As 7 melhores ferramentas de depuração de JavaScript para 2024

7 Best JavaScript Debugging Tools for 2024

Many developers today use JavaScript for website development. However, debugging JavaScript code is difficult. Let's look at the main tools available on the market for JavaScript debugging.

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JavaScript is a very versatile scripting language that allows users to create dynamic pages. As of 2023, it is used as a client-side programming language by 98.2% of all websites in the world . It has truly become the de facto language for website development.

However, experienced JavaScript developers understand that it can sometimes be difficult to work with. Debugging JavaScript code is often not straightforward, and sometimes you need advanced skills to find the problems. However, if you use leading JavaScript debugging tools and scripts, you can easily fix problems and ship JavaScript code without errors in your compilation.

What is JavaScript debugging?

JavaScript debugging is a process in which developers examine JavaScript code to find syntax errors, style errors, and logical flaws. It is an exercise in which all the problems that could hinder the execution of a JavaScript program are listed and corrected.

This process has the following steps.

#1 Identifying the bug

This is the first step of the debugging process and is also called the bug detection step. Here, the bug is identified through error messages and notifications.

#2 Isolating the source of the error

Here developers identify the part of the code that is causing the error.

#3 Identifying the cause of the error

In this step, the code is checked to identify which line/function is sending that error message. Developers can also try to reproduce the error message.

#4 Solving the problem

Once the location and source of the bug has been identified, the next step is to fix it. There are many ways to fix an error. The developer usually uses all these approaches one by one and runs the code to see the final result. After choosing an approach, they deploy the code to production systems.

Why is it important to debug JavaScript code?

Debugging is an essential part of software development and is important for customer satisfaction. So let's take a look at how debugging improves JavaScript projects.

#1 Reduces errors

This is one of the most obvious advantages of debugging. It ensures that the code added to your repository works correctly and that there are no errors.

#2 Saves development time and costs

It can be difficult to find bugs once the code is deployed to the customer's premises. They also cost more to repair. This process allows developers to fix simple problems during the development phase, rather than later when bugs can only be fixed by releasing a new version of the project.

#3 Security

Debugging can be used to fix vulnerabilities and security issues in the project. This is important because hacktivists often use code vulnerabilities to gain access to insecure systems.

#4 Code flow

Using breakpoints when debugging JavaScript can help developers identify the flow of the code. You can also use it to learn about the different attributes of the code like variables, data structures, methods, etc.

#5 Customer satisfaction

Submitting untested and error-prone code to the client's website can cause huge liability issues for the software development company.

What types of debugging tools are available?

Browser-based consoles

All major browsers, such as Chrome, Opera, Edge, and Safari, have built-in debuggers that allow developers to debug JavaScript through a console. You can also use them to inspect specific page elements and set breakpoints.

Standalone debuggers

These are independent tools that developers use to test and fix JavaScript code.

Node.js debugger.

This is a command-line debugging tool that developers can use to debug Node.js applications.

Debug Extensions

You can add JavaScript debugging extensions with code editors such as Visual Studio and Sublime Text to debug your code.

How to choose the right tool

For any development, having the right tool for the job is half the battle. If you choose the right tool, you can efficiently implement it in your infrastructure and use it to debug your modules.

There are a few things you should keep in mind before selecting a JavaScript debugger for your project.

#1 Type of problem

Before selecting a tool, you need to understand your problem exactly. For example, if you need to debug performance issues, you should use tools like Airbrake or Raygun. On the other hand, if you want to debug your style errors, you can use ESLint.

#2 Ease of use

Your debugging tool should have a simple learning curve and be easy to use. Administrators with limited knowledge of QA should be able to use it to generate reports and schedule notifications. From a DevOps perspective, it should also be easy to integrate into existing infrastructure.

#3 Customer Support

The tool you choose must have good after-sales support. It should come with online resources (e.g. videos, e-books) and documentation to support your users.

There should also be an online community to help users if they get stuck on a complex issue.

#4 Specific use case

Sometimes developers need to choose a specific tool based on their use case. For example, if you are debugging a Node.js application, you should choose the Node.js debugger instead of a standalone one. This way, you won't need to perform any integration or tool installation to debug your code.

Top 7 JavaScript Debugging Tools for 2024

#1 JS Box

JS Box is a free and open source JavaScript debugging tool. It is often used by developers who want to make small changes to small-scale projects. It was created for collaborative debugging, a process in which many developers come together to fix code problems. This tool has a complete set of debugging features to update JavaScript code.

It also allows you to log into the site and troubleshoot scripts from other developers. However, any module you debug will technically be exposed to the public unless you pay a fee.


  • This tool provides real-time results to the user. You can also sync it with Dropbox for recording and analysis.
  • It uses Codecast to share code in real time. The changed output can be seen via the live reload feature. Remote rendering can be used to render your output to a different device.
  • Developers can export code to versioning and code maintenance tools such as GitHub.
  • It also allows you to debug HTML and CSS code.

#2 Air brake

Air Brake is a continuous monitoring JavaScript debugger that provides real-time bug updates to the user. It also supports other languages ​​such as PHP, Python and Java. Additionally, you can integrate this tool with quick notification tools like Trello.

It has code snapshot options that allow developers to track their software through breadcrumbs. Its performance monitoring options allow users to track performance data and monitor deployments made through CI/CD pipelines.


  • It is a lightweight and easy to install application.
  • It has real-time alert options and contextual bug analysis. It also offers 24/7 monitoring of your technology stack to mitigate known issues.
  • Airbrake notifiers are serverless and easy to use. They also support multiple programming languages ​​and allow users to send alerts to the tool for analysis and evaluation.
  • This software also has options for workflow management and detailed performance reporting. Developers can use Airbrake trackers to integrate the Airbrake bug tracking service into their own tool.

#3 Firefox JavaScript Debugger

This JavaScript debugging tool allows users to locally test their JavaScript code in the Firefox Browser . Users can also set breakpoints (conditional and XHR) for debugging and error handling.

It allows developers to add control points to check variables and expressions in their code. It's free to use and easy to work with. QA engineers can also use it to perform accessibility and cross-browser testing.


  • Along with JavaScript, this tool also allows engineers to debug HTML and CSS code.
  • Can be used to inspect cookies via the DOM property viewer.
  • DOM mutation breakpoints allow developers to pause the flow of code in the DOM node, which can then be checked in the page inspector. You can also check performance, responsiveness, and layout performance issues through this tool.
  • It allows users to check for missing resources and debug worker threads.

#4 ESLint

ESLint is an open source JavaScript debugging tool for static code analysis. Engineers can also use it to check coding syntax and quality issues such as typos and square brackets.

Additionally, you can use it to check suspicious constructions and style errors. Developers can also add their own linting rules for text customization.


  • This tool has options for static code analysis and can be used to fix style errors.
  • It is highly flexible, can be added to most text editors and is compatible with major operating systems such as macOS, Linux and Windows.
  • Most of the platform's rules are pluggable and can be turned on and off as standalone rules.
  • It also supports custom parsers and allows users to highlight errors.

#5 Ray gun

This is a cloud-based tool for performance monitoring and debugging. You can also use it to collect data on end-user issues through crash reports and bug feedback.

It can also monitor service-side performance and perform end-user fault detection analysis. Additionally, it can be integrated with third-party tools like Jira for bug tracking and analysis.


  • This tool also supports other programming languages ​​such as PHP, .NET, and Ruby.
  • It has filters that allow users to create insights from code. You can also access contextual information and use it for real-time front-end monitoring.
  • It's easy to install and use. Your subscription is divided into three options: application performance monitoring, real user monitoring, and error and failure reporting.

#6 Scrollbar

Securitybar is a popular JavaScript debugger with options for deployment monitoring, exception reporting, and real-time error notifications. It is widely used by quality control professionals for error recording and bug analysis.

This tool provides users with bug fix suggestions along with the impact of the bugs. You can also categorize bug reports and issue reports based on priority and impact.

Additionally, it has workflow triggers that notify users if a module ships with known issues, so developers can resolve them before release.


  • It has options for bug location, bug management, and bug telemetry.
  • It allows users to set up real-time alerts and notifications for faster response.
  • You can easily integrate it with workflows and VCS.
  • It has options to send automated responses to errors through AI-assisted workflows. It can also perform stack traces.
  • The tool has built-in triggers to stop suspicious deployments.

#7 Fail tip

This is an open source debugger that can be hosted locally. It allows developers to review, modify, and rerun JavaScript modules.

You can use this tool for error tracking and logging through log messages and exceptions. It can also recognize security breaches and application slowdowns.


  • Its dashboard is simple and easy to use. It can pinpoint slow web requests, server transactions, and database calls.
  • You can use this tool to monitor uptime as it will let you know if your website is not responding to calls. Uptime monitoring can be done by mimicking pings, GET and POST calls. You can also monitor your heart rate.

Once the request data is received, it compares it to a user-configured expected status. If it doesn't match, a notification will be sent to the development team that the app is down.

  • It's very easy to set up alerts and manage call frequency.


Debugging JavaScript can be a difficult process . However, using the right tools and JavaScript best practices, you can easily mitigate errors and create an error-free build. Of course, as mentioned above, there are many different options available on the market for JavaScript debugging tools. You need to select the one that best meets your business requirements and use case.

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