5 dicas para o desenvolvimento bem-sucedido de aplicativos da Web

5 Tips for Successful Web Application Development

Taking strategic steps to standardize, simplify, and future-proof your web application development process is key to business success today and in the future.

Serviços de desenvolvimento de aplicativos da Web

As more activities move digital, web applications have become a vital part of business. These interfaces serve as a critical link between your products or services and the public through e-commerce functions or serve internal purposes including analytical reporting, customer management, and inventory control.

1. Standardize your web application development process

Without a standardized system to guide developers, the end result could be longer builds and inefficient maintenance. That's why you must establish a consistent and predictable approach for developers to follow, aligned with your overall business goals and priorities. This method offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Consistency between past and present developers and teams
  • Standards to guide decision making when numerous alternatives exist
  • Faster development through reuse of previously deployed components
  • Greater efficiency when using the same technologies across multiple projects

You can choose a common web development architecture and programming language to use across all your projects, or determine the most appropriate set of tools for each type of application. Both approaches promote consistency and allow new development teams to get started more easily or developers to transition more smoothly from one team to another.

2. More is not necessarily better

With the constant use of mobile apps, consumers expect the same clean simplicity on the web. To meet these expectations, web application development must balance essential functions with simplicity and ease of use. Encourage developers to simplify their user interface (UI), meaning everything the user sees and interacts with.

Your web apps should give users a sense of familiarity through consistent colors, fonts, graphics, and layouts. This approach can help existing users more easily turn to new applications because they have already developed a comfort level with existing ones.

The overall appearance should be clean, simple and straightforward rather than busy or cluttered. However, that doesn't mean they have to be simple or boring. Developers can even use creative illustrations, images, graphics, and animations to convey their message with style.

The following video explores some of these ideas:

Keep in mind that while simple design is important, it can't make up for low-quality content. Your entries should also be informative, fun, and engaging, with a focus on clear benefits. Use language that suits your target audience and prioritize how your products or services add value and meet their needs.

3. Usability is key

A key to a successful web app is offering a positive user experience (UX), which is how the user feels about the app while interacting with it. This concept can include how simple it is to use (learnability), how quickly users can perform actions (efficiency), how easy it is to remember how to use it (memorability), and how well it provides the expected functionality (utility).

Early in the web application development process, developers should talk to potential users to learn about their perspectives and goals. Developers can continue to use this process throughout the project, creating prototypes, letting users work with them and asking for feedback , and then using that input to highlight the weakest elements, fix them, and improve them.

Developers can use the following features and capabilities, which promote usability:

  • Links : You can include pointers to other pages where more detailed information is available, but make sure it only takes one step to get there.
  • Sharing : Allow users to share app screens by copying the URL and sending it via common communication channels.
  • Searchability : Make the app easy to scan for content, menu items, and settings. Add a search box to every page.
  • Fast delivery : Since web applications require data to show content, they must use a loader the first time someone visits the page. But on subsequent visits, users should immediately see the cached information. Developers can use libraries to store data when users move from one page to another.
  • Navigation : Every web application must navigate smoothly and quickly. Optimize app elements to provide quick access to all sections.

4. Make security a top priority

When developers are under pressure to deliver web application solutions as quickly as possible, they can end up sacrificing security. In an effort to speed up the process, they may skimp on proper security practices, which can lead to major problems and expenses if the application is breached.

While you want developers to work efficiently and quickly, the final product must be secure. You can take the following steps to keep app security a priority:

  • Provide ongoing security training for in-house developers.
  • Set up a reward system to incentivize top-notch application security features.
  • Ensure new developers are fully briefed on the applications they take on.
  • Outsource to an experienced development company with a proven track record of security.

5. Prepared for the future

Ideally, your web applications will meet current and future needs, but no one knows exactly what trends will come next, what future applications will need to do, what new standards and requirements will emerge, or how many users will be active on the application. in five years. To future-proof web apps, encourage developers to take the following steps:

Separate into layers

Choose a development architecture that separates applications into layers so that you can maintain or enhance each layer separately. With this approach, you can update one layer at a time as needed without changing the entire application.

Build to grow

Go beyond the initial minimum requirements and design your applications to handle higher volume if you end up having more users than expected. A single server may not be able to handle future needs; therefore, design applications to run on a cluster of servers.

Enable integration

Create applications that are able to integrate and work well with other types of applications. This action gives you the ability to utilize a combination of subscription-based, in-house, and cloud-based applications.

Web application development plays a critical role in business

If you take strategic steps to standardize, simplify, and future-proof your web applications, they will be successful for your business today and in the future.

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