Infineon oferece solução de chip único para soluções de bloqueio inteligente

Infineon offers single-chip solution for smart lock solutions

In many sectors, conventional keys are quickly becoming obsolete, a development that has now reached the self-storage industry. Keep It Simple Storage (KISS), a US-based provider of next-generation solutions designed to simplify the operation of self-storage facilities, has transitioned from manual locks to fully automated, remotely controlled systems for secure locking.

With Infineon Technologies' battery-free, NFC-powered smart lock solution, the rental storage provider is enabling secure locking for storage locations with a smart lock.

The KISS smart lock system allows owners and operators to switch from manual locks to smart locks without the need for additional disruptive devices such as batteries, Bluetooth or cables.

The system enables instant and remote troubleshooting – a feature previously unavailable in this industry. These features eliminate common self-storage inconveniences like auctions, losing keys, and replacing locks.

It also eliminates the need for operators to provide 24/7 maintenance crews for individual lockout incidents. The smart lock is based on Infineon's NAC1080 microcontroller (MCU), a single-chip solution with an integrated H-bridge for passive NFC lock applications.

“We are excited to introduce our new smart lock products to the world, a perfect combination of cutting-edge NFC technology and energy harvesting mechanisms. These lock products not only guarantee unparalleled security, but also reflect our commitment to sustainability. It's not just about unlocking doors; it’s about unlocking a future where technology eliminates inefficiencies while creating eco-friendly living environments,” said Robert Kapp, founder of KISS.

Infineon's NAC1080 integrates an H-bridge and energy harvesting module to enable a smart actuator in a single-chip solution with fewer components. Through the NFC interface, the NAC1080 MCU allows direct control of a device via a smartphone, which allows you to manage multiple storage units from a KISS lock system. Additionally, advanced on-premises and cloud functions can be extended via the mobile app. The NAC1080 also reduces bill of materials and supports miniaturized product design.

The MCU supports multiple operating modes and can be powered in passive mode by the NFC field with energy collected from the cell phone or through a battery in active mode. The NAC1080 also features a built-in AES128 accelerator and true random number generator, enabling data encryption and decryption in an ultra-low power consumption environment. In addition to passive NFC blocking applications, the NAC1080 can also be used in applications such as backup power for active blocking systems and NFC interface ICs for electronic devices.

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