Em quais projetos sua empresa pode usar o React?

What projects can your company use React for?

Unlock the potential of your projects with React. Enhance user experiences and create interactive web applications using cutting-edge React technology. Start building with React today!

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React was created (and is supported) by Facebook as an open-source JavaScript library for building interactive elements on websites. For anyone looking to build web and mobile apps, React (also known as React.js) has everything you need.

In fact, this power is the main reason why React has become so popular lately, so much so that it has overshadowed two very popular frameworks – Angular/Core and Vue. According to GitHub the number of React downloads reached almost 300 million in 2019 (compared to almost 100 million for Angular and almost 50 million for Vue).

Therefore, React is popular. But what can it do? Before we detail how your company can use React, we first need to take a look at some details.

What is a library?

When analyzing what React is, you will often see the word “library”. In this context, the reference to the library is not the home of the Dewey Decimal System or stacks of books. Instead, within the framework of software development, a library can be viewed in the same way as a library of books. When you visit a library, you have a collection of books that you can check out and read. With regards to a programming library, you are looking at a collection of resources used for software development.

These features can include things like:

  • Configuration data
  • Documentation
  • Models
  • Pre-written code for subroutines, classes, values, and type specifications

In other words, a library is a collection of tools that software engineers can use to make their work easier. Instead of writing everything from scratch, a developer can use pre-written code from a library.

Many of the major languages ​​used today include libraries. One of these languages ​​is JavaScript.

What is JavaScript?

Next, we need to look at JavaScript. Often abbreviated as JS, JavaScript is a high-level scripting language designed specifically for the web. JavaScript is an interpreted language, which means it does not require a compiler to run programs. In fact, JavaScript runs directly in a web browser.

JavaScript works together with HTML and CSS to form the front-end of web development. This means that JavaScript developers create the interactive elements of a website – the bits that users see and use. These elements not only make the website more interactive but also make it more attractive and modern. Thanks to JavaScript, users can enjoy features such as interactive menus and maps, animations, video players, and even simple games.

With that in mind, there will be times when a developer will need to take advantage of a JavaScript library to take care of common JS tasks. By doing this, the developer drastically reduces the time required to develop for the web (or a web application). And there are many JavaScript libraries, one of which is React.

What does React do?

Now let's take a look at what the React library does. Specifically, React was created to improve user interface development. What makes React so special is the number of components it includes, each of which makes it possible to create highly functional and beautiful elements for your website.

These React components are independent modules that render the output. A component can be composite and can include one or more components in its output.

Some of these components include the following.

  • React BelleReact Belle is a set of beautiful components optimized for web and mobile platforms. React Belle allows your React developers to create highly customizable components and modify each one on a case-by-case basis. Each of React Belle's components is cross-platform and supports theming.
  • React BootstrapThis component library offers the Twitter Bootstrap interface, which includes responsive and mobile-first templates, including typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other elements. With React Bootstrap it's easy for developers to quickly create things like styled buttons.
  • Material Components WebThis component was created by a team at Google. These components enable a reliable development workflow for creating elegant websites and applications. This component replaces the now obsolete react-mdl.
  • React Material-UIThis is a set of components that implement Google's Material Design, which is the grid-based interface found in Android and Chrome OS. This component includes responsive layouts, animations and transitions, padding, and depth effects.
  • React ToolboxThis is a set of beautiful components that use Google Material Design specifications and use a series of more modern proposals such as CSS, Webpack and ES6 Modules.
  • Semantic UI ReactThis is the official integration component for Semantic UI React, used by Netflix and Amazon. This component can be used in themed websites and allows developers to create websites quickly.

There are several other React components, but the list above should give you an idea of ​​what they do. The components list should also indicate what React can help your developers do for your company. In short, React allows developers to create highly customized components and interfaces for your website quickly and efficiently.

Companies that use React

React is used in many areas, from social networking, e-commerce, entertainment, messaging, productivity, and gaming. Some of the companies using React include:

  • Netflix
  • New York Times
  • Yahoo! Correspondence
  • Khan Academy
  • Vivaldi Browser
  • Dropbox
  • Instagram
  • Whatsapp
  • Codecademia

If your company wants to modernize your website, making it much more user- and mobile-friendly, you should seriously consider hiring a team of React developers. Using this JavaScript library makes creating stylish and interesting website elements incredibly easy.

If you liked this, be sure to check out our other articles on React.

  • The Power of Hooks in React: Dynamic Applications Made Simple
  • Top React Interview Questions and Answers You Need to Know
  • Unit Testing in React: Detailed Guide
  • What you need to know about React before using it in your business
  • 6 reasons why React is so popular

Source: BairesDev

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