Hire microservices developers

Elevate your software architecture with microservices developers! Discover qualified professionals for scalable, efficient and resilient application systems.

Contrate desenvolvedores de microsserviços

Where do companies look when they want to create complex projects efficiently and stay ahead of the competition? Organizations across industries are increasingly turning to microservices architecture as an answer.

Companies like Amazon, Best Buy, Capital One, Coca-Cola, Comcast, eBay, Etsy, Netflix, PayPal, SoundCloud, Twitter, Uber and many others have already adopted microservices. Architecture has the power to completely transform an organization's technology delivery structure.

Do you want to leverage microservices in your company? It all starts when you hire microservices developers .

Contrate desenvolvedores de microsserviços em 2023 - Um guia BairesDev 12

Hiring Guide

What are microservices?

Microservices are a type of architecture that provides several qualities and benefits to the development process. They are best used to build complex and scalable applications. Allowing companies to deliver projects quickly, the style offers advantages such as:

  • Easy maintenance
  • Reliability
  • Testability

In this method, components are independent services that work together by communicating via APIs. Services are managed and owned by small teams and are developed autonomously. Services work independently, in contrast to monolithic architecture, in which processes work cohesively and as a unit.

How popular are microservices?

Approximately 77% of companies adopted microservices in 2020, according to the Microservices Adoption in 2020 report, which surveyed 1,500 technology professionals. Of those who turned to microservices, 92% found they had success using them.

Given the clear popularity of microservices, finding a developer who is knowledgeable and competent in using this method shouldn't be too challenging.

What should you look for in a microservices developer?

Microservices developers, like all software developers, must have a combination of technical and soft skills. They should also have previous experience working with microservices architecture.

A microservices developer's technical skills include:

  • Experience with software architecture
  • Domain Modeling
  • Unit and security testing
  • Knowledge of programming languages
  • Knowledge of frameworks
  • Knowledge of cloud technologies

Meanwhile, the microservices engineer must also have strong problem-solving, collaboration, and teamwork skills, along with a desire and curiosity for learning.

Microservice Interview Questions

Describe the key features of microservices.

Some of the key features of microservices architecture are:

  • Organizing around business principles
  • Independently deployed services
  • Decentralized data management
  • Product focus and responsibility
  • Continuous delivery
  • Agility
  • Automated infrastructure
  • Autonomous governance

What are the benefits of microservices?

Microservices offer substantial benefits, especially over the monolithic alternative. The architecture is highly scalable, for example. It is also flexible, adapting to different projects and products. Furthermore, the architecture provides greater agility.

Microservices also provide fault isolation, meaning that errors are isolated and do not compromise the entire system. The debugging process is also more direct and simple. In fact, teams often find that they are more productive and improve project delivery times using microservices.

What tools do you use for microservices?

Microservices have many associated tools for different facets of the architecture and development process. For example, you can use API Fortress or Postman for API management. For the operating system, Atomic, Linux and LXD are options. Spring Boot and Elixir are language and framework options.

Messaging support includes Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, or Amazon Simple Queue Service. Meanwhile, for monitoring, you can use Prometheus, Logstash or Gray Log. The toolkit options, among others, are fabric8 and Seneca.

What are some common mistakes and challenges when working with microservices?

Some challenges that developers may face when working with microservices include the difficulty of automating services or parts and properly monitoring the system. There are also several mistakes that are very common when it comes to architecture – failing to define requirements, functions, scope, schedules and benchmarks, for example. Additionally, there is also the possibility of not completing a complete debugging process.

Careful supervision and monitoring of the entire process, as well as defining all aspects of the project from the beginning and ensuring that everyone is informed and knows their role can help to counter these challenges.

Explain end-to-end testing in microservices.

End-to-end testing ensures that individual processes and the entire system function cohesively and satisfactorily. It also confirms that the product sufficiently meets the requirements after thorough and thorough testing.

Job description

We are looking for a qualified microservices developer with experience working with architecture. You will be tasked with translating business needs into technical requirements, conceptualizing and building new software, and improving existing products.


  • Transitioning from outdated platforms to microservices architecture
  • Collaborate closely with the development team and additional teams to meet and fulfill customer requirements
  • Employ agile and DevOps approaches
  • Ensure new software correlates with government business needs
  • Develop and employ best practices to leverage microservices architecture
  • Provide high-quality software solutions
  • Complete testing, including unit and security testing, and fix bugs and errors efficiently
  • Stay up to date with current technologies and trends, especially in the microservices space
  • Research all requirements and specifications
  • Scale platforms as needed
  • Document all efforts

Skills and qualifications

  • At least 7 years of experience in software development
  • At least 3 years of experience working with microservices architecture
  • Extensive practical experience using Spring Boot, Elixir, Java, Github, SQL, Hibernate, UNIX and Apache Kafka
  • Proven experience researching and meeting business needs and requirements
  • Experience with agile microservices
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent problem-solving skills
  • Excellent teamwork and collaboration skills
  • Ability to translate business needs into technical requirements
  • Experience working with cloud-based technologies
  • Experience working in an agile and DevOps environment
  • Knowledge of testing tools
  • Knowledge and experience using microservices tools
  • Demonstrated ability to stay up to date with trends in microservices and software development
  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, software development, information technology or related field

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