A nova série de desafios de talentos: como evitar que trabalhadores remotos tenham baixo desempenho

The New Talent Challenge Series: How to Prevent Remote Workers from Underperforming

An inadequate implementation of remote work can negatively impact your productivity. Here are three ways to prevent this from happening.

Trabalhadores remotos

This is Part 5 of our New Talent Challenge Series . In it, we examine the new issues companies face when hiring talent, especially in the context of the pandemic-related fallout that is still disrupting every industry.

Time and again, experts have touted the remote model as the future of work. We even did it on this blog. It's hard not to think this way given the many benefits that remote work can bring. And it's even more difficult when we see that these benefits often mute the fears that many reluctant executives have about remote work.

There is plenty of evidence to support this. Different research and reports have found that remote workers enjoy a better work-life balance, save more money, have more flexibility, and are more productive. Companies also save money, access a broader pool of talent, become more competitive, and enjoy this increase in productivity as well.

However, the fact that remote work allows these benefits does not mean that these benefits are guaranteed. A poor implementation of the remote work model can bring disastrous results and negatively impact any company. That's why you need to take all the necessary steps to make the most of remote work.

Where to start? There are many things you can do to jumpstart your remote work strategy. But given its importance to every business, the best thing you can do is ensure you have what it takes to ensure your remote workers' productivity . As? Following these 3 tips.

1. Make sure you have a strong communication model

You've certainly heard it before: communication is everything in a remote environment. But it's certainly worth repeating, especially since some people don't fully understand what it entails. Let's look at this from a different perspective. When you don't have an adequate communications infrastructure that combines appropriate tools with well-defined protocols , your remote employees can quickly fall out of the loop.

Without a defined communication strategy, your remote workers may have difficulty understanding how their tasks fit into the bigger picture or even lose sight of the company's goals. That's a recipe for disaster. This level of disconnection can cause them to lose interest in what they do, simply because they don't see the value. This, in turn, can make them feel undervalued, a feeling that can affect their productivity.

This is not everything. Your remote employees may be doing a good job, but without the right communication channels and processes in place, your managers may not be able to track or measure it. This may give you the false impression that remote workers are not working.

The solution is simple to understand but difficult to implement: develop a comprehensive communications plan. This should include preferred tools for communication (whether messaging, video conferencing, or communication platforms) and appropriate protocols. The latter should include your expectations regarding communication, which should encompass meetings, reports, and exceptional communication.

2. Provide support and motivation

As I said above, remote workers can disconnect from the company and the rest of the team, which negatively impacts their productivity. And although communication platforms and processes are essential to prevent this from happening, they are not enough. Of course, your business communication protocols can help you ensure everyone is on the same page and that you have visibility into everything. But you have to go beyond that.

What I'm saying is that you also need to consider how your team members perform in your own circumstances. Communicating with them can open a window for you to see how they are doing remote work. But this is not enough. You need to provide support and motivation to keep them focused and happy.

How can you do that? There are 2 ways. The first is to provide them with a structure that helps them do their work in the best way possible. This means giving them the right hardware and software and even giving them the opportunity to work in a coworking space from time to time. This will allow them to do their work without frustration and in the easiest way possible. And in the case of the coworking space, relieve them of household distractions.

The second way is to establish spaces in their work routine for them to relax. This could mean holding social meetings via video conferences, organizing face-to-face meetings from time to time, and even having specific professionals available for your team to talk to whenever they are having motivational or psychological problems.

3. Learn to manage crises

When you lead a remote team , you won't have a complete view of what's going on with everyone. Of course, you can understand that people are going through difficult times during the COVID-19 pandemic, but there are also possibilities for other, less visible crises, such as personal or local crises that you may not be aware of. Caring for a sick family member, going through a divorce, economic turmoil in an employee's country, or disruptions to essential services can become crises that you need to manage.

While the 2 points I explained above should help you identify these types of problems (and provide support to unmotivated employees), the reality is that certain crises cannot be resolved in a group meeting or casual encounters. A more institutionalized approach to crisis management is needed, taking all aspects into account.

On the one hand, it is essential to provide the necessary support, which may mean bringing in specialized professionals to help deal with particular situations. So you'll need a crisis response program to know how to deal with these disruptions. People going through a crisis may not be able to fully concentrate on work, and you shouldn't force them to do so. Instead, you need to have a backup plan to ensure they feel supported and that work doesn't suffer in your absence.

Finally, crisis management is not just about listening or accommodating work processes. It also means being there in every way possible, which can also mean helping with financial hardships (like unexpected medical bills or lost equipment).

Developing a Defense Against Poor Performance

The key to avoiding poor performance from your remote team is to understand the causes of this drop in productivity. Whether due to personal crises, lack of motivation, communication problems or poor reporting practices, knowing what is causing employees to underperform is essential to articulating appropriate solutions.

Make sure you don't wait for a drop in your remote employees' productivity to start thinking about this issue. It's likely that some of your remote employees are already experiencing these issues and you may not be realizing it. Therefore, it is time to develop a defense against poor performance, bearing in mind that the best way to do this is through a human-centered approach that puts the well-being of your employees at the center of everything.

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