Controle de temperatura da poça de solda com robôs de soldagem Yaskawa: dicas de especialistas

Weld Puddle Temperature Control with Yaskawa Welding Robots: Expert Tips

Yaskawa welding robots, during their welding operations, have the pool temperature dependent on several factors.

The correct operation of these robots by technical personnel covers elements such as wire angle, welding time, wire diameter and welding process.

Therefore, if the pool temperature is excessive, technicians need to cool it, focusing on several aspects.

In the welding production process with Yaskawa robots, when the angle between the welding wire and the welding position is 90 degrees, the arc becomes concentrated, leading to a high pool temperature.

On the other hand, with a smaller angle, the arc disperses, resulting in a lower pool temperature.

For example, when welding the bottom layer of a 12mm flat weld, the wire angle should be controlled between 60-70 degrees to reduce the pool temperature, preventing the formation of weld scars or corrosion.

Furthermore, strict control of the system's arc burning time is crucial, as arc breaking frequency and arc burning time directly affect pool temperature.

Because the wall thickness is thin and the heat tolerance of the arc is limited, decreasing the arc breaking frequency to reduce the pool temperature may cause porosity.

Therefore, the arc burning time must be used to control the pool temperature, avoiding excessively high weld beads or the formation of scars inside the pipe.

Under conventional circumstances, Yaskawa welding robot technicians are required to choose the welding current and wire diameter based on the spatial position and layers of the welding seam.

A larger welding current and wire diameter are used at the beginning of welding, and smaller ones for vertical and horizontal positions.

Only in this way can the pool temperature be easily controlled, enabling the formation of the weld seam.

Based on previous experience, when Yaskawa welding robots use a circular motion path, the temperature of the pool diameter is higher than that of an increasing motion path, and the temperature of the increasing motion path is higher than that of an increasing motion path. than that of an irregular movement path.

Therefore, it is advisable to use an irregular movement path as much as possible, along with the oscillation amplitude and pauses on both sides of the groove, effectively controlling the pool temperature.

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