Como o trabalho remoto está mudando as famílias e as comunidades tecnológicas: um estudo da BairesDev

How remote work is changing families and tech communities: a BairesDev study

Remote work continues to evolve in traditional workspaces. Our study reveals its impact on work dynamics, productivity, mental health, well-being and family life.

trabalho remoto-família

Remote Work Life Study: Insights from 1,000 Remote Professionals

91% of respondents agree that remote work increases their productivity 87% of software developers believe their mental health has improved 75% of respondents agree that remote work has allowed them to establish a wellness routine 91% of respondents agree that the Remote work contributes to family well-being. 83% of respondents believe that being there for family is a very important benefit of working remotely. 94% of software developers surveyed believe it is “highly important” or “crucial” that employers trust their ability to deliver results

The impact of remote work on productivity

Breaking down generational tensions in parenting


In conclusion, the findings of this study on work and remote life highlight the fundamental role of a flexible work environment in empowering technology professionals. From increased productivity to better mental health and enriched family well-being, the benefits of remote work are substantial. However, these advantages can only be fully realized in a company culture that prioritizes adaptability, open communication and trust in its workforce.

We encourage leaders to harness the potential of remote work and capitalize on its many benefits. It is essential to prioritize creating a forward-thinking company culture, investing in technology for seamless collaboration, and nurturing the interpersonal skills essential to thrive in remote environments. By embracing these principles, we can pave the way for a future where remote work not only thrives, but becomes a cornerstone of success in the technology industry and beyond.

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