Grau à prova de explosão: você conhece o padrão de classificação?

Explosion-proof grade: do you know the rating standard?

Why explosion proof?

Explosive Substances: Some flammable substances are produced at various production sites. Approximately two-thirds of underground coal mines contain explosive substances.

In the chemical industry, more than 80% of production facilities contain explosive substances.

Oxygen is present throughout the air. There are numerous electrical instruments used in the production process, which can serve as an ignition source. Electrical sparks caused by friction, mechanical wear, electrostatic discharge, high temperature, etc. are common and especially likely to occur when electrical instruments and equipment malfunction.

Many industrial facilities objectively meet the conditions for an explosion. When the mixture of explosive substances and oxygen is within the explosive limit, an explosion will occur if there is an ignition source. Therefore, it is crucial to implement explosion-proof measures.

Hazard classification of hazardous locations:

Explosive materials

Area definition

Chinese pattern

North American Standard


Places where explosive gas mixtures exist continuously or for a long period under normal conditions.

Zone 0

Division 1

Places where explosive gas mixtures may occur under normal conditions.

Zone 1

Locations where explosive gas mixtures are unlikely to occur under normal conditions, only occasionally or for a short period of time under abnormal conditions.

Zone 2

Division 2

Dust or fiber(CLASSII/III)

Under normal conditions, explosive dust or the mixture of combustible fiber and air may occur continuously, often for a short period of time, or exist for a long period of time.

Zone 10

Division 1

Under normal conditions, explosive dust or combustible fiber and air mixture cannot appear, but only under abnormal conditions, occasionally or for a short period of time.

Zone 11

Division 2

Applicability of explosion protection in hazardous locations:


Explosion-proof type


national standard

Explosion-proof measures

applicable scope


Flameproof type



Isolate existing ignition sources



greater security

It is


Try to avoid the ignition source



Intrinsically safe

I a


Limit ignition source energy


Intrinsically safe



Limit ignition source energy



Barotropic type



Hazardous substances must be separated from the source of ignition



Oil-filled type



Hazardous substances must be separated from the source of ignition



Sand filled mold



Hazardous substances must be separated from the source of ignition



Sparkless type



Try to avoid the ignition source






Try to avoid the ignition source



Airtight type



Try to avoid the ignition source

Zone1, Zone2

Classification of dangerous explosive gases

According to the minimum energy required to ignite an explosive gas, China, Europe and most countries around the world classify explosive gases into four danger levels based on the following table:

Working Condition Category

Gas classification

Representative gas

Minimum ignition spark energy

Factory under the mine


If it's damp


Factory outside the mine










The United States and Canada initially categorized airborne explosive objects into three categories:

Class I: Gases and vapors;

Class II: Dust;

Class III: Fibers.

Then, the gases and dust were divided into groups.

Group Representative gas or dust
A etino
B hydrogen
W ethylene
D propane
AND metallic dirt
F coal dust
G grain powder

Gas temperature group division:

Temperature groups Safe object surface temperature Common explosive gas
T1 ≤450℃ Hydrogen, acrylonitrile and 46 other types
T2 ≤300℃ Acetylene, ethylene and 47 other types
T3 ≤200℃ Gasoline, butenal and 36 other types.
T4 ≤135℃ Acetaldehyde, tetrafluoroethylene and other 6 types
T5 ≤100℃ carbon disulfide
T6 ≤85℃ Ethyl nitrate and ethyl nitrite

Explosion-proof instrument signs

Meaning of Ex(ia) Ⅱ C T6:

Signal content: Symbol Meaning
Explosion-proof declaration Ex Comply with certain explosion-proof standards, such as China's national standards
Explosion-proof mode I a Class I intrinsically safe explosion-proof method is adopted, which can be installed in Zone 0
Gas category: CII It is permitted to involve class IIC explosive gas
Temperature groups T6 The surface temperature of the instrument should not exceed 85 ℃

Meaning of Ex(ia)ⅡC:

Signal content: Symbol Meaning
Explosion-proof declaration Ex Comply with European explosion-proof standards
Explosion-proof mode I a Class I intrinsically safe explosion-proof method is adopted, which can be installed in Zone 0.
Gas category: CII It is permitted to involve class IIC explosive gas.

Note: This symbol does not include a temperature group, indicating that the instrument is not in direct contact with the explosive gas.

Explosion-proof terminology:

Safety barrier parameter definitions:

Maximum Allowable Safety Barrier Voltage: One This parameter ensures the intrinsic safety performance of the intrinsically safe end of the safety barrier and represents the maximum voltage that can be input to the non-intrinsically safe end.

Safety barrier maximum open circuit voltage: Uoc This parameter represents the maximum voltage when the intrinsically safe terminal is open within the maximum allowable voltage range.

Safety Barrier Maximum Short-Circuit Current: Isc This parameter represents the maximum current value when the intrinsically safe terminal is short-circuited within the maximum allowable voltage range.

Allowable distributed capacitance of the safety barrier: Ca This parameter represents the maximum allowable external capacitance of the intrinsically safe terminal, while ensuring intrinsic safety performance.

Allowable distributed inductance of the safety barrier: La This parameter represents the maximum allowable external inductance of the intrinsically safe terminal, while ensuring intrinsic safety performance.

Explosion-proof signal format description:

The explosive hazardous substances in the factory or mining area must be scientifically categorized and classified based on their ignition energy, minimum ignition temperature and duration of the presence of explosive hazardous gas in the location. This information is used to determine explosion-proof signs and explosion-proof equipment required on site.

Explosion-proof sign format:

Ex(ia)ⅡC T4

This format consists of explosion-proof mark, explosion-proof grade, gas group and temperature group.

Explosion-proof grade description:

Grade IA:

Electrical equipment that cannot ignite explosive gas mixtures during normal operation, even with one or two failures.

During normal operation, the safety factor is 2.0; in the event of a failure, the safety factor is 1.5; and in the case of two faults, the safety factor is 1.0.

Note: Any sparking contact must be equipped with an explosion-proof enclosure, airtight enclosure or double factor of safety.

Grade IB:

Electrical equipment incapable of igniting explosive gas mixtures, even in the event of a failure during normal operation.

The safety factor during normal operation is 2.0, and in the event of a failure, the safety factor is 1.5.

During normal operation, contact with sparks must be protected by a flameproof or airtight enclosure, and measures for self-diagnosis of faults must be implemented.

The safety factor in the event of a failure is 1.0.

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