Galvanoplastia de níquel vs. niquelagem química: uma comparação detalhada

Nickel Electroplating vs. chemical nickel plating: a detailed comparison

Chemical nickel plating, also known as electroless nickel plating, operates through its inherent catalytic action.

In contrast, electronic nickel plating relies on the discharge of external energy due to the potential difference between the substrates. The cost between the two methods is not significantly different.

Electronickel plating mainly serves as a protective decorative coating. It is widely used in automobiles, bicycles, watches, medical instruments, household hardware and other applications.

Nickel Electroplating vs. chemical nickel plating: a detailed comparison

This method employs electrochemistry to deposit a layer of nickel on the surface of black or non-ferrous metal components.

Although it can be used to coat surfaces, it is mainly used as a base for chrome plating, preventing corrosion, increasing wear resistance and improving aesthetics.

This technique is widely used in the manufacturing industry, including machinery, instrumentation, medical devices and household appliances.

The chemical nickel plating layer is extremely uniform. As long as the coating solution can permeate and the solute exchange is sufficient, the coating will be very consistent, almost achieving a shape-setting effect. Electronickel plating cannot fully coat complex shaped parts, but chemical plating can coat any shaped parts.

High phosphorus electroless nickel plating results in an amorphous layer without any intercrystalline gaps on the surface, while the electroplating layer is typically crystalline.

Because electroplating involves an external current, the galvanizing speed is much faster than chemical galvanizing.

Thus, for a layer of equivalent thickness, electroplating ends earlier than chemical galvanizing. The adhesion of the chemical coating layer is generally higher than that of the electroplating layer.

Chemical plating, which mainly uses food-grade additives and avoids harmful substances such as cyanide, is more environmentally friendly than electroplating.

Currently, the market only offers a single color for chemical coating, pure nickel-phosphorus alloy, while electroplating can achieve multiple colors.

Coating performance Nickel Electroplating Chemical Nickel Plating
Composition Containing more than 99% Nickel Average
Structure Crystalline Amorphous
Density Average 7.9 8.9
Coating uniformity To change ±10%
Fusion point
1455 ~890
Post-Coating Hardness (VHN) 150-400 500~600
Hardness after heat treatment (VHN) Immutable 900~1000
Wear resistance Good Great
Corrosion resistance Good (with porous coating) Excellent (the coating has practically no porosity).
Relative magnetization rate 36 4
7 60~100
Thermal conductivity
0.67 0.04~0.08
Linear Expansion Coefficient
13.5 14.0
Elastic Module
207 69
Elongation Rate Variation of 6.3% two%
Internal Stress
±69 ±69
Coefficient of Friction (Relative to Steel)
Under unlubricated conditions
Wear 0.38

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