Visão geral dos custos dos serviços de impressão 3D: de que dependem e como podem ser reduzidos

Overview of the costs of 3D printing services: what they depend on and how they can be reduced

3D printing service cost

Companies and individuals are now outsourcing their 3D printing projects to 3D printing services as these give them access to mass production, allowing them to focus more on innovation/design and benefit from a faster production process. simple.

Choosing from a plethora of 3D printing services depends on factors such as locations, capabilities, manufacturing infrastructure, and most importantly, the cost of the 3D printing service. This article will discuss in detail the cost of 3D printing, the factors that affect it, and how you can reduce the cost of 3D printed parts.

3D printing part concept

Understand the concept of 3D printing service costs

3D printing service cost is the overall cost that a 3D printing service charges its customer after submitting their CAD file.

Since not everyone outsources 3D printing services, the cost of 3D printing services is a simplified 3D printing cost. This means that the services take into account common factors that affect 3D printing costs, such as material, 3D printer, and post-processing, in the quote they provide you.

Regardless of the “cost” associated with 3D printing, it is one of the most cost-effective manufacturing processes, whether done individually or outsourced to a 3D printing service.

Factors that determine the cost of 3D printing services

Capital is an important factor when choosing a 3D printing service. Additionally, you need to understand the factors that determine the cost of 3D printing service. Below are the important factors that should guide your decision.

3d printer

1. 3D Printer

The cost of the 3D printer used by the 3D printing service plays an important role in the cost of outsourcing that service. The cost of a 3D printer depends on factors such as technologies, features, configuration prices, etc. which determine ease of use, need for technical knowledge, compatible material and complexity of the project.

3D printing services that use high-tech 3D printers will likely charge more. Therefore, when choosing a 3D printer, you should consider the following:

3D printing technologies

1.1. 3D printing technologies

3D printers create printed parts from a CAD model. However, your technology determines the compatible materials, mechanism, production speed, cost of 3D printed parts, and cost of 3D printing service.

All 3D printing technologies used around the world have different prices. For example, FDM printers are the cheapest 3D printers for plastics. The precision and versatility of the latter make them cheaper than SLA printers, which use laser beams to cure resin and hardened plastic.

Printers that use other technologies, such as direct selective laser sintering printers, are expensive. This is due to their rarity, ease of use, productivity, need for technical knowledge, printing quality and the material they work with.

A 3D printing service that uses a direct selective laser sintering printer would cost more than one that uses other printers for compatible materials. 3D printing technology does not only apply to 3D printing services. Hobbyists or other individuals should also consider the cost before choosing one.

Set up 3D printer

1.2. Price to assemble a 3D printer

The 3D printer setup price would increase the cost of 3D printing for people who want a personal or business 3D printer and want to hire a technician. Most people hire technicians to avoid damaging the 3D printer or triggering an incorrect setting during installation.

While hiring a technician is helpful, it comes at a price. This depends on the knowledge, experience and brand of the technician, as well as the complexity of the 3D printer. Depending on the complexity of the 3D printer, the setup price of an FDM printer is also lower than that of a direct selective laser sintering printer.

1.3. Operating price for 3D printers

The operating price also increases the cost of the 3D printing service. Operating costs are the cost of a 3D printer divided by the total hours of operation. Below is a simple representation of the operating price of a 3D printer and how it affects the cost of 3D printing services.

Imagine buying a $10,000 FDM 3D printer and using it 20 hours a day for four years. If we ignore the costs of repairs, maintenance and electricity, the operating costs are:

  • 20 hours x 365 days x 4 years = 29,200 total hours.
  • $10,000 ÷ 29,200 = $0.342/hour.
  • Based on operating costs of $0.342/hour. We can calculate how much it costs to print a piece that takes 10 hours.
  • That's 0.342 x 10 = $3.42.

1.4. Maintenance costs

Without maintenance, a 3D printer will not provide top-notch printing qualities over time. Therefore, proper maintenance is important. 3D printing services would have added to these overhead costs. However, you need to factor this into the cost of 3D printing for individual homeowners. Maintenance costs can take many forms, including:

  • Cost of replacing parts for a 3D printer.
  • Cleaning rate for 3D printing parts.
  • The cost of repairing 3D printed parts.
  • The costs caused by the technician.

Maintenance depends on the complexity, characteristics, rarity and technology of the 3D printer. So FDM printer users might say maintenance is between $200 and $599, while DSLS printer users are probably talking more than $1,000. If you hire a technician, the maintenance cost increases, as the technician also charges his fees.

3D printing materials

2. 3D printing material

Many different materials are used in 3D printing. This is responsible for the development of the area and determines the flexibility of the process, the choice of printers, the cost of 3D printed parts and the 3D printing service. Most services calculate material costs based on availability and compatibility with 3D printers and printing technology.

2.1. How to calculate material costs

Knowing how to calculate material costs can help you determine how much it costs to produce a 3D printed part. Use the illustration below.

Imagine that a 3D printed part requires 100 grams of PLA and PLA filament costs $25/kg. This means the cost is $25/1000g = $0.025/g. Therefore, the cost of the 3D printed part is 100 x 0.025 = $2.5. It doesn't matter if the printed part is small or not.

2.2. Common types of materials for 3D printing

Commonly used materials in 3D printing and their cost ratio include:

powder and filament

  • powder and filament

Powders and filaments are thermoplastic. They are considered the cheapest and most commonly used 3D printing material. Amateurs and/or hobbyists often use them to create 3D models.

These materials are economical due to their high accessibility and availability. Plus, they don't require fancy 3D printers and technologies. For example, thermoplastics like PLA and ABS cost just $20 per kg and are compatible with FDM printers.

Powder and filaments are cheap. However, they also incur additional costs as a lot of time needs to be spent on perfecting the printed parts.

Resin material

  • resin

Resins produce high-quality printed parts, are easy to process, and rarely require post-treatment. Consequently, they are expensive. This is evident in the high cost of 3D printed resin parts and the cost of 3D printing services.

High quality materials

  • High quality materials

High-quality materials like titanium and aluminum are expensive because they are unavailable, rare, and specifically suited to 3D printing. For example, DMLS is used for most metals, which is very expensive.

Model Size

3. 3D model size

The desired size of the 3D model also determines the cost of the 3D printing service. A large 3D model increases costs due to the need for more material, the right size of the 3D printer, operational costs and printing technologies.

complex 3D model

4. Complexity of the 3D model

For a complex 3D model, precise and accurate printing technology is required to determine the cost of the process. Complex models also need to be prepared, especially if the 3D printing service handles cutting and other preparation procedures. Therefore, you must understand the complexity of the model to avoid wasting capital and time.

5. Production volume

Mass production of 3D printed parts generally reduces the unit cost of 3D printed parts. However, with a large production volume, there is a need for more materials (which increases material costs) and a long printing time (which increases operating costs).

6. Selected post-processing

Post-processing options such as polishing and electroplating help improve the functionality and aesthetics of printed parts. Using any of these processes increases the cost of the 3D printing service. Depending on the process, there are costs for each process. Below are the most common ones and their relationship to cost.

Polishing a 3D printed part

6.1 Polishing

Polishing involves sanding, rinsing, and polishing the 3D printed parts to produce the smoothest surface possible. It is an expensive process as it requires high dimensional accuracy and moderate skill to deliver a high-quality 3D printed part.

6.2 Galvanic coating

It is a process of aesthetic and/or functional improvement in which 3D printed parts are coated with metals through electrolysis. Electroplating is very expensive due to the mechanism and choice of coating metal.

Epoxy coated parts

6.3 Epoxy coating

Epoxy coating is a common post-processing option for 3D printing that involves coating the 3D prints with epoxy resin. A hardener is then used to improve its strength and seal the porous part of the prints. The procedure is very effective. However, the cost depends on the type of epoxy coating.

Cost examples for 3D printing projects

Example of 3D printing production

For those who want to quickly learn the cost of printing some common items, below are some examples of 3D printed parts, printing costs, and delivery times. With these examples you should have a better view of the cost of 3D printed parts, how to calculate the cost of 3D printed parts and how much a 3D printing service will charge you:

Example article Estimated costs Changing sides
Bottle cap $30 13 days
Guitar tuning calipers $50 13 days
Brackets prototype $50 13 days
belt buckle $50 13 days
Keyboard 100 US dollars 3 – 7 days
3D printed shoe $150 3 – 7 days
Microphone stand/case 100 US dollars 3 – 7 days
Suitcase with multiple compartments $150 3 – 7 days

The estimated cost of 3D printed parts in the table above is the total cost charged for the 3D printing service based on material, model complexity and size, post-processing, team experience, print quality, and brand. Additionally, the cost varies depending on the quantity, complexity of the parts and the country where they are located.

How to reduce the cost of 3D printing?

To reduce the cost of a 3D printing service, operating costs and material consumption must be reduced. Below are several ways to reduce the cost of 3D printing.

3D printing process

1. Use cheaper material

Understand the complexity of the design, the functions of the printed parts, the usage environment and other things, and then choose the most affordable material based on that. However, the 3D printed part must not lose its function.

If possible, choose a material that does not require complex technologies. For example, you can use polycarbonate if you want hardness and don't necessarily need to use metal (which requires the expensive DSLS 3D printer).

2. Choose technology

Sophisticated technologies increase the cost of 3D printing. The use of a sophisticated machine depends on the complexity of the material and product. Therefore, you should try to choose the technology within your capital budget without the 3D printed part losing functionality and the process losing productivity.

Structural Printed Parts

3. Save printing materials

Changing the size, complexity, or functionality of 3D printing to reduce costs is not ideal. Size reduction reduces material consumption but affects product functionality. If you have the freedom, you should still save on printing materials using the following methods:

3.1. Emptying

If the 3D printed part does not require strength, you can excavate the model to reduce the amount of material used. This consequently reduces material costs and processing time.

3.2. Remove support structures

The support structures ensure that the part does not have protrusions that compromise stability. Using a support structure uses more material and increases operating time. Consequently, the cost of the 3D printing service increases. You can remove supports from your 3D models by designing a swing angle greater than 450° and splitting your model.

3.3. Reduce fill percentage

Reducing fill percentage reduces the cost of 3D printing as material costs decrease and productivity increases. However, you should only use this hack if the part does not need its structural properties

3.4. Choose a higher layer height and resolution

Layer height determines print quality and speed. On the one hand, a low layer height leads to uniform printing over a long production time. This increases operating costs. On the other hand, increasing the layer height shortens production time. Consequently, operating costs are reduced. This hack is suitable for making 3D printed parts that do not require aesthetics.

3D printing services at Wayken

4. Choose the right finish

Make sure your 3D printing service uses post-processing that balances cost and functionality/aesthetics. For example, if you want aesthetics on a budget, painting is an ideal method instead of electroplating. However, because it is less durable, you should do as much research as possible before deciding on your desired touch-up. The services can also advise you on the best post-processing technique and associated costs.

University Degree

The cost of 3D printing should not limit the use of the process, especially for those who want to outsource their projects to 3D printing service companies. Therefore, you should know the different factors that determine the cost of 3D printed parts and printing services. This also applies to the costs of CNC machining, injection molding and other rapid prototyping processes. This article also looks at what can be considered to reduce the cost of 3D printing services. You may refer to these considerations depending on the product application.

Request a quote for 3D printing services

Common questions

Is 3D printing expensive or economical?

Yes, 3D printing saves costs and time through automation. Time savings ensure lower operating costs and improvements in innovation and design.

Is 3D printing the same as rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing?

Yes, 3D printing is the same as additive manufacturing. However, rapid prototyping involves manufacturing prototypes using manufacturing processes like 3D printing, CNC machining, injection molding, etc. Consequently, it can be said that 3D printing is a process used in rapid prototyping.

Why are metal 3D printers so expensive?

Metal 3D printers are expensive because they are new. Therefore, they require specialized knowledge and incur high maintenance costs. Additionally, the materials are not as readily available as plastic, filaments and resins.

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