Staff increase, outsourcing or hybrid? Compare these models to determine the best approach for your project needs, balancing control, expertise, and cost.
In the development process, dedicated IT teams go beyond simply meeting a deadline. IT teams are now exceeding expectations as they meet project goals with precision and focus. To meet client deadlines, staff augmentation, outsourcing and a hybrid approach continue to be key development work models that support the team and meet the company's specific needs.
Let's compare the advantages of each model as you consider the most beneficial approach for your employees and project development.
Staff augmentation is cost-effective and flexible
For a project to be completed successfully, management often evaluates the skills that are available internally and additional skill sets that will be required . Staff augmentation is a common solution because it is efficient and inexpensive.
Additionally, staff augmentation allows a company to add a temporary employee through a separate business to provide needed assistance . If your IT department doesn't have a specific skill set, growing your team by temporarily adding a specialist to the team will add more power to your IT project. As you reach different stages of the project, you can add or remove new team members based on the progress of the project.
Hiring full-time employees is expensive and comes with additional legal issues that may not be in the employer's best interests. Staff augmentation is often appreciated by full-time employees because it helps everyone meet deadlines quickly and with fewer errors. Executives want to use time and monetary resources wisely while increasing productivity. Adding a new person to an already structured and knowledgeable IT team makes learning new procedures an individual responsibility rather than training an entire team, which could easily disrupt a proper workflow.
Outsourcing keeps separate teams managed and focused on a common goal
Globally, 288 billion dollars was spent on outsourcing in the IT sector. Why? Because IT workers and management want to focus on what they do best . When outsourcing, the responsibilities of new personnel are assumed by the supplier of the outsourced employees. The outsourcer takes on the tasks of training, maintaining contracts between employees and producing results.
Even so, the company that hires the outsourcer can give its opinion on the size of the team and the demands that must be met. As project needs change, so do the team at the request of IT management. While you have a say, you want to be sure your outsourcer is trustworthy, with a proven track record of building responsible, productive teams.
Here's a tip: remember to be considerate of your internal employees, as they work with contractors. This transition may leave some workers concerned about their safety and employment status.
A hybrid approach combines the benefits of staffing and outsourcing
In the world of technology, change is inevitable – and it happens quickly. During the software development phases, companies often benefit from multiple approaches to solving internal problems .
As a project moves toward the finish line, there may be stages where it becomes necessary to augment the team to bring in someone with specific expertise to help. In another phase of IT development, it may be better to have an outsourced team working separately on a project. This helps the company's internal departments and prevents both teams from losing focus.
The best way to determine whether you should use a hybrid approach, staff augmentation, or outsourcing is to look at the bigger picture .
- What are your project goals and deadlines?
- In what areas can your team be strengthened?
- How can your team and contract workers be accommodated to create collaboration rather than competition?
Asking yourself these questions is the best way to make the right decision while working as part of IT management.