Tamanho padrão da moldura de desenho CAD: desvendando os segredos

Standard CAD Drawing Frame Size: Unlocking the Secrets

Like illustrations and text, technical drawings serve as one of the primary tools for humans to express design concepts, facilitate technical communication, and organize construction and production.

They act as the “common language” in the field of engineering. As with any “common language,” there are shared standards, and picture frames also adhere to a set of such standards.

According to the current drafting standard GB/T14689-93, various standard paper sizes for drawings are described.

These must be prioritized when creating engineering drawings. If necessary, the length of the sides can be increased, but the length of the extension must comply with standard regulations.

Below are the standard sizes for A4 to A0 drawing frames.

Drawing Sheet Code A0 TO 1 A2 A3 A4
BXL 841X1189 594X841 420X594 297X420 210X297
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Each drawing frame consists of a thick frame and a title bar. If the drawing needs to be bound, a binding edge must be reserved.

For drawings that do not require binding, there is no need for a binding edge. The dimensions of the borders around the design can be uniform. (See image below.)

Standard drawing frame without binding
Standard drawing frame with binding

Title block orientation:

The title block can be placed in any corner of the drawing frame, but it is typically located in the lower right corner, as shown above.

However, there may be exceptions where it may be positioned in the top right corner or along the right side. It is recommended to include a directional icon. (See image below.)

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