Guia de contratação de desenvolvedores do CloudFront

CloudFront Developer Hiring Guide

Increase content delivery with CloudFront! Browse the essential guide to hiring qualified CloudFront developers to ensure fast, secure web experiences.

Desenvolvedor CloudFront

CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) created by Amazon. It uses a global distribution of servers to cache data, providing global customers with fast, unrestricted access to content.

CloudFront can also improve a company's UI/UX functionality through content. You can also use it to drive organic traffic to your website.

CloudFront is highly secure and offers data protection at both the network and application levels. It can detect DDoS and cloud attacks along with malicious interference. AWS Shield and AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) also increase the overall security of CloudFront. It is also compliant with IT security companies such as PCI, SOC 1/2/3, ISO/IEC and HIPAA.

Guia de contratação de desenvolvedores do CloudFront 1

Hiring Guide

CloudFront's data transfer speed is very high. It also optimizes cache behavior along with network layer optimizations. This minimizes latency and improves throughput.

You can use the CloudFront API to distribute text, app, and video content. After defining CloudFront distribution and origins (that is, the content that should be transferred and the server on which the content is located), the network transfers the content through different locations and caches to ensure speed, low latency, and precision.

CloudFront in Today's Industry

CloudFront is an important part of today's content distribution strategy for businesses of all types. This allows them to deliver content across the world with maximum accuracy and consistency. It also helps with software distribution and API acceleration. Many companies like Airbnb, Pinterest, Amazon, Instacart, Netflix, and Dropbox use CloudFront to distribute their data.

CloudFront is highly cost-effective. It only charges for the services you actually use. Its upfront fee is also very affordable and does not require a minimum number of traffic commitments to be made every month. You can also customize your plan pricing through CloudFront's security savings package.

Problems companies face when hiring CloudFront engineers.

Many companies are currently implementing CloudFront for data and content distribution. This task requires an engineer who can troubleshoot distribution issues and handle common implementation errors. These problems are often difficult to solve and few engineers really know how to do it effectively.

Along with debugging, a CloudFront engineer also needs to focus on content distribution configurations. The wrong setup will slow down your content distribution and derail your strategy. Configuration processes are sometimes complicated and the engineer needs to ensure that the data/content is getting the attention it deserves.

The engineer may also need to work on an outage strategy, i.e. if AWS fails. This job requires an experienced engineer with experience in these scenarios.

How to Select the Perfect CloudFront Engineer?

Before hiring a CloudFront engineer, you need to check their knowledge of CloudFront customization and integration. They must have experience with APIs and webhooks and be able to integrate AWS tools into existing infrastructure.

The selected engineer must know how to perform debugging and troubleshooting code modules. Additionally, they must have experience in network security, DDoS attacks and DNS services.

The engineer must know programming languages ​​such as C++, Java and C#. They must also be familiar with Internet protocols such as HTTP and TCP.

Interview Questions

What do you understand about CloudFront regional edge caching?

CloudFront streams content through an international network of data centers known as points of presence. Regional edge caches are locations close to specific viewer clusters, specifically placed for fast data transmission.

They are located between the original web server and global points of presence. They improve performance by increasing bit throughput and decreasing operational and scaling expenses.

Can you use CloudFront for dynamic content?

Yes, you can use CloudFront for dynamic content. You can also configure options for cache modification, query customization, and cookie information to optimize dynamic content.

How are real-time metrics captured in CloudFront?

You can use Amazon CloudWatch to generate granular and operational metrics on CloudFront. It also displays standard and real-time logs.

Amazon CloudFront's standardized logs also make logging for distribution networks easier. They automatically transfer records to an S3 bucket that you can later use for reporting.

What are some popular CloudFront use cases?

Fast content distribution: You can share different types of content across the world through CloudFront's caching mechanism. It can handle thousands of requests per second and is highly scalable. You can also quickly distribute dynamic, personalized content through CloudFront.

Streaming: CloudFront can also be used for video streaming and on-demand video playback.

Software Distribution: CloudFront can be used to deliver software solutions across the world. It can also improve API calls.

Private content: You can configure security parameters to ensure that only a certain segment of the population can view your content. You can also whitelist IPs with special permissions through geotargeting.

What are cached methods?

This is an array that determines which HTTP methods CloudFront can use cache memory. It can cache responses for different functions such as GET, HEAD, PUT, OPTIONS and DELETE.

Job description

We are looking for a highly qualified CloudFront engineer to join our team to design and develop large-scale CDN services. We're looking for brilliant team players who can code and maintain content delivery systems for our organization. The engineer must be able to meet deadlines and work on debugging. If you are a beginner looking for a challenging environment, this is an excellent opportunity to show off your skills.


  • Write reusable and reliable code modules.
  • Create, maintain, and debug infrastructure for content distribution across multiple environments.
  • Leverage CRM and improve the overall platform.
  • Create API to integrate with Amazon EC2 and CloudFront.
  • Manage system environments and improve performance.
  • Work to decrease latency.
  • Implement data movement strategies from different sources and locations.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders.
  • Follow industry best practices and standards
  • {{Adicione outras responsabilidades relevantes}}

Skills and qualifications

  • Knowledge of Java and C++ or C#.
  • Previous experience with CloudFront, tier optimization and caches
  • Experience designing reusable code modules for enterprise CRM implementations.
  • Understanding redundant deployment schemes along with interrupt handling.
  • Experience with Lambda@Edge.
  • Knowledge of DevOps deployment, logging and reporting.
  • Problem solving skills and team spirit.
  • {{Adicione outras estruturas ou bibliotecas relacionadas à sua pilha de desenvolvimento}}
  • {{Liste o nível de escolaridade ou certificação necessária}}


Many companies are now using CDN networks for content distribution and data transfer. If you are also looking for a similar software solution for your content transfer requirements, CloudFront is the right choice. It is one of the most popular data transfer networks in the text and video market.

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