Como um engenheiro desenvolvedor em teste pode impulsionar um projeto de desenvolvimento

How a Test Developer Engineer Can Boost a Development Project

Indispensable Knowledge for Large-Scale Projects One of the most important roles in the software development lifecycle remains widely misunderstood. The software developer engineer…

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Indispensable experience for large-scale projects

Microsoft's customer pain point and the position was initially created to prevent the types of buggy software releases that have plagued many companies in the technology sector for decades. A vital part of the QA and testing process, every large-scale software development project should have at least one of these experts on the team. This small initial investment can bring countless rewards and help companies maintain their strong reputation.

These experts are a step above a software test engineer, who performs manual testing on software that would be too expensive or difficult to automate. Software test engineers are responsible for testing software at a slow pace, although this is necessary for limited parts of your QA and testing process. A software development engineer in testing, on the other hand, can help save money by automating much of the bug testing process, while writing performance tests, stress tests, and even resource consumption analyzes at the same time.

What are your responsibilities?

Although this specific position was virtually unheard of two decades ago, the software developer engineer in test plays a vital role in modern software development projects. They must be able to perform test automation and evaluate software performance across the web, desktop, and mobile versions of the product. Additionally, they must be able to respond to customer complaints and concerns about previous versions of software by writing complex programs to locate and test these problems.

How can they impact results?

Customer focused

One of the most important benefits associated with working with a software developer engineer in testing is that their entire position is customer-focused. Because it can be rare to find talented developers at the heart of QA and testing, they help ensure you have a prominent, technically trained customer advocate during one of the most crucial steps in the software development process. This will help the rest of your team test your software according to your customers' needs, avoiding the common problem of leaving the customer on the back burner.

They understand the code

The biggest disadvantage associated with relying solely on manual testers to evaluate your software is a lack of knowledge and an inability to understand the bigger picture. These workers often do not understand how the software works internally and have little or no knowledge about the development process. However, a software development engineer in testing understands the end-to-end cycle and, just as importantly, knows how to read and write code. This means they can write code to automate the testing process and offer elegant code rewrites that will solve the problem with little additional work.

Where to find a high-quality software development engineer in testing?

Without a doubt, the best way to hire a high-quality software developer engineer for testing is to work with the IT outsourcing company of your choice. High-quality engineers of this caliber are relatively rare and can be difficult for internal hiring teams to find. It is highly recommended that you begin your search for a test software developer engineer through a well-regarded nearshore outsourcing company, as communication is critical for this role and you want to ensure that your test engineer has the same schedule of work than the rest of your development team. Finally, talk to the personnel department about your specific needs, as many of these engineers specialize in subareas such as security testing, performance analysis, and usability.

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