Pneumatic technology has gained enormous importance in the field of workplace rationalization and automation, from ancient woodworks and coal mines to modern machine shops and space robots. Therefore, it is important that technicians and engineers have a good knowledge of pneumatic systems, pneumatic valves and accessories. The air is compressed in an air compressor and from the compressor plant the flow medium is transmitted to the pneumatic cylinder through a well-placed piping system. To maintain optimal efficiency of the pneumatic system, it is vitally important that the pressure drop between the generation and consumption of compressed air is kept very low.
The objective is to design and develop a control system based on an intelligent electronically controlled automotive brake system called “INTELLIGENT REVERSE BRAKING SYSTEM”. The sensor operated pneumatic brake consists of an IR transmitter and a receiver circuit, control unit and pneumatic interrupt system. The IR sensor is used to detect the obstacle. If there is any obstacle in the way, the IR sensor detects the obstacle and gives the control signal to the braking system. Pneumatic interrupt system is used to interrupt the system.
For automotive application
Industrial application
The IR TRANSMITTER circuit is used to transmit infrared rays. If there is any obstacle in the way, the infrared rays will be reflected. These reflected infrared rays are received by the receiver circuit is called “IR RECEIVER”.
The IR receiver circuit receives the reflected IR rays and provides the control signal to the control circuit. The control circuit is used to activate the solenoid valve. The working principle of the solenoid valve has already been explained in the above chapter.
- Brake cost will be lower.
- Free from wear adjustment.
- Less energy consumption
- Less qualified technicians are sufficient to operate.
- It gives a very simplified operation.
- Installation is very simplified.
- To avoid other burnable interactions, viz.… (diaphragm) is not used.
- Less time and more profit.
- Additional cost requires automation
- Free from wear adjusters