Circuitos Vestíveis – Monitorando Vida, Saúde e Hábitos

Wearable Circuits – Monitoring Life, Health and Habits

New products that use Flex PCBs

Flexible printed circuit boards are at the forefront of the new wave of electronics found in healthcare, military and consumer markets. Researchers continue to push the boundaries of possibilities for flexible PCBs, expecting the industry to grow fivefold in the next 10 years. .

New materials, such as polyimide, allow for a thinner and lighter product, with the ability to move more freely. Printing with conductive ink allows the elimination of connectors and cables, improving connectivity and assembly costs. . New knowledge has reduced the flexible PCB manufacturing process to just 3 steps.

Smart Skin

Imagem Representacional de Smart Skin

Fig. 1: Representational Image of Smart Skin

The typical doctor's appointment consists of registering, waiting, visiting a nurse, and waiting some more before finally speaking to a doctor. Throughout each step, data about the patient is collected and processed. The process of finding pertinent data can be simplified by applying a new patch to the surface of a patient's skin, called “smart skin.” Through the “smart skin” sticker, information is transmitted using transmitters or antennas. , glucose levels, ECG and EKG readings

will be avaliable. Cables, ribbons, wires and bulky equipment are eliminated! The sticker is thin and light, making it almost undetectable. It can be pasted with water, similar to temporary tattoos. The material is designed to be ultra-flexible and move with the person's skin.

Contact lens for glucose monitoring

Imagem Simbólica de Lente de Contato para Monitoramento de Glicose

Fig. 2: Symbolic Image of Contact Lens for Glucose Monitoring

The pain of monitoring a diabetic's glucose levels can be uncomfortable. A needle prick to the fingertip allows a small amount of blood to be dispensed for testing. repeated up to eight times a day. Flexible PCBs are about to help create contact lenses that monitor glucose levels, eliminating painful finger pricks, dangerous medical supplies (like test strips and needles), and manual tracking of results.

The contact lens is equipped with a glucose sensor. A flexible PCB is placed in the lens with components that enable wireless transmission. circuit that is undetectable. Previous PCBs would have been too thick, rigid, and bulky for anything approaching this perfect application.

This Microsoft video explains contact lenses for glucose monitoring better

Consumer products

Wearable consumer devices such as smartphones and data capture bracelets are being released to the public at an increasing rate. Flexible PCBs will be utilized in smart technology to enable a lightweight, thin option that can be used instead of a bulky item that needs to be carried around. Some of the items are powered by solar cells instead of a battery.

Consumers won't be the only ones using flexible PCB products. Actual materials will use labels. about medications that need temperature control for stability. Foods can be equipped with labels that test for contaminants.

Energy sources

Power sources will need to adapt to keep flexible PCBs a viable option. The future holds the possibility of extendable energy sources. Most likely, the new technology will apply carbon nanotube microfilms, polyurethane membranes and organic electrolytes. Another possibility is a foldable lithium-ion battery. .

The future

Flexible PCBs are expanding the world of possibilities. Healthcare is considering smart surgical instruments. data to remote locations. Patients with neuromuscular disorders that affect their communication will be able to communicate and interact with a computer. Flexible PCBs will continue to improve healthcare access, delivery, comfort and convenience for patients.

About the author

This article was written by Alex Danovich, president of San Francisco Circuits, as part of the PCB School program, educating engineers and customers about PCB manufacturing and assembly. Visit the website for more circuit resources on ultrasonic cleaning, PCB equipment, and more.

SFCircuits is a PCB manufacturing and assembly supplier located in California specializing in Flex PCBs and other high-tech circuits.

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