As 8 etapas do desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis

The 8 steps of mobile app development

From conception to launch: Navigate the comprehensive journey of creating a mobile app, ensuring usability, stability, and scalability for an exceptional user experience.

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It's easy to think of great mobile app ideas, but it's much harder to implement them. Here we explore what it really takes to design, develop and promote a high-quality mobile app.

desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis

#1 Identify the objective

The best mobile app ideas are those that solve problems for users, especially those for which there are no other solutions or those that people didn't even realize were a problem. For example, readers old enough to remember a time before Google Maps will no doubt agree that the app completely transformed the way we find our way around.

Before Maps, getting somewhere unfamiliar required seeking (sometimes poor) verbal or written directions from other people, awkwardly drawing landmarks on random pieces of paper according to their instructions, or consulting one or more maps. The Maps app provides the means to simply type in where you want to go and let Google do the rest. Now that's a solved problem.

#2 Check out the competition

Unfortunately for aspiring mobile app developers, many great app ideas have already been adopted. So before you jump into what you hope will be the next hottest download from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, visit those platforms to see what's already there. Ask yourself the following questions about potential competitors:

  • Does this app do exactly the same thing as my idea? If not, how are they different? Is it enough of a difference to promote?
  • How do the pricing models differ? For example, would my app be free while this one requires payment?
  • How does the quality differ? Does this app have significant user experience (UX) issues? Would the quality of development of my idea be better?
  • Who is the target market for this app? Is it the same as mine?

#3 Think about your operating system

Before proceeding with this process, think about which platforms you would like your mobile app to run on. You can choose native mobile app development, which means developing for a specific operating system (OS), or hybrid development, which allows your app to be used with multiple operating systems. Remember, you can save time and money by using a framework that allows you to create an app once and deploy it to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

This decision will be driven by budget and other considerations, but remember that the more potential users you can give access to your app, the better your ROI.

#4 Formulate Functionality

Now it's time to get into the nitty-gritty. How will your mobile app actually work? What functionality will it have? What will the screens look like? How will it be designed? Don't skip this step, as the answers to these questions will guide everything you do from now on. You can start by sketching out the look you want for your app's various screens.

UX and user interface (UI) are highly important aspects of any application. The UI is what users actually see on their screens: the layout of fields and buttons, the colors, the menus, and what happens when you swipe up, down, left, and right. UI is part of UX, but UX also includes things like the mobile app's reliability (does it do what it's supposed to do) and its performance.

#5 Make a Development Plan

Other considerations for this phase include a timeline with milestones that you can share with all interested parties, as well as some initial marketing ideas.

#6 Build a prototype

The next step is to create an initial version (prototype) of the mobile application. This is an exciting phase because now you have something to show reviewers, funders, and manufacturers that truly “looks like an app.”

#7 Test, test, test

No mobile app development process is complete without testing. Quality assurance (QA) testing involves software experts validating whether a product meets standards set by a variety of stakeholders, including employers, customers, and users. Effective quality control testing can save time and money and ultimately increase your company's reputation, security, and customer loyalty.

In addition to technical testing, you should have real users test drive your app and offer their feedback. Ideally, these users should belong to your target market. For example, if you created an app that helps people identify plants in a certain geographic area, give it to people in that area to test. You can use the information you developed in step 1 to help identify your ideal beta testers. Give testers questions to answer, such as:

  • What do you like most about this app?
  • What do you like least?
  • Did you have any problems operating it? If so, what was the problem?
  • Do you like the overall look of the app?
  • What would you change if you could?

#8 Launch and Market

Finally, you can launch your application. Please take the time to review the instructions and requirements on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Once your app is available in these locations, take a moment to savor your achievement. Then start marketing. There are countless ways to promote your app, including the following:

  • Create a website that describes the app and its benefits. As a bonus, include a video.
  • Create accounts on all the major social media sites and use them to get your message across.
  • Introduce your app to influencers who can help you spread the word.
  • Take every opportunity to ask for reviews and be sure to respond to both positive and negative ones.

After upload

None of the suggestions in step 8 will help you if you don't provide adequate support to your users after you submit your mobile app to the app stores. Make sure you respond to all user requests. If you can't do this right away, at least send a message that you received the request and are working on the issue. Bring your process full circle by using suggestions to make your app even better and sharing those improvements with the world.

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