Efeito Flash da Câmera (usando temporizador 555)

Camera Flash Effect (using 555 timer)

Circuit Summary-

1. This circuit is very easy to design.
2. It only requires a few components that are easily available on the market.
3. It will produce the same effect as camera flash with the help of LEDs.
4. This flash effect is really eye-catching and easily catches people's attention.
5. Can be used for home decoration purposes
6. It can also be used in your vehicles as it requires low power to work.
7. This circuit is built with the help of timer IC NE555.
Principle behind the Circuit-
The main component of this circuit is timer IC NE555. IC1 in this circuit works in astable mode. Other components used in this circuit include resistor, capacitor, LEDs, and transistor.
When the power supply is on and the switch is pressed, the voltage at pins 2 and 6 of IC1 drops. At the same time, the voltage at pin 3 of IC1 increases and the LED lights up. To drive a large number of LEDs (say around 50), a PNP transistor T1 (BD140) is connected to the output terminal of the circuit. In this circuit, we use 9 LEDs divided into a group of three which are later connected with an 82 Ohm resistor.
If you want to increase the number, simply connect three LEDs along with an 82 ohm resistor in a parallel arrangement with other LED combinations. In place of R you can use a 100K variable resistor to adjust the distance between the flash as needed.
In place of normal power, you can use high power LEDs, but this must be less than the current limit resulting from T1. It cannot be routed directly to IC1, as its output is 200mA.
This circuit needs a voltage between 9V to 12V to work.
Components needed to build the circuit


(IC1) NE555


R1 6.2K

R2 10K

R3 100 thousand

R4 1K

R5, R6, R7 82E


C1 10uF

C2 0.01uf


D1-D9 Any color


T1 BD140

To replace

S1 push-to-on

9V-12V power supply

Fig. 1: IC 555 based camera flash light circuit prototype designed on a breadboard

Circuit diagrams

camera flash effectPage-Circuit-Diagram_0

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