Módulo de elasticidade, rigidez, resistência e dureza explicados

Modulus of elasticity, stiffness, strength and hardness explained

Modulus of elasticity

What is the modulus of elasticity


The stiffness of a part refers to its ability to resist elastic deformation under external forces. It depends on the geometry of the part, such as the stiffness of rods with different cross-sections, as well as the material selection of the part itself. For the same structure, a greater modulus of elasticity results in greater rigidity of the structure.

Hardness refers to the ability of materials to resist pressure from hard objects on the surface. Measuring hardness involves using indenters to press into the surface of parts and determining the hardness of materials based on the depth of indentation in the surface of parts.

Therefore, hardness represents the ability of a material to resist plastic deformation, and the higher the resistance limit of a material, the greater its hardness.

The hardness value is determined by the resistance to initial plastic deformation and the resistance to continuous plastic deformation. The greater the resistance of the material, the greater its resistance to plastic deformation and the higher its hardness value.

Relationship between modulus of elasticity and hardness

There is no relationship between modulus of elasticity and hardness.

Hardness measures a material's ability to resist plastic deformation, and the modulus of elasticity is the constant of the material itself.

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