Infineon lança plataforma de carregamento escalável e sem fio com controladores configuráveis

Infineon Launches Scalable, Wireless Charging Platform with Configurable Controllers

The wireless charging market has grown increasingly larger in recent years, with more and more applications applying this capability to take advantage of the benefits offered.

To help designers overcome the challenges of modern wireless power transfer and meet key application requirements, Infineon Technologies has released the WLC1115 transmitter controller ICs – the first product in the new WLC controller family for inductive wireless charging.

The WLC1115 comes with a Qi v1.3.2 certified MP A11 power transmitter reference solution aimed at diverse applications including smartphones, smart speakers, docking stations, monitor stands, as well as industrial or healthcare accessories.

“The WLC1115 transmitter controller IC and complementary reference design for wireless charging are the ideal choice for a wide range of industrial and consumer applications that require compliance with the next-generation Qi standard,” said Ajay Srikrishna, vice-president. senior president and general manager of Infineon's wired connectivity solutions product line. “As inductive wireless charging standards evolve, our programmable solution will offer the flexibility to scale to higher power levels and enable OEMs to realize differentiated features while remaining Qi compatible.”

Infineon's WLC1115 is a highly integrated, Qi-compatible and fully configurable 15W transmitter controller IC for wireless charging solutions. It includes a USB-PD/PPS heatsink, DC/DC controller, gate drivers for DC/DC, a full-bridge inverter, sensing peripherals, and configurable flash memory. WLC1115 supports a wide input voltage range of 4.5 to 24 V, multipath voltage, and current-based ASK demodulation.

Additionally, the controller features an integrated, programmable high-side current detection amplifier and adaptive foreign object detection (FOD) via Q factor, resonance frequency, and power loss. It also includes comprehensive protection features for UVLO, OVP, OCP and OTP that are programmable.

The WLC1115-based Extended Power Profile (EPP) transmitter solution using OPTIGA Trust Charge meets the authentication requirements specified in the Qi v1.3.2 standard. Combined with Infineon's comprehensive offering for USB-C chargers and broad MOSFET portfolio, the WLC1115 solution offers a complete product package that can help meet stringent regulatory and compliance requirements.

Furthermore, it is accompanied by software tools that support Qi v1.3.2 and proprietary charging protocols.

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