Defina os requisitos do seu projeto: 11 etapas

Define Your Project Requirements: 11 Steps

Gathering requirements for your software project is a complicated process, but it will play a crucial role in determining the success of your product.

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Your software requirements serve as a guide for the evolution of your project. They remind you why you're creating the product, who will benefit from it, and what place it will have in the world. They are the foundation of success and as such, you need to pay close attention to them.

Software requirements are essentially the “must-haves” for your product. The software is not complete without these features.

A software project is based on planning, a talented development team and an organized methodology. And this all starts with your project requirements .

What are the software requirements?

Software requirements essentially indicate which elements are critical to the success of a project. These are carefully considered objectives and goals for your development project, what must be included to make the product what it is.

There may be fewer essential objectives that you or your stakeholders have for the project that are not requirements. Requirements, in other words, are mandatory items.

These requirements are specified before starting the development process. This is because they will dictate practically every move you make towards your final conclusion.

How to define your requirements

1. Determine the audience

Who do you expect to use your product? To solidify your requirements, you must have a clear picture of the people who will be using it. After all, you are adapting your software for this audience. Work with the team to develop personas and identify other characteristics you see in your audience so you can create requirements to match.

2. Make a list of interested parties and discuss the project with them

Identifying stakeholders is a necessary part of the software development project . They can be customers, consumers, end users, sponsoring organizations, organizational leaders, and others. Make a list of these key players before discussing requirements with them.

Not all requirements mentioned by stakeholders will necessarily be feasible or actionable. As a team leader or software developer, it's your role to provide advice on how the project can evolve and what features can be implemented. After talking to them, create a cohesive picture of what you agreed to create.

3. Determine the scope of the project

Determine everything that is involved in the project as part of identifying what the requirements will be. What kind of venture are you about to embark on? What are the various elements involved? What kind of timeline are you looking at? What are the stages of this specific project? These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself when planning.

4. Work with the development team and other critical stakeholders

Even though you are leading this initiative, you must still work closely with the development team , as well as other key team members such as QA analysts and product managers. They will be able to provide insights into how different requirements contribute to the project and what they can do to move the software forward.

5. Categorize requirements

Categorizing requirements will help you stay organized. The main categories are functional and non-functional, but it's a good idea to go beyond them to explain the project objectives in more detail. Consider which categories make the most sense for the project at hand. For example, one that would apply to virtually every project is security. Others may include technical and commercial.

6. Keep things simple

Be careful about writing overly complex requirements. While the project itself may be complex, the requirements should be clear and straightforward to help your team meet them in a streamlined way. Additionally, you want to leave room for developers and other team members to experiment with different approaches.

7. Establish a connection between each requirement and the purpose of the software

Each requirement must have a direct link to the main objective and mission of the software. After all, that's what requirements are for: ensuring that the project is completed to the satisfaction of customers and end users. That's why each requirement must have a purpose that helps achieve those goals.

8. Use clear and precise language

In any and all relevant documents relating to the software, you must use clear and unambiguous language. This will help prevent accidents from occurring due to confusion or lack of specificity. Be as precise as possible, explaining the 5 Ws of the case whenever the situation requires it.

9. Create a software requirements specification

A software requirements specification (SRS) is an important document in the development process. It provides a summary of the project and its various components. Some of the elements discussed include:'

  • The main objective of the project
  • The scope of the project
  • User personas and needs
  • Required settings

The SRS includes functional and non-functional requirements. Essentially, it serves as a guiding document for developers and stakeholders, outlining what you are expected to deliver.

10. Tracking Requirements

Carefully track each requirement to ensure you are on track to meet them successfully. You can use a project management tool like a kanban board to help you manage these requirements, setting deadlines and milestones for completing each specific benchmark or goal. This will help you visualize the process and ensure everyone knows what they should be doing at any given time.

11. Document all changes

Things rarely go exactly as planned when you create new software. As the project evolves, the software requirements may also evolve. This is one of the main risks when you are starting a software project.

When requirements change, be sure to document all of these modifications. This will help ensure you have a paper record of the various iterations the project has gone through.

There are different methodologies and formats for documenting software requirements, such as use cases, specifications and user stories, as well as categorizations. Work with your team to determine the best way to complete project documentation.

Summing it all up

Requirements gathering is a somewhat complicated and important process. But once you follow these steps, you'll be better equipped to handle projects of varying complexity. You'll also have a clearer path forward, making the project simpler for everyone involved.

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