Encontre as melhores soluções de desenvolvimento de software para seus projetos

Find the best software development solutions for your projects

Discover the best software development solutions adapted to modern needs. From agile methodologies to cloud-native applications, discover tools and practices that drive innovation, efficiency, and business growth.

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Companies need custom software development for a variety of reasons – to create an internal app for communicating with employees, to build a custom inventory management system for a specific workflow, to make programs to sell, or just to tweak a commercial. ready to use (COTS application).

Some companies have in-house staff to work on these projects, while others may need to supplement these teams or hire an outside agency to do all the work. If you're considering working with a vendor to help you with your software development projects, you should know what services you're looking for and how to find the best solution for your goals.

terceirizar o desenvolvimento

What are software development solutions?

Software development solutions are services, processes, and products to help you update or create software that you need to use internally or want to sell as a product. Here are some of the solutions that software development service providers offer. All of these types can be adapted for web, mobile, or cloud interaction.

While it's smart to have some idea of ​​what you need, your software development provider can help you determine the right solutions based on the type and size of your business, your industry, and the functionality and access you and your employees have. or customers need.

  • Software creation: This basic level is the foundation of software development companies' offerings. Many providers focus on a specific sector, such as fintech or manufacturing.
  • Development of business solutions: Large companies with multiple international locations require a different level of software. If this is your case, you will need to find a software development provider that specializes in this type of system.
  • Building Business Intelligence: You can get a COTS business intelligence software application, but if you want something different, you'll need to find a vendor that specializes in this type of application.
  • Specialized programs for AI or IoT: This is another specific type of application that allows users to coordinate with other technologies to perform high-level tasks from a convenient dashboard.
  • Industry-specific software: Each industry has specific tasks that companies must perform and each business has its own way of doing it. If your methods are a bit far from standard COTS applications, hiring a software developer may be your best option.

Software Development Methodologies

  • Agile : A default mindset when customer engagement is crucial and flexibility is important.
  • DevOps : Used for large-scale projects to enable smoother collaboration and reduced risks.
  • Extreme Programming (XP) : Enables cross-functional teams to deliver superior results on high-risk projects.
  • Lean : A great approach for when things need to be done quickly and efficiently.
  • Prototype : Prioritizes user engagement to create products with excellent user experience (UX).
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD) : Involved when software relies heavily on user feedback.
  • Scrum : A “sprint”-based method that includes daily meetings to closely monitor progress.

The Software Development Process

Software development is typically completed in several stages, including requirements gathering, initial design, planning, building, testing, deployment, and maintenance. In the first stages, developers meet with customers to find out exactly what the software will be used for, who needs to use it, how it will be accessed and what features it should have. Team members can come up with initial ideas for what each screen should look like.

During the intermediate planning and construction phase, all stakeholders agree on specific features and the development team completes the actual coding. This phase may also involve the development team or a testing team looking for problems that could become larger if not identified early on. Either way, team members perform testing after development is complete to ensure that all functions work as they should and that the software performs well.

After the software is deployed, the development team is typically available to provide training and support as users begin to interact with it. They can also update the software if necessary over time.

How to Find the Best Software Development Solutions

To find the best software development solutions for your project, it helps to have at least some idea of ​​what you need. Will your software be used internally by your employees or will you sell it as a product? Do you want the software to work in multiple locations or just one? Do you need it to be available via mobile devices, website, or both?

Non-technical considerations are also important. Do you need to meet with your development team in person? If not, how many time zones do you want to have between you? Is it important for engineers to speak your language well and keep you informed through frequent meetings or updates? Is it essential that developers share your culture and values?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can begin your research. As you will quickly learn, this is easier said than done. There are many companies offering software development solutions for all types of technology-related projects. Your goal is to sift through this vast offering to find the best candidate to meet your specific needs and challenges.

To do this, you can start by getting references from other people who have created custom software. Ask them what they liked, what they didn't like, and what they would change if they could. You can also ask about specific things that are important to you, like on-time delivery, cost, and whether they liked the final product.

Then, conduct online searches to find potential development partners and narrow your search. Be sure to check each vendor's portfolio to see if they have completed any projects similar to yours. Then interview some of your top picks. Pay attention to the communication process and identify which vendors seem to best understand your project and your concerns.

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