9 coisas que devemos e não devemos fazer na computação em nuvem nas empresas

9 Dos and Don'ts of Cloud Computing in Business

Cloud computing is an effective way to improve your organization's performance. However, there are several ways to implement it effectively. Here is a list of do's and don'ts that your business should watch out for as it transitions to cloud computing.

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End-user spending on public cloud services forecast to grow 20.7% in 2023.

high-speed PCB design that can handle power-intensive processes. This design allows devices to transmit information so quickly that the transition is completed before the signal finishes traveling between components. When choosing a provider, be sure to check their compliance with global standards for data processing procedures. These vendors must treat your data as the most important asset and feature agile methods, AI integration, and premium customer experience.

5. Don't store all your data in one place

If your cloud storage is primarily intended to store a subset of business data, you should also prepare a storage plan for the rest of the data. By storing your data on multiple devices kept in a single location, you are preparing your business for a disaster. Incidents such as theft and natural disasters can compromise your data. What happens to one device can easily happen to your backups, preventing you from recovering your data.

6. Analyze different cloud computing models

Before deciding on a provider, it's important to understand the various cloud computing models. Analyze each one to decide which one will meet your business needs. There are 3 types of cloud computing : infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).

IaaS provides users with servers, networking, and storage. PaaS is great for companies that only need tools and software for in-house developers, and SaaS may be the most common model where users can access cloud-based applications through web browsers. There is also another classification according to implementation. Understand everything about these 3 before choosing which service and provider you will use.

7. Prioritize infrastructure governance

Infrastructure governance is a process that allows performance monitoring, resource allocation and any necessary adjustments to achieve organizational goals. An ideal governance model will allow you to protect, track and manage your resources more efficiently. Many companies forget to consider this, but without these rules and protocols in place, operating in a cloud environment can affect projects and even incur penalties. Ultimately, governance of your infrastructure will allow you to keep everything running smoothly.

8. Don't neglect your data center

Your existing data center may have some inconsistencies and complexities that the cloud can mitigate. However, it also poses a big risk if you neglect it. Your data center will remain usable for many years, but it will only work if you continue to transform and upgrade it to work in collaboration with cloud services. As you embrace the cloud, start planning a strategy to optimize your data center to handle the tasks and applications it was created to handle.

9. Plan for cloud native

Cloud-native software and applications use the cloud delivery model to perform DevOps, continuous delivery, microservices, and more. As a cloud strategy matures, it's best to think about building your services using a cloud-native architecture. This way, you create services designed specifically to operate in the cloud, making them more scalable and applicable as your business evolves.

Adopting the cloud

Cloud computing is an inevitable reality for many companies. However, this does not mean it should be readily adopted without careful planning. Dealing with issues in the cloud is very different, including software license models, vendor responsibilities, and guidance from your company. Moving to the cloud will require your company to be prepared with the right information and some level of caution. With the right steps forward, the future of your company's cloud integration can be bright.

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