Como atualizar seus aplicativos e arquitetura com eficiência

How to efficiently update your applications and architecture

Stay ahead of the curve! Adopt the latest technologies, simplify processes and improve the user experience.

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The current business scenario presents many challenges for companies of all sizes. In addition to the typical challenges of the industry and the market, there is also the paradigmatic change caused by digital transformation in all vertical sectors. And if that wasn't enough, the pandemic has disrupted almost every workflow, affecting everything from the supply chain to the customers themselves.

In this context, having state-of-the-art digital systems for conducting business has become an essential objective for all companies, so much so that most of them are now carrying out digital acceleration processes to keep up with the current demands of increasing digitalization. This adaptation to the current pace of digital adoption is a huge challenge in itself, both for companies that are just starting their digital acceleration and for those that have been working on it for some time.

Empresas de desenvolvimento de software para trabalho em equipe

#1 Why are software updates important for businesses?

This is because integrating new digital technologies or updating existing ones can be an arduous task and fraught with potential problems. If companies are new to digital acceleration, the path is full of pitfalls, from lacking adequate skills to face the process to getting lost in the abundant digital offerings.

Companies in the midst of digital acceleration may also encounter problems: upgrading legacy applications can take a long time, efficiently migrating to a new architecture for expansion requires a lot of expertise, and improving overall availability requires skilled professionals to do it quickly to meet demands new and fluctuating. And all this without considering the unpredictable effects of the pandemic.

#2 The right solution for specific problems

While we would all love a one-size-fits-all solution to every problem out there, there is no such thing. The right solution is the one that addresses the specific problem at hand, so it is impossible to have a one-size-fits-all answer. However, there really is a framework that can help companies with their digital challenges, whatever they may be: an increase in collaboration between the development team and the operations team.

By ensuring perfect collaboration between these teams, dealing with the issues inherent to digital adoption is simpler and the solutions that emerge from this cooperation end up being more robust and effective. Naturally, the implementation of this collaboration will have a different impact depending on the problem the company intends to solve.

Using automated builds ensures consistency and increases code coverage and overall productivity. Thanks to this, all changes and new features introduced in the software are synchronized with operations.

Companies with legacy applications can also benefit from this approach, especially if they are struggling to add new features. Using automated builds ensures consistency and increases code coverage and overall productivity. Thanks to this, all changes and new features introduced in the software are synchronized with operations.

#3: Get Help at the Right Time

Therefore, it is important to evaluate internal talent to check whether there are suitable professionals for this task. If there are no qualified engineers to implement collaboration between development and operations teams, or if those available do not have sufficient bandwidth, it is imperative to consider outsourcing for help.

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