Padrões de instalação e aceitação de barramentos

Bus installation and acceptance standards

1. Installation of supports (suspensions) and protective nets

1.0.1 This chapter applies to the installation of busbar supports (suspension), distribution devices and protective network barriers between electrical equipment.

1.0.2 Bracket (Suspension) Installation Inspection

Operation Inspection Items properties Quality standards Inspection methods and instruments
Profiled SteelInspection Structural Steel Specifications According to project specifications Blueprint Project Comparative Review
Allowable Deviation for Full Length Straightness of Structural Steel ≤5mm Dimensional Examination with Ruler
Appearance of screws and machined surfaces Smooth, no deformation Visual inspection
Bracket installation Elevation error ≤5mm Level instrument check
Horizontal error Checking measurement using a ruler
Vertical error along the direction
Diagonal Bracket Error
Fixing Supports (Hangers) Mainly Robust and reliable Lever operation inspection
Several To paint Rust removal Clean, no rust Visual examination Visual examination
Application of anti-corrosion paint Uniform, no lost stitches Uniform, no lost stitches
Grounding Mainly Solid, with good conductivity Get involved and conduct the inspection.

1.0.3. Inspection of the installation of the protective mesh

Process Inspection Items properties Quality standards Inspection methods and tools
Structural Steel
Profile Steel Specifications According to project specifications Comparative review with blueprint projects
Allowed tolerance for straightness of total length of steel profile ≤5mm Measurement inspection
Appearance of screws and machined surfaces Smooth, no deformation Visual observation inspection
Structure Fabrication Frame welding Mainly Robust, appearance and process meet the requirements of welding specifications. Pull and look for inspection.
Dimensional Shift ≤5mm Check with a ruler
Diagonal error ≤5mm
Frame inequality ≤5mm
Mesh Fence Installation Mesh Panel Flatness Inspection No protrusions or depressions. Inspect with a ruler.
Mesh Opening Inspection Robust, uniform and consistent. Perform a lever check.
Space between frame and mesh panel ≤5mm Inspect with a ruler
Mesh Fence Vertical Error Mainly ≤5mm
Several To paint Mainly Mainly Clean, rust free. Observation and Inspection
Application of Anticorrosive Paint Uniform, without uncoated areas.
Grounding Wire Mesh Grounding Mainly Reliably grounded with flexible wiring. Get involved and conduct the inspection
Structure Grounding Robust, with excellent conductivity.

2. Installation of the insulator

2.1 This section applies to the installation of chains of suspension insulators, post insulators, and wall anchors, among others.

2.2 Inspection of the suspension insulator chain installation.

Process Inspection Items properties Quality standards Inspection methods and tools
Visual inspection Specifications and Models Check According to project specifications, Observation and inspection.
Appearance of ceramic pieces Mainly Smooth, intact and without cracks,
Inspection of ceramic-to-metal adhesive joints Mainly Firmly attached,
Connection hardware and accessories Complete and undamaged,
Bungee pin inspection Suitably elastic, Lever operation inspection
Uniform check of the pressure ring and shield Whole, without deformation, Visual inspection
Installation of the insulating rope Tests before mounting the insulator Mainly Qualified, Inspection Test Report
Direction of connecting screws, rivets, spring pins, etc. Consistent, Visual inspection
Coordination between ball head rings, bowl head plates and locking pins Flexible, no obstruction, Lever operation inspection
Checking the anti-loosening measures of the connecting hardware Mainly Locknuts tight against loosening, cotter pins open, Visual inspection
Permissible angle of inclination of the suspension insulator rope (when not designed) ≤5°, Visual inspection
Voltage received by each string when the insulating strings are in parallel Mainly Uniform,
General check before lifting the insulating ropes Clean, correctly assembled, cup facing up.

2.0.3 Installation Inspection of Pillar Insulators

Process Inspection Items properties Quality standards: Inspection methods and tools
Visual inspection Exterior of ceramic components Mainly Smooth, intact and without cracks. Visual examination
Checking ceramic-iron adhesion Securely adhered, no gaps.
Isolator installation Isolator base level error ≤5mm Check with a ruler.
Error in the center line of the insulating pillars in the bus branch segment Mainly ≤2mm Check with a ruler.
Vertical Error in Stacked Isolation Pillars
Joint thickness between pure ceramic insulator and metal contact surface Mainly ≥1.5mm
Fixing Insulators Mainly All screws are in place and securely fastened. Check with a wrench.
Grounding Ground wire arrangement There is a consistent directionality. Carry out a visual inspection.
Connection to the Grounding Network Mainly The structure is robust, with excellent conductivity. Switch and check continuity.

2.0.4 Installation and Inspection of Wall Penetrating Sleeves

Process Inspection items: Property Quality standards: Inspection methods and tools
Visual inspection Appearance of the ceramic piece Mainly Smooth, unbroken and free from cracks. Observation and inspection.
Ceramic-iron adhesion check Mainly Securely fixed, no gaps.
Housing installation Compatibility of reserved hole diameter and bushing insertion part >5mm Check with a ruler
Maximum Thickness of Concrete Installation Plate ≤50mm
Steel Plate for Fixing Bushings 1500A and Higher It does not form a closed magnetic circuit. Observation and inspection.
Flange Position Vertical installation The flange must be oriented upwards.
Horizontal installation The flange must be on the outside.
600A enclosure and above. End Metal Clamp Fastening material Mainly Non-magnetic materials. Observation and inspection.
Thickness ≥3mm
Connected to the same bus potential Mainly Robust and reliable Observation and inspection.
Oil filler housing Seal inspection Mainly Leak-free No leaksNormal
Oil level indicator Mainly Normal
Connection screws Mainly Complete and well attached Inspect with a wrench.
Unused grounding terminal and voltage extraction terminal Mainly Reliable grounding Turn over and establish grounding.

3. Installation of Rectangular Busbars

3.0.1 This chapter applies to the installation of AC and DC rectangular busbars as well as slotted busbars.

3.0.2 Rectangular Bus Installation Inspection

Process Inspection items: Property Quality standards Inspection methods and instruments
Bus Processing Configuration Visual inspection Surface inspection Smooth, free from cracks and creases Observation and inspection.
External Inspection Flat, devoid of deformations and twists
Threaded Surface Machining Overlap length Mainly Complies with GBJ 149-1990 regulations Check against the standard. Inspect with a ruler.
Bolt hole layout and specifications Mainly
Center distance error between screw holes ±0.5mm Inspect with a ruler.
Final appearance of the face Flat, smooth, without sharp corners and burrs. Observation and inspection.
Flatness of the contact surface Even and without local depressions. Measure with a steel ruler.
Reduction of the cross-section of the contact surface Mainly Copper ≤3%, Aluminum ≤5%. Inspect with a caliper.
Bus bending Minimum permitted bending radius Mainly In accordance with GBJ 149-1990 regulations. Check patterns using a template.
Minimum distance from the bending point to the edge of the joint ≥50mm Inspect with a ruler.
Distance from the bend start point to the edge of the bus support ≥50mm; ≤0.25 distance from pivot.
90° bend twist length in mm 2.5 to 5 times the bus width
Appearance of the folded part Mainly No cracks, no noticeable creases. Observation and inspection.
Radius of curvature in the same three-phase section Consistent. Inspect using a template.
Radius of curvature of several buses in the same phase Consistent. Observation and inspection.
Radius of curvature of branch buses with the same layout
Bus installation Hardware installation Hardware Inspection Clean, no damage. Observation and inspection.
Single-phase AC bus hardware connection Mainly Safe, without closed magnetic circuit.
Appearance of the clamping device No sharp angles or burrs.
Bus installation Space between busbar and top clamp when busbar is horizontal 1mm ~ 1.5mm Inspect with a ruler.
Distance between top clamp and busbar when busbar is vertical 1.5mm ~ 2mm
Voltage check between bus and support Mainly No external stress. Observation and inspection.
Gap between layers of multiple bus layers in the same phase Uniform thickness along the generatrix. Inspect with a ruler.
Busbar Fixing Dead Point on the Insulator Set one for each segment, either along the entire length or at the midpoints of the two expansion sections. 观察检查
Bus connection Distance between the supporter and the edge of the joint ≥50mm Inspect with a ruler.
Connections between buses and between bus terminals and equipment Mainly No external stress Check during connection.
Overlay surface Mainly Smooth, without an oxidation layer, the silver should not be ground or coated with electrically charged grease. Observation and inspection.
Terminal Connection and Screw Shape Appearance Mainly No spring pads
Flat washer Tin coated copper Observation and inspection.
Lock-nut Complete and fair
Connection screw Combined with hole diameter ≤1mm Inspect with screws
Screw insertion direction When the bus is placed horizontally, it goes from the bottom to the top and all the other nuts are on the maintenance side. Observation and inspection.
Appearance of anti-loose component Complete, intact and flattened.
Tightening torque In accordance with the stipulations of GBJ 149-1990. Inspect with a torque wrench in accordance with the standard.
Exposed length after screw tightening 2~3 buttons Observation and inspection.
Space between adjacent washers Mainly ≥3mm Observe or inspect with a ruler
Expansion Joint Installation No phenomena of streaks, breaks or creases. Observation and inspection.
General inspection The distance between charged bodies and between charged bodies and other objects. Mainly In accordance with GBJ 149-1990 regulations. Inspect according to the standard using a ruler.
Combination of colors and painting. Complete and correct Observation and inspection.

4. Installation of Closed Bus Ducts in Shared Boxes

4.0.1 This chapter applies to the installation of closed busbars (rectangular, slot type, reinforced, cable busbar) in shared boxes.

4.0.2 Inspection of installation of closed busbars in shared boxes.

Process Inspection Item Property Quality standards Inspection methods and tools
Shared Bus Inspection Outer Appearance of the Box Complete, free from cracks and deformations. Observation and inspection.
Conductor Appearance Observation and inspection. Observation and inspection.
Threaded Interface Inspection Mainly Observation and inspection.
Cable bus Mainly Observation and inspection.
Insulator Inspection Appearance inspection Observation and inspection. Observation and inspection.
Basic connection Mainly Screw fixing Lever inspection
Insulation Test Good insulation Measure with a megohmmeter.
Shared bus installation Interphase distance error. ≤5mm ≤5mm
Conductor expansion joint Telescopic joint appearance Mainly No local fractures Observation and inspection.
Threaded interface protective layer Adequate and Uniform Coating
Threaded fastening torque Mainly In accordance with GBJ 149-1990 standards Inspect according to the standard.
Rectangular bus installation Mainly Install according to rectangular busbar guidelines. In accordance with Rectangular Busbar Installation Guidelines
Cable bus installation Mainly Follow cable routing regulations. In accordance with Cable Line Guidelines
Position change required for bus lengths greater than 300m~400m Mainly Not less than one cycle or as stipulated by the project. Not less than one cycle or as per design specifications
Smooth connection between bus and heavy-duty equipment The cross-sectional area of ​​the connecting line must not be less than that of the busbar. Cross-section of the connecting line not less than the cross-section of the bus
Shell Interface Set It must be resistant and well sealed. Robust and well sealed
Shell Expansion Joint Telescopic joint seal. Mainly Good Observation and inspection.
The two ends of the telescopic joint are conductively connected. Good and resistant Lever operation observation and inspection
Chassis grounding Mainly Reliable and complete conductivity is good. Reliable, Excellent Overall Conductivity

5. Six-tube bus installation

5.0.1 This chapter applies to the installation of six-tube busbars for indoor and outdoor high voltage distribution devices.

5.0.2 Installation inspection of six-tube busbars.

Process Steps Inspection Items Property Quality standards Inspection methods and instruments
Aluminum Alloy Tubes and Fittings Aluminum alloy tube surface inspection Smooth, no cracks Observation and inspection.
Aluminum Alloy Tube End Plane and perpendicular to the axis Check with a ruler.
Aluminum alloy tube bending radius Complies with GBJ 149-1990 regulations Inspect according to the standard.
Inspection of metal accessories Smooth, no damage and no cracks Observation and inspection.
Tube Bus Welding Welding method Mainly Argon Arc Welding Observation and inspection.
Weld seam dimensions Mainly In accordance with GBJ 149-1990 regulations, Inspect according to the standard.
Bevel processing Surface treatment within a range of 50mm on both sides Clean, free from oxidation film, Clean, free from oxidation film, Observation and inspection.
Beveled machining surface No burrs, no flash. No burrs, no flash.
Alignment Bending displacement ≤0.2% Check with a ruler.
Deviation from the center line ≤0.5mm
Casing tube Longitudinal axis position Mainly Located in the center of the weld. Check with a ruler.
Space between the tube and the generator ≤0.5mm
Weld seam inspection Weld seam height 2mm~4mm Check with a ruler.
Weld seam appearance Mainly Conforms to DL/T 754-2001 specifications Observation and inspection.
Tubular bus installation Hardware Connection Mainly No closed magnetic circuit No closed magnetic circuit.
Hardware fixing Flat and resistant Flat and resistant.
Distance from weld to supporting edge ≥50mm Check with a ruler.
Clearance between bus and slide support shaft seat 1mm ~ 2mm
Expansion joint appearance Mainly No cracks, breaks or creases. Observation and inspection.
Bus terminal shielding device The surface is smooth, without burrs or irregularities. Observation and inspection.
Three Item Bus Tube Shaft Parallels to each other. Observation and inspection.
Inspection of the equalization ring and shield Mainly Complete, undistorted and securely fastened.
General Inspection Distance between energized parts and other objects As stipulated by GBJ 149-1990. Inspect according to the standard.
Bus phase color indicator Complete and correct.

6. Soft bus installation

6.0.1 This section applies to the installation of flexible distribution device buses and generator set combination wires.

6.0.2 Flexible Busbar Installation Inspection

Process Inspection Items Property Quality standard Inspection methods and instruments
Wire and hardware inspection Yarn appearance Mainly There is no breakage, looseness or damage, and the expanded wires should be free from dents and deformations. Observation and Inspection
Wire cutting section Clean, without gaps or burrs and perpendicular to the wire axis.
Connector model and specifications Mainly Matches the connecting wires.
Connector and fastener appearance Mainly Smooth, without cracks, burrs or irregularities.
Wire contact surface treatment and terminal clamp Mainly Clean, without oxide film and coated with electrical compound grease.
Hydraulic Crimping Crimp connection with tension clamp and expanded wire Mainly The central gap is filled with the corresponding material. Observation and Inspection
Wire insertion length into clamp Mainly Equal to the length of the line clip.
Inspection of crimping dies and crimping pliers The specifications match.
Overlap length of adjacent crimp sections ≥5mm Check with a ruler
Inspect after crimping Degree of curvature of the stamped tube ≤2% Check with a ruler
Stamped tube surface Smooth, without cracks or indentations. Observation and Inspection
Appearance of the wire at the end of the tube Mainly No bulges or gaps.
Transverse hexagonal dimension in millimeters Mainly The outer diameter of the continuation tube is less than or equal to 0.866D+0.2. Check with a ruler
Compression Test Sample Experiment Mainly Approved Inspect test piece experimental report
Screw connection The aluminum strip is wound between the conductor and the wire clamp Consistent with the rotation direction of the aluminum outer wire. Observation and Inspection
The exposed length of the aluminum tape clamp ≤10mm Check with a ruler
Aluminum strip door processing Press back into the clamp. Observation and Inspection
Connection screw Mainly Ensure even tightening, with the screw revealing two to three threads beyond the nut. Check with a torque wrench
Nail Zhang wire clamp leads to the equipment bus arrangement. Complete, without interruptions. Observation and Inspection
Flexible bus installation and general inspection The arrangement of the busbar within the gear pitch. untied Observation and InspectionObservation and Inspection
The connection configuration of hardware parts. Complete, safe.
Bus sag error. Mainly -2.5% ~ +5% (temperature below design) Observation and Inspection
The arrow of the three buses in the same step. Consistent Observation and Inspection
The curvature and curvature of branches with the same layout.
The distance between lines and frame structure of the jumper and lead lines. Mainly As stipulated by GBJ 149-1990. Inspect according to standards
Composite Conductor Fixed wire clamp spacing error Mainly ≤±3% Check with a ruler
Angle of intersection between fixed wire clamp and conductor 90° Check with a square ruler
To finish Consistent Observation and Inspection
The bus is connected to the electrical terminal. The terminal is intact and free from deformation. Observation and Inspection
Adjustable fixture inspection. The adjusting nut is tight. Inspect with a wrench
Identification of the bus phase color. Complete and correct. Observation and Inspection

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