Dominando o mundo digital: do desenvolvimento de software à arquitetura de soluções

Mastering the digital world: from software development to solution architecture

Distinguish between software developer, solutions architect and software engineer. Dive deeper into their unique roles, skills, and contributions to the world of technology. Ensure clarity in roles for project success.

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Although both may seem very similar, there are actually many differences between the roles, functions, and responsibilities of engineering and software development.

To begin with, software development tends to take an individual approach to tasks and focuses primarily on developing applications with tools that are already available. On the other hand, software engineering often involves more team-oriented tasks, where a group of software engineers create tools that are then used to build software.

Software engineering: Applies engineering knowledge to create, design, maintain, and evaluate software.

Software development: Provides technical expertise and design guidance throughout the development process to build software that runs on different types of operating systems.

Differences between a solutions architect and a software engineer

As you probably know, the software development life cycle (SDLC) is highly complex and involves many different roles and responsibilities. There are software developers and engineers, of course, but there are a number of additional job titles such as project managers, user experience (UX) designers, quality assurance engineers, and business analysts, to name a few.

Among them, a lesser-known but critical role in the SDLC is that of solutions architect. Often a senior professional with deep knowledge of software engineering, a solutions architect is instrumental in bringing software to fruition and ensuring it meets user requirements. So what exactly does a solutions architect do? And how does this compare to a software engineer and a software developer?

Areas Solutions architect Software engineer
Responsibilities Design and organize the structure of entire systems. Analyze and align the organization's needs with the designed solution. Software application development. It includes requirements analysis, designing, coding, testing and software maintenance.
Required skills Analytical skills, system design, communication skills, extensive knowledge of hardware, software and programming. Programming skills, analytical skills, problem-solving ability, knowledge of the software development life cycle.
Education Requirement Degree in Computer Science, IT or related field. Master's degree or certifications in related technologies may be required. Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related field.
Experience Extensive knowledge of multiple systems and technologies, experience in project management. Experience in software development, programming languages ​​and software development tools.
Certifications AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Specialist. Microsoft Certificate: Azure Developer Associate, AWS Certified Developer.
Wage Generally higher due to the greater level of responsibility and broader knowledge required. Varies based on experience, skills and location.
Career progression Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Enterprise Architect, Senior Solutions Architect. Senior software engineer, lead developer, software development manager.
Job outlook The high demand will likely continue as technology evolves. The high demand will likely continue as technology evolves.
Typical Tasks Design the system structure, analyzing the organization's needs, ensuring alignment, selecting appropriate technological solutions. Coding, debugging, software design, requirements analysis, testing, software maintenance.

Terceirização de software

What is a software developer?

A software developer works closely with different areas of a company to implement the plan originally drawn up by software engineers. In addition to writing code, software developers must constantly review and test software before putting it into operation, looking for improvements and anticipating possible errors.

Furthermore, a software developer combines technical knowledge with creative and analytical skills to come up with ideas that solve the customer's problem.

What is a solutions architect?

Another critical role in software production is that of solutions architect. Part software engineer, part project manager, part researcher, part designer, and part business manager, this all-encompassing job enters the software development process from the beginning. Apparently, a solutions architect is responsible for developing the architecture of a project. In other words, they map out the project structure – a path for engineers to follow.

What does this imply? From the beginning, solution architects consider the best way to solve a problem with software. They choose the right tools to build a given product, from the languages ​​and frameworks to the platforms that engineers will use. They also create a plan to build the product more efficiently and identify potential risks, while keeping the business mission and goals in mind.

Solution architects will provide guidance and instructions on how to translate your ideas into products across the SDLC. They do this by taking into account factors such as scalability, adjustments and updates that may need to be made in the future.

These professionals need to coordinate and communicate with other team members to ensure that the moving parts fit together according to the overall product vision. Ultimately, they oversee the successful construction and delivery of the software.

What is a software engineer?

Software engineers must be able to understand and interpret product requirements to build applications, systems and solutions that satisfy the needs of the end user – as well as those of the customer if they are working for another company. They need to be able to research and solve problems, addressing bugs and other issues that arise during the development process.

They can specialize in different areas, such as front-end development, back-end development, systems, applications, mobile development, among others. But at their core, software engineers must have certain knowledge and skills, such as the ability to prioritize while working on multiple projects simultaneously. To meet expectations, they must have knowledge of methodologies and principles such as Agile and DevOps, especially if they work in a large team.

How do the functions compare?

There are certainly many overlapping skills, qualities, and characteristics needed by both software engineers and solution architects. For example, they must have strong technical skills and knowledge, as well as problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to communicate and collaborate with other team members.

In fact, many solutions architects start out as software engineers and advance to the more senior and experienced role of solutions architect – although some prefer to serve in other senior roles, such as chief technology officer (CTO) or senior software engineer.

And while all three functions are critical in developing quality software, they ultimately serve different purposes. The solutions architect is responsible for formulating a vision for the product and devising a detailed plan to achieve those goals, keeping in mind the overall business priorities. From there, the software developer works closely with different areas of a company to implement the plan originally drawn up by the software engineers.

Meanwhile, software engineers execute this vision, building the product according to the solutions architect's specifications. The software engineer works in detail, while the solutions architect is more of a big-picture thinker and strategic planner.

In addition to the overlapping skills discussed above, all three roles tend to possess:

  • Business acumen
  • Creativity
  • Leadership skills
  • Project management skills
  • Research skills

Contact us today to start building a custom software solution that meets your organization's business objectives.

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