As ferramentas mais populares para desenvolvedores de JavaScript

The Most Popular Tools for JavaScript Developers

A very popular language with powerful tools For most laypeople, including executives, managers, and human resource recruiters, most programming languages ​​in use today.

Desenvolvedor Javascript usando ferramentas em um laptop

JavaScript, one of the most popular lightweight programming languages, celebrates its 23rd birthday in 2023. This language is loved by the technology world, from amateur developers to advanced developers. Why does this happen, you ask? In the hands of the expert, the best process tools for Javascript development, create rich and interactive user experiences (UX) on the web and mobile devices.

Each tool plays a pivotal role in your JavaScript development journey. So make sure you read until the end.

What is JavaScript development?

Created by Brendan Eich, JavaScript was invented in 1995 for the Netscape 2 browser. Since then, the list of browsers that support JavaScript has continued to grow. Before we get into the tools, we recommend that you are aware of JavaScript best practices . These measures can help you create cleaner, leaner, higher-quality code, especially if you're new to this technology stack.

Each project has its unique process flow. However, here are the five main steps of the JavaScript development process in general.

Design and development

The main part is where our developers ideate and implement the solution.


We take the product through rigorous quality assurance rounds and remove bugs.


This is the market entry phase, since we are absolutely sure that the final product is of industrial quality.


We provide ongoing support and maintenance so that your solution remains up to date with market demands.

What are the main benefits of JavaScript tools?

JavaScript's incredible ecosystem makes it so beloved by the developer community. From Gmail and Facebook to Twitter, JavaScript provides unparalleled user interactivity. Let's see why this benefits the end user so much!

Short learning curve

JS is beginner-friendly thanks to the plethora of frameworks and libraries with built-in functions. The IDE syntax and environment greatly simplify coding and debugging.

Perfect client-side UX

JS and its asynchronous nature allows backend server communication without hindering front-end user interaction.

Responsive web design

Adjusting the design for different browsers is out of the question with JavaScript. JS developers can reuse the same codebase along with HTML and CSS.

Compelling user interactivity

With frameworks like Vue and Angular, JS is taking engagement and UX levels to a whole new level! The visual appeal alone is a benefit that attracts developers.

Large online community

The sheer number of online forums and technology communities that talk about JS is enormous! This makes troubleshooting and ideation exceptionally simple for developers new to the JS bandwagon.

Now that you know why JavaScript tools still have immense demand in the market, let's take a look at the tool categories.

What types of JavaScript tools are available?

We will classify the 21 tools we will discuss into 7 types based on the functionality or role they play in JavaScript application development.

1. Code editors

JavaScript editing tools or IDEs offer a robust platform for coding and debugging complex projects.

2. Debuggers

That single misplaced comma can cause hours of headaches for a developer, but not anymore with debugging tools that identify the smallest error hidden in your code.

3. Package Managers

These tools automate various processes, including JavaScript package identification, downloads, installations, updates, and configurations.

4. Build tools

This category of tools creates executable applications when fed the source code. JavaScript build tools simplify the overall workflow.

5. Testing Tools

The increasing complexity of JavaScript applications makes manual testing almost unfeasible. Using testing tools, you can run scripts and verify that your code works as expected under different circumstances.

6. Documentation Tools

The code will not speak for itself. Documentation tools automate the time-consuming and tiring process of creating documents. Well-written and adequate documents make a developer's life simpler.

7. Collaboration Tools

From group messaging, file sharing and editing, to troubleshooting, collaboration tools eliminate the complexity and confusion associated with development.

How to choose the right process tool

Choosing the right tools for JavaScript development mainly depends on the task at hand. However, we will describe seven key parameters that simplify your decision-making process.

1. Ease of use: Learning curves for process tools vary. Tools like Vue, for example, are suitable for beginners. The Angular framework is more feature-rich and requires a steep learning curve. It is essential to select tools according to your team's skills in JavaScript technology.

2. Compatibility: This factor is not critical if you are starting a JavaScript project from scratch. However, if you are implementing code on an existing website, evaluate the time and money required. Choose a new tool that can run in conjunction with the existing one.

3. Popularity: Select tools that are currently trending on the market if your project deadlines are shorter. This approach speeds up the learning and debugging process due to the abundance of online material available.

4. Features: Your website's performance depends on the tool's features. React and Vue are examples that provide fast responses due to their virtual DOM. On the other hand, Angular has many features but provides a visually appealing user interface and better control.

5. Cost: The cost of any JavaScript app development process depends on your requirements. Evaluate required functionality, project timelines, and workforce to choose the ideal process tool.

6. Customization: Each tool has its level of customization. An editor like Sublime Text is cross-platform compatible and offers coding speed. Atom is another tool that offers rich theme customizations.

7. Integration: This factor is relevant when you are looking for debugging tools. These process tools simplify automated testing due to their inherent compatibility with CI/CD tools.

By now, you know that there is no one-size-fits-all JavaScript tool for all websites. The best approach is to define the problem statement and then narrow it down to the ideal tool considering the above factors. With that thought, let's move on to the main section of this guide: the list of the best JavaScript tools.

The 3 best JavaScript code editors

Choosing a platform where you code is a big decision. Why? Responsive design, shortcuts, and other process optimizations become difficult during switching. JavaScript IDEs come with debugging features, versioning controls, and cross-platform support that make the overall coding process easier.


Built with the Electron framework for desktop applications, Atom is a freely available editor that users can easily install on Windows, Mac, or Linux. The intuitive file system browser and GitHub integration make this IDE a preferred process tool for beginners and advanced developers alike.

Main Features:

  • Built-in package manager
  • Smart autocomplete
  • Fuzzy Finder (allows instant file exchange)

Visual Studio Code

Undeniably one of the best JavaScript IDEs available, VS Code is provided by Microsoft. Just like Atom, this editing tool comes with cross-platform support for Windows, Mac, and Linux. What sets VS Code apart is the autocompletes for JavaScript coding (IntelliSense).

Main features

  • Built-in debugging tool
  • IntelliSense code completion
  • Peek feature to expand function codes


By installing specific plugins, JavaScript developers can use this super useful editing tool. Eclipse is known for its superior and robust performance. It simplifies debugging using the automated error reporting feature. The Docker UI for Oomph projects is another unique feature of this editor.

Main features

  • Advanced debugging features
  • Workspace automation and replication
  • Docker UI for building Docker images
Tool Syntax highlighting IntelliSense debug Code refactoring Collaboration
Atom Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Visual Studio Code Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Eclipse Yes Yes Yes Yes No

The 3 best JavaScript debuggers

JavaScript code doesn't always work well. Fortunately, the abundance of JavaScript debuggers makes troubleshooting quite simple. Here are three debugging tools that are essential in your arsenal:

Chrome Developer Tools

This is a widely used debugger that is effective for performing quick bug fixes in your JavaScript code. You just need to add a debugger statement on the line that requires inspection. Chrome's debugger acts similar to adding a breakpoint in the sources tab. The only contrast here is that it is line-based.

Main features

  • Debugger API for line-by-line analysis
  • Console API for viewing messages and stack traces
  • Built-in profiler to measure performance

Firefox Developer Tools

Mozilla developed this tool to overcome the limitations of debugging using console.log. The Firefox Developer Tool that comes with the latest browser includes all of the Firebug functions. This aspect makes it comparable to Chrome's debugger.

Main features

  • Remote debugging capability
  • Pause run options for individualized debugging
  • Minified files with pretty print

Node.js Inspector.

Debugging your Node.js file present in the backend can be a tedious task. Use the following tools to simplify troubleshooting Node applications:

  • Node Debug Library
  • Node.js V8 Inspector Manager for Chrome
  • Visual Studio Code Editor

Main features

  • Beginner-friendly debugging environment
  • Built-in Node Inspector
  • Node.js V8 inspector is available as a Chrome extension
Tool Browser-based Integrated into the code editor Minified code debugging Asynchronous debugging
Chrome Developer Tools Yes No Yes Yes
Firefox Developer Tools Yes No Yes Yes
Node.js Inspector. No Yes Yes Yes

The 3 best JavaScript package managers

JavaScript package managers perform the tasks of hosting, fetching, and packaging JavaScript libraries. These third-party tools eliminate the need for developers to learn the algorithm associated with installations, builds, or integrations. They automate the installation and updating of necessary components, making your life easier.

Here are our top three package managers:


This package manager, designed for Node.js, helps JS developers share code modules. You no longer have to deal with the routine processes of installing and publishing packages.

Main features

  • Significantly low code size
  • CLI Compatible
  • The most extensive JS library on the market


Using a manifest file, Bower tracks all JS packages. Bower automates all routine tasks associated with website frameworks, libraries, and other components. It is immensely popular among the developer community due to its fully front-end optimized nature which works on a flat dependency tree structure.

Main features

  • Optimized front-end package management
  • Supports many workflow wrappers
  • Minimized page load times


Volo is another tool that automates many tasks on the JS developer checklist. Favor GitHub for the package repository from where you can fetch dependencies. Volo helps you create custom front-end projects for a browser by leveraging templates.

Main features

  • Ability to use search terms for JS libraries
  • Automation of AMD file conversions
Tool Dependency Management Version management Security
npm Yes Yes Yes
Arbor Yes Yes No
Volo Yes Yes No

JavaScript build tools

This category of tools mainly automates the execution of applications from source code. The process of “building” JavaScript construction tools involves compiling, linking, and packaging into executable output.

Let's explore three of the most popular build tools.


It is one of the best packaging tools that bundles JS files needed by a browser. With the included loaders, Webpack can transform front-end components like HTML, CSS, and image files.

Main features

  • Supports AMD, CommonJS and ES module bundling.
  • Reduced execution time
  • Highly modular design


A web application packager, differentiated by developer experience.” This is how its official website brands Parcel. This tool supports plug-and-play and requires no configuration.

Main features

  • Ultra-fast performance
  • Custom plugin support

To roll

This JS module wrapper tool uses a standard ES encoding format. It allows you to combine the best functionalities available in different JS libraries.

Main features

  • Support for multi-format compilation
  • Best tool for JS libraries
  • Small package size
Tool Task automation Grouping Code transpilation Code minification
Webpack Yes Yes Yes Yes
Portion Yes Yes Yes Yes
To roll Yes Yes Yes Yes

JavaScript Testing Tools

Companies are committed to automating their testing processes. JavaScript testing tools are as essential as ever. While some are tailored for unit testing, others offer superior end-to-end test automation.

Here, we'll highlight three tools to make your JS tests efficient.


Developed by Facebook, this award-winning testing tool is perfect for ReactJS. Minimal and simple setup make it ideal for beginners. Visual regression testing using screenshots makes Jest a cut above the rest.

Main features

  • Fast performance
  • Robust testing approach with short learning curves


This framework is designed specifically for JS applications using Node.js. The tool is open source and has a plethora of documentation available online.

Main features

  • Support for generators
  • Easy-to-map exceptions
  • Flexible reporting capabilities


Jasmine's testing framework is based on Node.js. This feature-rich tool follows asynchronous testing models. Be it Sinon or Chai, it is compatible with almost all available JS libraries.

Main features

  • Abundant documentation and community help
  • Gentle learning curve
  • Supports front-end and back-end testing
Tool Unit Testing Integration Testing End-to-end testing Mocking Asynchronous testing
Joke Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mocha Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Jasmine Yes Yes No Yes Yes

JavaScript Documentation Tools

Documenting your code development journey is important reference material for you and your team members in the future. In this section, we'll take a look at three of the most popular JavaScript documentation tools.


This API documentation tool helps JS developers to document through comments. It is a mature and stable tool on the market for more than a decade.

Main features

  • Add documentation comments directly to the source code
  • JSDoc tags to provide additional details


You can easily publish documentation written in Markdown. It's easy to use and offers standard styles, formatting, and seamless navigation features.

Main features

  • Integrated blog support, internationalization
  • Documentation versioning


You can document products and APIs using this easy-to-use collaborative documentation tool. Integrates seamlessly with GitHub with support for over 700 plugins.

Main features

  • Impressive customization capabilities
  • Robust plugin system
Tool Reduction support Automatic code documentation Customization
JSDoc Yes Yes Yes
Docusaurus Yes No Yes
GitBook Yes No Yes

JavaScript Collaboration Tools

Real-time collaborative coding means every team member can access and work on their code. In scenarios like when your team is working on a new release, JavaScript collaboration tools can be more than useful for building communities, workflows, troubleshooting, and many other things!


This tool is essentially a networking platform for coders. Its version control feature helps you keep track of all edited versions, aiding collaborative coding.

Main features

  • Team discussions – notify the team about updates
  • Protected branches — set access control on edit


This code hosting and collaboration tool helps from ideation and testing to deployment. The exceptional quality of Jira and Trello integrations makes this tool preferred by teams.

Main features

  • Integrated CI/CD solution
  • Robust security checks


This feature-rich project management tool has a dedicated platform for developers where they can create and collaborate. The Asana API helps you automate repetitive tasks, and you get a marketplace to publish your apps for sharing.

Main features

  • Simplifies project management and task coordination
  • Audit Log API for Data Security
Tool Version control Project management Team communication
GitHub Yes Yes Yes
Bitbucket Yes Yes Yes
Asana No Yes Yes


JavaScript programming has stood the test of time due to the ever-growing list of process tools that assist developers in many facets. Extreme levels of flexibility, intuitive web designs, and comfortable UX are just some of the driving factors.

The JS ecosystem is rapidly evolving and developers need to stay up to date with process tools and technology best practices. What are your thoughts on our list of JS tools? Would you like to add or replace any of them? Share your thoughts below and follow this space for expert insights on trending technology topics.

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