ADC com NRF24LE1 (Parte 2/14)

ADC with NRF24LE1 (Part 2/14)

ADC with NRF24LE1

We studied the first NRF module program which was very simple and we were successful in blinking the LED .

Now if we want to do anything with NRF, we must know how to receive analog inputs as most of the sensor is analog. In this article, we will see how to use NRF's built-in ADC and how we can use any analog sensor and convert its value to digital

Protótipo de interface NRF24LE1 com ADC

Fig. 1: NRF24LE1 interface prototype with ADC

Some important specifications about the NRF24LE1's built-in ADC are:

6, 8, 10 or 12 bit resolution – Means we have the option to choose 6, 8, 10 or 12 bit ADC.

14 input channels – 14 input pins for analog input signal

Single-ended or differential input – Single-line input or two-line input

Full scale range defined by internal reference, external reference or VDD – To define the maximum analog voltage to be detected.

Single step mode – Convert the signal and then stop

Continuous mode with sampling rate of 2, 4, 8 or 16 kbps – Continuously converts the signal unless interrupted.

Low current consumption; just 0.1 mA at 2 kbps

Imagem mostrando a interface do NRF24LE1 com ADC

Fig. 2: Image showing the interface of NRF24LE1 with ADC

These are the specifications we extracted from the datasheet. Now, to understand the code, we take a snippet from the example codes provided by Nordic. Let's understand the main part of the code line by line.

Functions provided by the Nordic library

hal_adc_set_input_channel AIN0 – AIN13 Set the input channel
hal_adc_set_reference INT/VDD/AIN3/AIN9

Set the reference voltage

INT – Internal reference of 1.22V

VDD – 3.3V reference

AIN3/AIN9 – external reference




Set the input type

SINGLE – Single-ended input

DIFF_AIN2 – Differential input with AIN2 as inverting input

DIFF_AIN6 – Differential input with AIN6 as inverting input

hal_adc_set_conversion_mode SINGLE_STEP/CONTINUOUS

Set the conversion mode

SINGLE_STEP – single step

CONTINUOUS – Continuous




Set ADC resolution

RES_6BIT – 6-bit resolution

RES_8BIT – 8-bit resolution

RES_10BIT – 10-bit resolution

RES_12BIT – 12-bit resolution

hal_adc_set_data_just ONLY_LEFT/ONLY_RIGHT

Justify the position of the output data

JUST_LEFT – Left position

JUST_Right – correct position

hal_adc_start Start ADC conversion
hal_adc_busy 0/1

Check conversion status

0 – Not busy

1 – Busy

hal_adc_read_LSB Byte Read the LSB of the converted data
hal_adc_read_MSB Byte Read the MSB of the converted data

//Configure the ADC

hal_adc_set_input_channel (HAL_ADC_INP_AIN0);

Here we need to assign which input pin we are configuring for the analog input. Since we are using P0.0, we define this by HAL_ADC_INP_AIN0

hal_adc_set_reference (HAL_ADC_REF_VDD);

The ADC reference voltage is kept equal to VDD (supply voltage), which is 3.3V

hal_adc_set_input_mode (HAL_ADC_SINGLE);

Since we are using a single entry, it is set to HAL_ADC_SINGLE.

hal_adc_set_conversion_mode (HAL_ADC_SINGLE_STEP);

During ADC conversion, we can set the conversion mode. Here we define as single step

hal_adc_set_resolution (HAL_ADC_RES_8BIT);

We can also set the resolution before the controller starts ADC operations. We are setting it to 8 bits

hal_adc_set_data_just (HAL_ADC_JUST_RIGHT);

We can adjust the data to the right or left in the ADC operation. We're adjusting to the right

Find below the main loop where the ADC operation is taking place

While (true)
hal_adc_start ; // Start ADC conversion
while( hal_adc_busy ) // Wait for the ADC to finish a conversion
P1 = hal_adc_read_LSB ; // Write the ADC result to P1
We also demonstrate the experiment using a video. Here we provide the analog voltage between 0 and 3.3 V using the potentiometer.
We attach LEDs to port P1. The number of LEDs that are lit will vary depending on the analog input voltage provided on the analog pin
You can compile the code provided here using Keil software and record the NRF using the recorder to see the experiment yourself.
Stay tuned with us as we write more for you.
Have a good day!!

Project source code


 //Program to

/* Copyright (c) 2009 Nordic Semiconductor. All rights reserved.

*The information contained herein is the confidential property of Nordic * ASA Semiconductor. Terms and conditions of use are described in detail * in the NORDIC SEMICONDUCTORS STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free and non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND is provided. This title should NOT be removed from the * the file. * *$LastAmendedRevision: 133$ */ /** @file * @brief ADC continuous mode example * @defgroup adc_cont_example ADC continuous mode example * @{ * @ingroup nrf_examples * * @brief This example shows P00 using continuous ADC mode at a rate of 2 Ksps * and outputs the 8-bit sample value in P1. * */ //lint -e716 //lint -e714 #include "nrf24le1.h" #include "hal_adc.h" #include null delay (not signed in us) { while we--) { _nop_ ; } } main void { // Define P1 as output P1DIR = 0; P10 = 0; //Configure the ADC hal_adc_set_input_channel(HAL_ADC_INP_AIN0); hal_adc_set_reference(HAL_ADC_REF_VDD); hal_adc_set_input_mode(HAL_ADC_SINGLE); hal_adc_set_conversion_mode(HAL_ADC_CONTINOUS); hal_adc_set_sampling_rate(HAL_ADC_2KSPS); hal_adc_set_resolution(HAL_ADC_RES_8BIT); hal_adc_set_data_just(HAL_ADC_JUST_RIGHT); // Enable MISC interrupts to enable ADC interrupt MISC = 1; //Enable global interrupts EA = 1; //Start ADC conversion hal_adc_start ; for(;;){} } //ADC interrupt (MISC) ADC_ISR { internal value = 0; val = hal_adc_read_LSB ; P10 = 1; delay(1000); delay(val * 4); P10 = 0; delay(19000 - val * 4); } /** @} */


Circuit diagrams

Circuit Diagram-NRF24LE1-Interface-ADC

Project video

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