Contrate desenvolvedores JavaScript |  Principais engenheiros de JavaScript para contratar

Hire JavaScript Developers | Top JavaScript Engineers to Hire

Transform your web projects with the best JavaScript developers! Find qualified professionals to develop dynamic, responsive and cutting-edge web applications.

Contrate desenvolvedores JavaScript

Hiring skilled and experienced JavaScript developers is a lot of work. There is currently a great demand for web development services alongside a shortage of talented professionals. That's why companies need a foolproof hiring guide to help them find the right person for the job – and many make the smart decision to work with an outsourcing provider.

To guarantee the success and high quality of their products, companies need to rely on the level of competence of the experts they choose. They must first understand the complexity and needs of the project to determine the type of JavaScript developer they need. They should also determine the skill set the project requires and put together an effective list of questions to assess their candidates' JavaScript knowledge level.

Sometimes, even if a company knows exactly the type of talent they are looking for, the recruitment process can still be difficult. To overcome this hurdle easily, companies turn to working with outsourcing providers to help them find and hire JavaScript developers at affordable costs and without the hassle of hiring in-house professionals.

How to work with the top 1% of JavaScript developers in your time zone

  • Fast time to market: Outsourced JavaScript developers only need to focus on project-related tasks. This means that during working hours they dedicate themselves exclusively to production. Having experienced developers work quickly and efficiently on your projects can help companies get their products to market faster.
  • Cost reduction: The most attractive benefit of working with outsourcing providers is cost reduction in different areas. Outsourced professionals have experience and skills, and work for lower prices than in-house professionals. At the same time, they already have all the necessary infrastructure to carry out the work, which means that the company does not need to invest in it. Finally, outsourcing JavaScript developers saves the company money by not having to invest in professional training.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Outsourced JavaScript developers easily work according to the hiring company's schedule and meet their deadlines. Because of their experience, these professionals are flexible enough to change their working methods as quickly as project needs change. They also allow you to scale up or down depending on your business requirements.
  • Risk reduction: Due to their vast experience, working with third-party developers is a way to reduce the risks involved in developing a product. They are also aware of any opportunities that may arise to help the company save time and money.
  • Increased business focus: As the outsourcing provider takes care of project development and requirements, the company has the ability to channel its focus and resources to work on core business operations.
  • 24/7 support: Outsourcing providers are always available to companies, ensuring regular support and communication throughout the entire development process. Even if a company chooses to work with JavaScript developers in different time zones, they will still be able to contact them at any time of the day, even if just leaving a message for the start of the next business day.

How to Hire a JavaScript Developer: Considerations, Skills, and Questions

Hiring a JavaScript developer requires a lot of thought and consideration. The company needs to understand the role it is seeking, assess the skills needed for the project, create attractive job descriptions, interview candidates and, finally, make an attractive offer.

To build the ideal candidate profile, the company must determine what the role entails. There are different types of JavaScript developers with different skill sets. Companies need to understand whether they benefit most from front-end, back-end, or full-stack JavaScript developers.

Front-end developers work on everything that appears on a web page, from a simple logo to the overall layout. They are responsible for making the website look good on all devices and ensuring a good experience for the user interacting with the page.

Back-end developers take care of parts of the application that users cannot see. They are responsible for creating servers, working with databases and APIs, and generally focusing on the logical aspects of the website.

A full-stack developer works on both front-end and back-end development. They have a combination of the skills needed to perform both types of work and are more well-rounded professionals.

Considering this, companies need to determine which role best suits their project. If they need more than one JavaScript developer, they will also need to know what type of developers they would benefit from most.

The next step in hiring a JavaScript developer is to create and publish the job description. To avoid receiving numerous applications, companies need to provide detailed information about the position.

A pre-interview screening can help a company determine which candidates should undergo a skills assessment. These technical questions require candidates to solve various problems using the skill set required for the project.

The best performers move on to the final stage of the hiring process, which is the main interview. At this point, the recruiter or business leader already knows that the final candidates have the right hard skills, soft skills and experience to fill the available position.

The purpose of this interview is to determine whether the candidate is a good fit for the company. It's a good way to understand if they share the company's values ​​and if they fit into the company's business culture. This step is very important because companies want to seamlessly integrate new employees into their business.

Flexible companies may even offer two or three days of paid work to their top-ranked candidates. This way, the company will be able to directly assess the candidate's suitability, observing their performance in working conditions and what methods they use to solve real problems.

The final step to successfully hiring a JavaScript developer is to make an offer. Because talented JavaScript developers are in short supply, companies need to make an offer that reflects the value the candidate will bring to the development team and the business.

Before Hiring a JavaScript Development Team

Before hiring a JavaScript development team, there are several aspects to consider and decisions to make regarding the context of the project, the skills required for construction, the duration of the project, and how much to pay for the services.

The first thing to consider is whether the company is working on an existing project or whether it is starting from scratch. Working on a project that has already been started is much easier. As there is already some pre-written code, the company already knows what kind of qualifications it needs from its candidates.

When building a project from scratch, the process of finding the right developer can be more complicated. First, the company needs to make decisions about the set of software, languages, and libraries needed for the project. This step is crucial because new technologies are constantly being developed and companies need to be at the forefront of innovation if they want to remain competitive.

Next, the company must consider exactly what it is building. Sites with static content, dynamic pages, storage, or APIs require different types of JavaScript developers. The scope of the project will determine whether the company is looking for a front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer.

The next step requires determining the duration of the project and what tasks the company needs to complete. Short, well-defined tasks require developers with specific skills who can get the job done quickly. This type of work usually involves previously written code. The company simply needs someone to add features, create updates, or perform maintenance.

A longer project includes complex tasks that will require a JavaScript developer with a broader set of skills and experience. Hiring must fill different roles and adapt as the project progresses.

It's also important to invest in someone with great communication skills, who can express what they're doing and why. Experience working on large projects is also preferable. This way the developer is aware of the challenges involved.

Company leaders must be familiar with the technology industry to correctly assess how much they should pay for a JavaScript developer. These experts are highly sought after and their prices depend on their skills, experience, region and whether they work remotely or in the office.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, web developers earn a median annual salary of $77,030 with the top 10% of workers earning more than $129,760.

Skills to Look for in a JavaScript Developer

JavaScript is a very broad coding platform that can lead to learning a wide variety of skills. Experienced JavaScript developers can have extensive knowledge on a wide range of topics, such as basic JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, ReactJS, Node.js, and more.

Interpersonal skills are also extremely important. They determine how a developer can communicate with their team members and business leaders, how they will perform overall, and how they will fit into the company culture. Let's look at the most relevant skills you should look for in a JavaScript developer.

Core JavaScript

The most important part of knowing JavaScript is learning the language itself. Some developers consider it a difficult language to learn; however, most argue that as they progress, it becomes easier and more interesting.

JavaScript is a dynamic but prototype-based language that developers use to create complex interactive websites, responsive applications, and browser games, and to connect servers to websites and web applications.


React is a JavaScript library used to build user interfaces in a short amount of time. It works with reusable components that lead to less time spent on coding. Facebook developed ReactJS to better manage Facebook ads. Now, big companies like WhatsApp, Netflix, Paypal, Reddit, Tesla and Twitter use it.


Node.js is another JavaScript-based tool and a truly important skill for any JavaScript developer. It is a runtime tool and allows developers to work on backend frameworks. They use this tool to create backend services and APIs or to build scalable, data-intensive real-time applications.

Top Interview Questions for Hiring JavaScript Developers

During an interview to hire JavaScript developers, recruiters need to ask candidates several questions to determine whether they would be a good fit for the available role.

The company needs to access general knowledge of JavaScript, answer technical questions and ask other questions regarding the candidate's previous experience. Here are some pertinent interview questions.

What is NaN and how is it used?

NaN means “Not a number”. The éNaN function allows developers to determine whether a value is NaN , specifically if it contains an illegal or incorrect number. If the function returns “true”, the value examined is NaN .

Set JavaScript cookies.

Cookies are small test files created and stored whenever a user visits a website and enters information.

Explain what “negative infinity” is.

Negative infinity is the value obtained when the developer divides a negative number by zero. This constant amount is the lowest available amount they can receive, as there is no number lower than this.

Hire JavaScript Developers: Final Thoughts

A big part of the recruitment process is the interview. At this stage, recruiters or talent acquisition specialists need to ask about technical skills and knowledge and understand whether candidates also have the necessary soft skills to fit into the company.

A good starting point would be to assess candidates' general knowledge of JavaScript. Knowing whether they can solve practical problems is also very important.

common questions

How do you write a JavaScript developer job description?

The JavaScript developer job description should include a specific list of skills, required experience, and a full explanation of what the role entails. The company should also be as transparent as possible about the salary expectations and benefits in this description, to ensure that each candidate knows the aspects of the role before applying.

Why is BairesDev the best choice for hiring JavaScript experts?

What is JavaScript good for?

Some of the benefits of JavaScript are speed of development, simplicity of implementation, simple syntax, and versatility. JavaScript blends well with other programming languages ​​and is not dependent on any specific platform.

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