Análise dos tipos de perdas em máquinas de corrente contínua

Analysis of types of losses in direct current machines

Types of losses in direct current machines

DC machines are essential components in diverse applications, from industrial processes to renewable energy systems. However, despite their importance, these machines are not immune to losses during operation. Understanding the types of losses in DC machines is critical for engineers and designers looking to improve system efficiency, performance, and overall reliability. This article analyzes the different types of losses in DC machines and addresses their causes, effects and possible mitigation strategies.

Types of losses

The losses of a direct current machine (generator or motor) can be divided into three classes. They are

1. Copper losses
2. Iron or core losses and
3. Mechanical losses.
All these losses lead to heat and thus increase the temperature of the machine. Furthermore, the efficiency of the device is reduced.

1. Copper losses

This loss generally arises from the current in the various windings of the machine. The different winding losses are:

Anchor copper loss = EU 2 A R A
Copper loss in the shunt field = EU 2 Sh R Sh
Copper loss in series field = EU 2 se R se
There are additional brush contact losses due to brush contact resistance (i.e., resistance at the center of the brush surface and commutator). This loss is largely included in the copper loss of the anchor.

2. Iron losses

This loss occurs in the armature of a DC machine and is due to the rotation of the armature in the magnetic field of the poles. There are two types, namely

(i) Loss of hysteresis
(ii) Eddy's current loss.

Hysteresis loss

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Hysteresis losses occur in the armature winding of the DC machine because any part of the armature is exposed to the reverse magnetic field as it passes under the following poles. The above figure shows the 2-pole DC machine with rotating armature. Note a small, low section of the armature winding. As soon as piece ab is under pole N, the magnetic lines go from a to b. Half a turn away, there is an identical piece of iron under the S pole, and the magnetic lines go back and forth to reverse the magnetism in the iron. To constantly reverse the molecular magnets in the armature core, a certain amount of energy must be expended, called hysteresis loss. The Steinmetz formula indicates this.

The Steinmetz formula is:

Hysteresis loss P H =ηB 16 Max fV watts

η = Steinmetz hysteresis coefficient
b Max = Maximum flux density in the armature winding
F = magnetic polarity inversion frequency
= NP/120 (N is given in rpm)
V = connection volume in m 3
Suppose you want to reduce this loss by a CD. The machine armature core is made of materials with a lower Steinmetz hysteresis coefficient, e.g. B. silicon steel.

Eddy's current loss

In addition to the voltages created in the armature conductor , other voltages are generated in the anchor core. These voltages create currents in the coil core as shown in Fig. These are called eddy currents and the loss of power due to their flow is called eddy current loss. This loss appears to increase the temperature of the machine and efficiency decreases as heat increases.
Perda de corrente parasita

When using a continuous cast iron core, the resistance to the eddy current path is low due to the large cross-section of the body. Consequently, the eddy current strength and eddy current losses are enormous. The eddy current intensity can be reduced by keeping the core resistance as high as possible. Core strengths can be greatly increased by making the core from thin, round iron sheets called laminations (see illustration). The laminations are isolated from each other by a layer of varnish. The insulating layer has high resistance; therefore, little current flows from one lamination to another. Furthermore, because each lamination is extremely thin, the resistance to current flowing across the width of the lamination is quite large. Therefore, laminating a core increases the resistance of the core, which reduces eddy current and therefore eddy current losses.

Eddy current loss P t =K t b 2 Max F 2 T 2 V watts

Where k t = constant

b Max = Maximum flux density in wb/m 2
T = lamination thickness in m
V = core volume in m3

constant ( K t ) depends on the core resistance and the measurement system used.

It should be noted that the eddy current loss depends on the square of the sheet thickness. For this reason, the thickness of the sheet must be as small as possible.

Mechanical loss

These losses are due to friction and air resistance.

  • Friction losses arise from friction in bearings, brushes, etc.
  • Air friction from the rotating coil causes air loss.
These losses depend on the machine speed. Except that at a certain speed they are much more consistent.

Constant and variable losses

Losses in a DC machine are divided into (i) constant losses and (ii) variable losses.

Constant losses

Losses in a DC generator that remain constant under all loads are called continuous losses. The operating losses in a DC generator are:

a) Iron losses
b) mechanical losses
c) Shunt field losses

Variable losses

Those losses in a DC generator that vary with load are called variable losses. Variable losses in a DC generator are:

Copper loss in the armature winding (I 2 R A )
Copper loss in series field winding (I 2 se R se )

Total Losses = Constant Losses + Variable Losses.

This copper loss is generally constant in shunt and compound generators.

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