Infográfico: 6 fatos sobre desenvolvimento de terceirização de TI

Infographic: 6 facts about IT outsourcing development

The development of outsourcing is a growing industry. In 2019, companies from all backgrounds are benefiting from the competitive advantage that digital solutions services offer…

Documento de terceirização de TI impresso e para laptop

The development of outsourcing is a growing industry. In 2019, companies of all origins are benefiting from the competitive advantage that digital solutions services can provide, increasing productivity and improving process efficiency.

6 outsourcing trends for 2019

Key points :

  • In 2018, the global outsourcing market totaled 85.6 billion US dollars. IT outsourcing, in particular, generated 62 billion US dollars.
  • Currently, 72% of companies outsource IT and 31% plan to increase their IT outsourcing.
  • Organizations said they outsourced primarily to: Improve customer experience (23%), transition from legacy IT to as-a-service models (17%), and reduce costs (35% cited this as the main driver).
  • Experts predict that the global IT Outsourcing market is expected to grow at a CICR rate of 4.42% during the period 2018-2022.
  • The ultra-low unemployment rate of 1.9% for the IT industry means that companies are finding it increasingly difficult to secure the tech talent they need.
  • The growing importance of technology in sectors such as finance, medicine and customer service has increased the demand for software engineers.

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