Como gerenciar melhor talentos para empresas distribuídas

How to better manage talent for distributed companies

Managing distributed teams may have some things in common with managing internal teams, but it also has many differences that managers need to consider. Here's what you should know.

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This article is part of our Distributed Companies Series.

One of the biggest problems distributed companies have to deal with is talent management. Even if they have the best possible technological infrastructure, managers with years of experience and clear processes in place, the reality is that managing talent remotely is something we have never seen before.

To successfully engage with a distributed team, managers need to change their expectations, develop new approaches, and even embrace ways that may seem counterintuitive , at least when compared to traditional management practices. Getting there takes time and effort, but by following the suggestions outlined here, managers can have a better chance of succeeding in managing distributed talent.

Here are 6 recommendations for better managing distributed teams.

1. Change expectations

The first and most important thing managers should do is change what they expect from their engagement with remote workers. Expecting to work with distributed teams in the same way as internal teams is a recipe for failure. This is because there are many aspects that differ in distributed environments.

For example, managers should not expect their teams to communicate in the same way, nor should they believe that everyone works equally when they do so remotely. Online collaboration significantly impacts communication (more on this later) and even affects how managers should measure productivity and track goals. Therefore, having an open mind to the changes that will come is the first step towards better management of distributed teams.

2. Double down on good management best practices

The essentials in any good manager's book include setting clear goals for the team as a whole and for each of its members, communicating clearly, conducting meetings accurately, and leveraging each individual's strengths to compensate for weaknesses. Experienced managers certainly already know how to do these things, but a distributed approach requires them to be more pushy with them.

For example, one of the most common recommendations when managing remote talent is overcommunication. In other words, managers need to make sure that everyone is always aware of everything to avoid the emergence of knowledge silos. The only way to do this? Use multiple channels to communicate the same information, even when this may end up being repetitive for certain members. In the same vein, paying attention to everyone on the team (through general and individual meetings) is essential to anticipate problems.

3. Use new metrics to measure performance and productivity

Managers should throw their old ways of measuring performance and productivity out the window. Believing that someone works hard simply because they work longer hours is no longer a sensible approach (if it ever was). Today, people who work online manage their time differently and therefore achieve their goals in different ways.

Therefore, managers should not focus on the amount of time they dedicated to a project or how well they completed their work. Instead, they should focus on the work carried out by the team and compliance with established deadlines and procedures. Furthermore, managers must give the team leeway to work on their goals in any way they wish. As long as the management team has set clear expectations, there should be no problem with this.

4. Adjust the recruitment process

When it comes time to bring in new people, it's best to have a hiring process that better adapts to the distributed environment. This means a few things. First, it means that managers should look for people with interpersonal skills such as communication and self-discipline . These skills will help managers perform their jobs, as team members who possess them will manage their own time better, follow instructions better, and communicate better at all times.

Then there are the necessary adjustments to the onboarding process. Getting acclimated to a new job is always a challenge, which can be even greater in a remote environment. Managers should have a streamlined process for new remote hires, including providing new workers with the tools and information they need to get started, video calls for team-friendly introductions, a roadmap for what they expect the worker to do during their first day, week and month.

5. Create bonding opportunities

One of the most frequent complaints from remote workers is how working online makes them lose touch with their teammates. This can lead to feelings of disconnection and loneliness. Although managers may think that regular meetings are enough for the team to bond, the reality is that people need more than just a few minutes of informal conversation before and after a pre-arranged meeting.

That's why managers should set aside some time for the team to bond in a more relaxed environment . There may be informal meetings with pre-agreed frequency, special events with games and prizes or even special projects that connect teams or members who rarely work together. Managers should insist that these activities be carried out with video cameras on, so that everyone can see faces and gestures, which improves communication and increases familiarity with each other.

6. Take advantage of one-on-one meetings

Managers often attend one-on-one meetings to check individual progress and spot potential problems early on. Traditionally, these meetings are strictly professional and focus on tasks and objectives. While this is understandable for an internal environment, distributed companies need managers to take these meetings a little further and go (although not in depth) into more personal territory.

These meetings can reveal whether a team member is lacking enthusiasm, going through a rough patch, or feeling isolated. Naturally, managers should not pry into personal lives, but they should pay attention to warning signs and provide help in any way they can. This could be offering more flexibility, connecting them with professionals for help, or discussing the work in more detail to uncover the source of the problem.

A role reset

The most important takeaway from this is that managers need to understand that their role is redefined in the context of a distributed enterprise. Sure, the fundamentals are still there, but the way they should execute them has changed. That's why anyone responsible for managing a distributed team needs to take a look at their methods and see what needs to be tweaked.

Furthermore, the role of management is constantly evolving along with the rapid pace at which work is changing. This means that there is no single instance of management redefinition, but rather a process of continuous change to always remain aligned with what distributed talent needs. It takes time and effort, but it's the only way to ensure the distributed enterprise (and its team members) can work efficiently.

More related articles in our Distributed Companies Series.

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