As melhores ferramentas tecnológicas para treinamento de força de trabalho

The Best Tech Tools for Workforce Training

Training is a skill set in itself, and professionals should be aware of the tools that can help them provide the most effective education to the greatest number of employees.

Imagem em destaque

Canva YouTube Vístia G-Suite WordPress Photoshop Customized course completion certificates

Knowledge Repositories

As its name implies, a knowledge repository is a place to store information. But it also allows participants to collaborate with this space. Typically, knowledge repositories can be accessed from any device, making them a convenient way to share information, especially with employees who work remotely, travel, or are frequently on sales calls.

Knowledge repositories can be part of other platforms, such as LMS. Trainers can use knowledge repositories to categorize information according to specific structures that make the most sense for their organization. This structure makes it very easy for students to find what they need. For example, a production team member might find safety information for a specific machine under Safety > Floor Machines > X2100.

Training tools Support instructors

Training involves much more than the tools used to create educational materials. Trainers need to have the right knowledge, patience, audience awareness and the ability to deliver information in a way that builds on previous lessons. However, the right tools can help them do all of this and more. Training tools can help trainers make the process more interesting, engaging, and ultimately more effective in teaching employees what they need to know.

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