O que é o selo de óleo?

What is the oil seal?

The oil seal is a frequent element in numerous categories of plants. Its main role – in addition to the different technical and substantial declensions – is linked to its role as a sealing element for lubricating products between two other elements that have basically cylindrical surfaces.

Even though its name is “ oil seal ”, it follows that this component could also allow the sealing of different types of lubricating products, such as greases, for example.

There are also oil seals that run dry and are designed for pneumatic sealing.

Features of retainers

The oil seal is a very versatile element that can be customized depending on the specific characteristics of the system it will help create. Among the various determining elements will naturally be the movements that must accompany and support, such as axial rotations (as occurs in most applications) and axial sliding (typical of many vehicles).

In addition to the different movement specificities, a common point of seals is that they are designed to allow the internal part of the same element to act as a seal, for better performance over time and for better maximum sealing.

As for the other typical characteristics of the oil seal , let's remember how the body is made up of a metallic structure, which allows the element to give it good resistance and stability. Another element that can be easily customized is the lip, a component that guarantees its sealing and which is generally assisted by a spring that can positively improve its performance over time: double or associated with another lip (if necessary or preferred), the lip depending on the pressure difference it can be defined as low or high pressure. It is also possible for the lip to function without lubricant, in some specific systems.

Among the other devices for characterizing oil seals, we finally remember the anti-extrusion rings, useful for improving the sealing of the seal in conditions of very high pressure: however, they require seals with particular shapes, as this element, placed in a seal on the outside, it must come close to the sealing lip and touch the element on which the oil seal slides.

We also remember that if the seal is characterized by a double lip, the most important one will be the internal one, that is, the one that is entrusted with the task of greater sealing: the external one mainly performs support functions, and preventing dirt can contribute to rapid deterioration of the function of the oil seal.

At this point, if you want to know more, we recommend that you contact our team of consultants and request more information about the most suitable retainers for your reference system. Therefore, use the contact details in the margin for any information, and browse our extensive catalog to find the item best suited to your needs!

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