Aumento de pessoal nos Estados Unidos

Staff increase in the United States

Boost your business with staff growth in the USA! Leverage specialized talent, scale on demand, and maintain project control.

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Sometimes companies just need a little help getting a project across the finish line when their in-house team simply doesn't have the time or expertise to get the job done. Fortunately, there are options other than hiring new permanent employees to solve this problem, such as staff augmentation.

Staff augmentation is the practice of temporarily hiring external or outsourced staff to assist or “augment” the work capacity of internal staff. For example, sometimes organizations choose to hire staff augmentation services in the USA when their internal teams are already overloaded with projects. This allows the hiring company to maintain full control over its employees and operations, while also utilizing third parties to perform necessary development tasks and similar tasks.

Aumento de pessoal nos Estados Unidos 1

How to hire team augmentation services in the United States

The practice of outsourcing, in general, sometimes seems like a difficult task for business owners. After all, it literally involves handing over part of the workload to strangers and hoping for the best. However, companies should be assured that staffing companies hire experts in their respective fields after evaluating their experience, which means they have the ability to help companies achieve their goals successfully.

To get started with a staffing company, companies must decide the areas where they are lacking talent or where they specifically need additional assistance. This practice is especially useful for short-term projects that require a significant amount of resources or when projects require specialized or niche skill sets that are difficult to obtain by hiring in-house employees. With the current global talent shortage still ongoing, this practice is even more valuable today than it was in the past.

Hiring companies should look for a service provider with resources and talent that meets the unique needs of their company or project and interview them to see if they are a good fit in terms of methodologies, work cultures and skills. The augmentation or outsourcing service provider then works with the company to hire the best candidates for the contract and work begins. The augmented team member(s) then work as a virtual extension of the internal team throughout the project.

When should companies choose to work with a staff augmentation model?

Sometimes companies struggle between whether to go through the process of hiring another permanent in-house employee or opting to increase staff. However, there are some telltale signs that a company would benefit more from choosing the latter, including:

#1: Information technology is not the heart of the company

When companies in other verticals need IT services or software development experts, it doesn't always make sense to hire someone permanently. Even for tasks like improving or replacing existing legacy systems or implementing new technologies, staff augmentation is a great option for those looking for a more “one and done” approach to a single IT project.

#2 Project Requires Specialized Experience

Sometimes rogue projects come up that require skill sets and previous experience. In many cases, companies simply do not have access to this talent or cannot hire a specialist in this niche. Staff augmentation bridges the gap during specialized design to help companies complete their projects without breaking the bank.

#3 Project Time to Market Requires Acceleration

No development team or company has the ability to see the future of a project or know what it will be like when teams start their work. This sometimes causes delays. By increasing headcount, companies have more input into a project to get over the finish line without compromising the quality or mental health of their internal employees with stress.

#4 The company cannot find experts to hire

Finding the right candidate for a job often takes months of recruiting and training. Companies often can't afford to spend that time looking for the perfect person for the role and just need to get the job done. Staff augmentation helps connect companies with these experts without the need for long periods of research. The augmented team is made up of experts, already vetted and trusted by the outsourcing company, so they go straight to the project to complete it.

#5: They Need Fresh Eyes on an Existing Project

Working on a project for long periods of time causes tunnel vision, making it difficult to discover new ideas or ways to solve problems. Bringing in an outsider through team augmentation gives teams a fresh set of eyes to assess the situation and bring a fresh perspective to the project. This helps to create new and innovative ideas and increases the capabilities of companies.

Disadvantages of staff augmentation in the United States

There is no doubt that staff augmentation is a beneficial practice for a wide variety of companies for a variety of reasons. It's a great way to add more hands to a team, bring new perspectives to a project, and help increase problem-solving capabilities.

However, companies cannot simply enter into this type of agreement or contract completely unaware of the disadvantages or risks to consider when entering into a staff increase contract.

These drawbacks, for the most part, are manageable when companies take the time and do due diligence in evaluating each staff augmentation provider before signing a contract. On the other hand, the argument is also that some of the same risks and disadvantages arise when hiring a new employee for in-house work. Companies must accept this and weigh the pros and cons of their specific use case.

Some of the disadvantages associated with staff augmentation services include:

  • Quality risk: The risk that the quality of work provided by augmented employees does not match that of internal staff is a real concern for teams. This is a fair concern, as companies don't really know how augmented team members will perform once involved in a project. However, companies making the effort to evaluate an outsourcing or augmentation vendor must have enough confidence in that vendor to know they are getting the best talent possible for the role.
  • Lack of customer-specific knowledge: Often companies only grow their team for a relatively small period of time. This compressed schedule means that augmented team members may never truly become familiar with the hiring company's way of doing things or the client for whom they are completing a project. This can cause a bit of a lapse in streamlined work and cause some frustration for internal and augmented teams. To avoid this, companies should aim to provide new team members with as much information as possible to help ease their transition and make the relationship successful.
  • Workflow Adaptation: Each company's internal operations, workflows, and development lifecycles differ from each other. There is no one way to do things, which means augmented employees must continually adapt to each contract they sign. The temporary nature of the contract means that the augmented employee or employees may never fully learn or adapt to the processes and procedures of a single company. However, through regular and thorough communication with internal team members and management, these augmented staff members adjust as quickly and successfully as possible to go with the flow.
  • Higher Long-Term Costs: While staff augmentation practices definitely help companies reduce costs when hired for short-term solutions, the practice becomes quite expensive for long-term situations. If a project takes longer than expected or the company simply cannot finish the expansion contract due to demand, the company will end up paying a little more than originally anticipated. These highly trained professionals are definitely worth the money, but this sometimes comes as a bit of a shock to companies unprepared for the long-term costs associated with choosing to augment staff to meet their needs.

Benefits of Hiring a US-Based Company for Staff Augmentation

There are definitely benefits to hiring augmented employees generally as well as specifically in the United States, including:

  • Companies grow their workforce without the high costs associated with hiring a permanent in-house employee.
  • Staffing companies have the resources to quickly supply a large number of qualified workers.
  • Working with a US-based company for staff augmentation makes it easier for a company to maintain compliance with government regulations. This includes taxes and reporting requirements, as well as keeping records of employee hours and wages.
  • Even if a US-based staffing company works with its own employees outside the United States, it handles the international aspect of the agreement to ensure compliance with any legal requirements of foreign labor markets.
  • Choosing an augmented service saves companies time and money because they do not have to invest in physical resources such as software and hardware, office space, etc., normally required for human capital.
  • There are also no upfront costs required for the arrangement, as the outsourcing provider simply charges for the hours the augmented team works or for a monthly stipend.

Outsourcing services that BairesDev offers in the USA

  • Increase in IT team
  • Dedicated Teams
  • Software outsourcing

How to choose the best US company for staff growth

There are many staff augmentation companies available to work in the United States outsourcing market, which makes them a difficult choice for companies and their decision makers. However, there are some factors to consider to help businesses narrow down the options and eventually choose the one that best suits their organization or situation.

When choosing a company for staff growth, consider the following:

Resource Requirements

Despite the abundance of staff augmentation providers on the market, it is preferable to work with organizations considered experts in filling certain roles within a company's business verticals. These companies better understand the company's needs and can help choose the candidates that are best suited for the role as well as the business because they specialize in staffing these specialized roles.

Hiring Techniques

The best staffing partner should support the company's current hiring initiatives and work to improve them. Finding a partner for staffing services means access to better recruiting resources and channels than a company typically has. Additionally, it is advantageous to work with a staff augmentation partner who goes above and beyond the call of duty to locate talent that specifically meets the needs of the hiring company.

Market Knowledge

Changing industry trends and new challenges while hiring new skill sets are never-ending parts of the IT industry. However, a truly resourceful staffing company tries to stay on top of these changes and ahead of the curve in finding suitable candidates for a company's projects or ventures.

Companies that follow the sector can anticipate new trends and technologies and constantly remain on the lookout for potential talent that is aligned with them. This ensures your hires are not rooted in the past and can help your clients grow and prosper.


Clear communication and full transparency are the cornerstones of a healthy partnership between companies and their staff augmentation provider. However, this means that the hiring company must provide its clients with clear documents that describe exactly what their position is, as well as a comprehensive breakdown of the charges the company may encounter. This is important not only for monetary reasons, but also to give the hiring company an idea of ​​what is and is not included in their vendor contracts.

Complementary services

Each company that offers staff augmentation services has a unique set of value-added services that they provide as an extra or as part of the base price of their contracts. These services include additions such as conducting pre-onboarding skills assessments or providing specialized training to processed recruits. To make the most of the benefits a company receives from a staff augmentation employee, it is crucial to seek out these services.

BairesDev Staff Augmentation Services in the United States

  • Top 1% of information technology talent: BairesDev specializes in providing solid, complete and customized technology solutions, choosing to hire only the top 1% of technology talent, including developers, project managers, assurance and test professionals. quality and leadership.
  • Expertise: BairesDev thoroughly tests the logical, mathematical and technical skills of each potential addition to the team, as well as their interpersonal skills for working with clients. Only those who achieve the highest scores in each area join the team and gain access to clients.
  • Dedicated Teams: BairesDev does not “double” talent, which means that engineers and employees dedicated to a single company are not allocated to other projects or accounts. This helps companies make sure their augmented team members stay on track.
  • Companies maintain control: Working with BairesDev engineers means rapid integration into the processes and procedures of an internal team, reporting directly to internal managers, as an internal employee would.

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