Guia de contratação de desenvolvedores VMware

VMware Developer Hiring Guide

Optimize virtualization with VMware! Dive deeper into the complete guide to hiring the best VMware developers to ensure efficient, secure, and scalable IT solutions.

Desenvolvedor VMware

VMware is a prominent virtualization and cloud computing software. This software was initially developed in 1998 and is now owned by Dell Technologies. It offers various features such as virtualization, networking, security management, and storage. It also allows you to control your resource pool and connect to the cloud.

VMware allows you to run and operate multiple operating systems along with their different versions. You can run Windows, Linux, and NetWare on a single machine without repartitioning or rebooting it. VMware does this by generating an abstraction layer over a computer's hardware.

VMware provides its users with advanced server management features. You can run up to 70,000 virtual machines on 15 vCenter servers. VMware uses a centralized platform to run vSphere environments in hybrid clouds. You can also automate resources for your virtual infrastructure and server administration.


Hiring Guide

VMware allows a computer's hardware components, such as memory and storage, to be segregated across multiple virtual computers. You can create new servers and libraries with pre-configured resources (firewalls, security patches, software) and use them for different devices without affecting system performance.

You can run and test multiple applications using VMware as each virtual machine has its own memory and I/O CPU. Collaborating with other engineers and testers is easy as you can connect multiple virtual machines through virtual network segments. You can also use VMware to emulate test conditions such as bottlenecks.

Relevance of VMware in today's industry

VMware is a trusted name in virtualization services. It has an amazing design, great community features, and an easy-to-use interface. Analyst firms such as Forrester, Gartner, and IDC recognize this software as a top-tier virtualization solution. VMware serves more than 500,000 customers worldwide .

VMware reduces data center expenses, decreases downtime, and improves the efficiency of existing infrastructure. It allows companies to expand the capacity of their servers without increasing the number of physical computing devices. It also reduces the hardware required to test and deploy applications. As a result, VMware is a great way to increase ROI and help reduce costs.

Problems companies face when hiring VMware engineers.

One of the significant problems with hiring VM engineers is that some of them only have theoretical knowledge of the subject. They don't have a hands-on approach to virtualization and don't know what this work actually entails.

Operating system crash errors and graphics incompatibility are two of the most common problems with virtual machines. Any engineer who wants to work with VMware must know how to deal with these issues along with its regular deployment and maintenance.

Engineers working on virtual machines need to constantly update their VMware stack. Without it, options like restart and shutdown will not work properly. They also need to update and maintain VMware networking devices, that is, the devices that facilitate VMware networking. VMware memory limits must also be manually configured by VMware administrators. Doing so requires experience and technical knowledge, along with a solid understanding of the hardware and software stack.

How to Select the Perfect VMware Engineer?

A good VMware engineer must have in-depth knowledge of the platform along with an understanding of VM solutions such as vSphere, ESXi, and VMware Player. They should also know Kubernetes and Docker.

The candidate must have experience in object-oriented design and multithreaded programming. In addition, they must have experience in network programming and multiplatform development for different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, iOS and Android.

The selected engineer must also be versed in reverse engineering using kernel and user-mode assembly code. Candidates with knowledge of AWS, resource management, and Terraform languages ​​are always a great addition, especially since VMWare instances will have to integrate with multiple components in digital environments.

Interview Questions

State differences between VMware and Virtual Box.

Oracle's Virtual Box offers hardware and software preview, while VMware only offers hardware preview. The snapshot feature is not available for the free version of VMware but is available in Virtual Box. Also, Virtualbox cannot run on macOS while VMware can.

VMware is free for personal use while Virtual Box is an open source tool.

What do you understand about VMware Workstation?

VMware Workstation is a desktop hypervisor that can run virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters, and containers. Its free version is Workstation Player and the paid version is called Workstation Pro.

VMware Workstation runs on modern x64 CPUs and creates isolated, secure virtual machines. Additionally, it comes with a series of extra components called VMware tools that provide functionality for hardware emulation.

What are the different virtualizations available through VMware?

VMware offers 5 different viewing options to its customers. They are desktop virtualization, application virtualization, server virtualization, storage virtualization, and network virtualization.

What is vSwitch?

vSwitch or virtual switch is the virtual network switch that connects virtual machines through an ESXi host. They also provide network supervision, migrations, and security services for virtual machines.

There are 2 types of vSwitch: standard virtual switches and distributed virtual switches. They are deployed and monitored by VMware NSX. Each vSwitch has 128 ports.

Define hypervisor and its types in VMware

Hypervisor refers to a virtualization layer that allows multiple operating systems to share a host of hardware through virtualization. It is software that can create and run virtual machines on your system. There are 2 types of hypervisors: hosted and bare metal.

Hosted Hypervisor – This hypervisor works as a software layer on top of the existing operating system.

Bare-metal hypervisor – This hypervisor is installed directly on the hardware and acts as a lightweight operating system.

Job description

We're looking for smart VMware engineers to design and support VMware upgrade, administration, and management services. They must be passionate team players with a focus on virtualization and VMware planning. They should specialize in handling bugs/errors and should be able to coordinate with different stakeholders.

It is an excellent opportunity for results-oriented engineers who want to work on virtualization/infrastructure development and improve their skills.


  • Implement, install, monitor, and troubleshoot virtualization servers and operating systems.
  • Manage the day-to-day operations of your VMware environment.
  • Develop infrastructure attributes, integrations and architecture (physical and virtual).
  • Design and test virtual services
  • Monitor and debug infrastructure components such as routers and switches.
  • Install and configure vCentre, vSphere, and VMware Site Recovery Manager.
  • Coordinate with different teams to work on different layers of the infrastructure.
  • Follow industry best practices and standards
  • {{Adicione outras responsabilidades relevantes}}

Skills and qualifications

  • Knowledge of VMware, VMware tools, and networking components
  • Experience in designing high-performance architectures.
  • Proven experience in bug handling and RCA execution.
  • Deep understanding of network deployment, including IP addressing and troubleshooting.
  • Experience in optimizing VMware ESXi Windows servers.
  • Candidates with knowledge of Windows and Linux VM deployment are preferred.
  • Problem solving skills and team spirit
  • {{Adicione outras estruturas ou bibliotecas relacionadas à sua pilha de desenvolvimento}}
  • {{Liste o nível de escolaridade ou certificação necessária}}


VMware is a very popular virtualization software that can meet the virtualization requirements of any company. It can also be used to perform partitioning, encapsulation, and isolation of hardware components. If you want a software solution that can manage virtualization components, has great vendor support and security features, VMware is the right choice.

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