Tabela de peso de malha de arame de aço

Steel Wire Mesh Weight Table

Steel Wire Mesh Weight Table

Steel Wire Mesh Weight Table

The steel wire mesh weight table is an essential tool for architects, engineers and builders who use this material in a variety of applications. Steel wire mesh is widely used in construction projects, agriculture, mining, as well as industrial and security applications. It is appreciated for its durability, flexibility and ability to withstand extreme conditions, both physical and environmental.

Understanding the Steel Wire Mesh Weight Table

The weight table is designed to provide the theoretical weight per square meter (kg/m²) of different wire mesh configurations, which may vary depending on wire diameter and mesh configuration. This data helps with accurate calculation of material costs for quotations and logistical planning for transportation and installation.

Common Parameters in the Weight Table

  • Wire Diameter: Refers to the thickness of the wire used in the mesh. Thicker wires result in a greater weight per square meter.
  • Mesh Configuration: Includes the dimensions of the spaces between the wires in the horizontal and vertical directions. Closer meshes generally weigh more due to greater material usage per area.
  • Type of Steel: The type of steel used (such as carbon steel, stainless steel, galvanized steel) also affects the weight, as different steels have different densities.

Applications of Steel Wire Mesh

  1. Civil Construction: Used for concrete reinforcement, security fences, and as decorative facades in buildings.
  2. Agriculture: Used in animal fences, plant support structures and greenhouses.
  3. Industry and Security: Used in industrial filters, machine cages and in secure storage areas.

Theoretical weight table of reinforcement mesh in kg/m² (steel wire mesh)

Note Longitudinal reinforcement bar Transverse reinforcement bar Theoretical weight
Day. Distance Area per linear meter Day. Distance Area per linear meter
(mm) (mm) (mm²/m) (mm) (mm) (mm²/m) (kg/m²)
A18 18 200 1273 12 200 566 2:43 p.m.
A16 16 200 1006 12 200 566 12:34
A14 14 200 770 12 200 566 10:49 am
A12 12 200 566 12 200 566 8.88
A11 11 200 475 11 200 475 7.46
A10 10 200 393 10 200 393 6.16
A9 9 200 318 9 200 318 4.99
A8 8 200 252 8 200 252 3.95
A7 7 200 193 7 200 193 3.02
A6 6 200 142 6 200 142 2.22
A5 5 200 98 5 200 98 1.54
B18 18 100 2545 12 200 566 24:42
B16 16 100 2011 10 200 393 18.89
B14 14 100 1539 10 200 393 15.19
B12 12 100 1131 8 200 252 10.9
B11 11 100 950 8 200 252 9.43
B10 10 100 785 8 200 252 8.14
B9 9 100 635 8 200 252 6.97
B8 8 100 503 8 200 252 5.93
B7 7 100 385 7 200 193 4.53
B6 6 100 283 7 200 193 3.73
B5 5 100 196 7 200 193 3.05
Chapter 18 18 150 1697 12 200 566 17.77
C16 16 150 1341 12 200 566 14.98
C14 14 150 1027 12 200 566 12.51
C12 12 150 754 12 200 566 10.36
C11 11 150 634 11 200 475 8.7
C10 10 150 523 10 200 393 7.19
C9 9 150 423 9 200 318 5.82
C8 8 150 335 8 200 252 4.61
C7 7 150 257 7 200 193 3.53
C6 6 150 189 6 200 142 2.6
C5 5 150 131 5 200 98 1.8
D18 18 100 1545 12 100 1131 28.86
D16 16 100 2011 12 100 1131 24.68
D14 14 100 1539 12 100 1131 20.98
D12 12 100 1131 12 100 1131 5:75 p.m.
D11 11 100 950 11 100 950 14.92
D10 10 100 785 10 100 785 12:33 p.m.
D9 9 100 635 9 100 635 9.98
D8 8 100 503 8 100 503 7.9
D7 7 100 385 7 100 385 6.04
D6 6 100 283 6 100 283 4.44
D5 5 100 196 5 100 196 3.08
E18 18 150 1697 12 150 754 7:25 p.m.
E16 16 150 1341 12 150 754 4:46 p.m.
E14 14 150 1027 12 150 754 13.99
E12 12 150 754 12 150 754 11.84
E11 11 150 634 11 150 634 9.95
E10 10 150 523 10 150 523 8.22
E9 9 150 423 9 150 423 6.66
E8 8 150 335 8 150 335 5.26
E7 7 150 257 7 150 257 4.03
E6 6 150 189 6 150 189 2.96
E5 5 150 131 5 150 131 2.05
F18 18 100 2545 12 150 754 25.9
F16 16 100 2011 12 150 754 21.7
F14 14 100 1539 12 150 754 18
F12 12 100 1131 12 150 754 14.8
F11 11 100 950 11 150 634 12:43 p.m.
F10 10 100 785 10 150 523 10.28
F9 9 100 635 9 150 423 8.32
F8 8 100 503 8 150 335 6.58
F7 7 100 385 7 150 257 5.03
F6 6 100 283 6 150 189 3.7
F5 5 100 196 5 150 131 2.57


Choosing the correct wire mesh and understanding its weight are crucial to ensuring the structure is both economically and technically suited to the project needs. The steel wire mesh weight table is therefore a valuable reference for optimizing the selection and use of this versatile and robust material.

We invite readers to leave comments or questions about using steel wire mesh in their projects, sharing knowledge and experiences that can benefit the entire community.

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