways to back up your information – information of different types and formats.

When choosing cloud storage providers, you should look for options that offer encryption, file versioning, easy restoration, and scalability. There are paid and free options, as well as several plans that offer more storage and other advantages.

3. Strengthen passwords

Your team members' passwords are too weak. Most passwords are very weak . But as an employer, there are steps you can take to protect your company information through passwords:

  • Make sure passwords are updated regularly, such as every three months.
  • Create rules for all passwords: a certain number of characters and the inclusion of uppercase and lowercase numbers, symbols and numbers.
  • Enable two-factor authentication, which means there must be two methods of verifying the user's identity before granting access, at least for first-time logins or logins on new devices.

Additionally, educate your team about creating hard-to-guess passwords and choosing different passwords for different accounts. They should also store their passwords securely to prevent hackers from finding them. A password manager can help you keep track of passwords and log in seamlessly without putting your organization at risk and compromising security.

If you don't follow these important steps, you are leaving yourself and your organization vulnerable to cyberattacks.

4. Install anti-malware software

Think about all the cyber threats and crimes that exist today:

  • Spyware
  • Ransomware
  • Key loggers
  • Virus
  • Rootkits
  • Straw man
  • Worms
  • Trojans

Although it can take many forms, the common thread of malware is that it can be distributed through various means – emails, software, websites, USB drives and more – and will infect your device with harmful software and viruses. In some cases, this occurs without the user's consent or even knowledge. It can perform various malicious actions, such as stealing money, data and passwords.

Malware protection software, also known as anti-malware software , can go a long way toward protecting your devices against these and other cybersecurity threats. Of course, as with any product or service your business considers purchasing, you need to do your due diligence to evaluate your options and find the best option for your needs.

A comprehensive and effective program will use a variety of tools such as machine learning, firewalls, disk scans, password managers, anti-phishing, virtual private networks (VPNs), cloud and hard drive backups, and automatic updates to protect your devices. . It will also regularly assess your devices to detect malware early, allowing you to act quickly.

Keep in mind that malware protection software doesn't have to be expensive. There are many powerful solutions that are cost-effective or even free.

In addition to installing malware protection software, companies must take additional steps to protect their files and information. This includes taking a cautious approach when evaluating anything you download or install, informing your team about virus protection best practices, and avoiding opening attachments or clicking links from someone you don't know or who seem suspicious.

5. Uninstall programs that are not being used

As you continue to rely on your devices, often for years on end, you install various programs, systems, extensions, applications and software. There are some programs that you use every day or almost every day. But there are others that you have never used or no longer use.

There are several problems with software backlog. For one thing, it takes up space on your hard drive. This means you may run out of storage space. This can also slow down your device.

Too many unused programs on your device can also leave it vulnerable to cybercrimes such as hackers as they are not being updated, making them more susceptible to attacks. Some antimalware programs will make it easier to identify forgotten and unused programs, flag possible problems and even eliminate them automatically. You can also do this manually, although it is a little more tedious.

No matter which path you choose, be sure to conduct a comprehensive review of the programs on all your devices, including your computer, smartphone, and tablet.

The same goes for your digital accounts. Maybe there are newsletters that you subscribed to a long time ago and just clicked delete instead of reading them or unsubscribing. Or you once set up an account at an online store that you haven't shopped at in years. While they may seem like a minor annoyance, they can actually be harmful to your devices, posing a very real security risk . Therefore, along with uninstalling the software, close digital accounts that you no longer use.

6. Review legacy software

Legacy software refers to programs that are older and often outdated but still in use within the company. While at one time the software may have been the peak or best version available, now there are usually better, more modern alternatives.

Legacy systems can cause a number of problems for your organization. First, they don't offer the features that more modern software does, like cloud computing. They also feature data silos and tend not to integrate well with the latest technologies. They are also often not compliant with the latest regulations and laws. Maintenance can also be quite expensive and present problems for your organization.

And ultimately, they stop you from growing and moving forward. These programs simply do not allow you to achieve your goals in any meaningful way because you have outgrown them and your capabilities. These systems will eventually fail, often sooner or later, and you will be stuck when they do.

Organizations may worry about the cost associated with updating their systems, but in reality, it is usually more cost-effective to introduce more modern tools. That's because outdated technology is prone to breaking , which means expensive repairs. They can also introduce problems such as security issues, which require substantial investment to resolve. Ultimately, relying on newer software will be better for you in the long run.

This is not to say that all legacy systems are inherently bad. In some cases, there may be a solid justification for continuing to use software you've relied on for years. For example, there may be ongoing projects that still depend on the original software.

But generally speaking, it's best practice to update your legacy programs to newer, more modern versions. Despite any resistance to change this is critical.

You should always perform a comprehensive review of your legacy systems to determine which programs need to be updated.

If you're having trouble figuring out which programs should stay and which should be replaced, consider working with an outside IT expert. They can help you navigate the legacy technology landscape. They can also work with you to find a better option for the tools you decide to replace and migrate your data to avoid losing something important. This will make the process much more manageable.

A final note

All of these practices are fundamental to building a safer, more efficient and organized workplace, regardless of your sector or niche. But they are far from the only steps you need to take as an organization to make your technology work for you. It is important to evaluate and reevaluate your technological infrastructure. Educating your team on how to use your tools effectively and responsibly is also essential.

As part of your software plan, institute a training program for new hires as well as frequent refresher seminars for team members already working at your company. And finally, continue to evaluate your procedures related to your technology to ensure everything is relevant to your progress and remains up to date.

If you liked this, be sure to check out our other articles on web development.

  • The best chatbots for websites
  • The 7 Most Popular Web Development Tools Used by Professionals
  • 5 cool tricks to speed up your page loading time
  • 10 Types of Web Application Development and Which Ones to Choose
  • Web App vs Website: Which is the “best” option?

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